< User:Cedric


Leaders get 1d4 for every LVL that is capable of overriding any rolls of their opponents, cancelling it out. This does not affect their fael members. They can do this as many times as they want if their RANK is greater than their opponent`s (the opponent must be in relationship, visually or otherwise, not necessarily in range with the player). Eventually, however, this will start aggravating the other, and they will enter a CON Battle.

As the leader gets higher levels, the number of dice may get unwieldy, so you can roll one per session to see the "mood" for the day. A leader could single out special die (metal, sparkly, whatever) as special and get some guidance from the dice.


Ordinate/Subordinate trait: CON/CHR

Tier Path: Instigator -> Achiever -> Leader -> ||Emporer -> Chancellor


  • Inner: Proxy Attack (fael members get your DAM modifier and attack for you or HIT bonus, if female)
  • Outer: Intimidation: can override the initiative of lesser beings
  • Offense: Insight of approximately LVL paragraphs ahead in campaign book.
  • Defense: Proportional to RANK, gets higher HP_REGEN and confers excess to all fael members.

Boon to a party:

  • Gives +/-DAM and +/-HIT bonus to all fael members
  • Gets bonus of initiative but also any after-effects that may cause
  • Political acumen: assessing the dynamics affecting the region. (dependent on rank)
  • Can save party unnecessary and expensive diversions through [insight]ability

XP gained by: Total XP gained by an event from fael members. territorial assessments (1ft2 x WORLDAGE (figure out: how many currency pieces of value/sq.ft. if First Age=coppers, Second Age=silvers, Third Age=gold, Fourth Age=Platinums, Fifth Age=electrums, Sixth Age=kybers, Seventh Age=diamonds)
Mana goes to: CHaRrisma or DAM modifier (mutually exclusive and must choose, at level change OR when not in battle it goes to CHR and allocate between the two if both are active)
Dice Mechanics: Can roll dice to counter an NPCs dice when they take the initiative against the leader (otherwise, a leader should anticipate moves against your party members and be prepared). If leader`s dice are higher, then the opponent’s act is cancelled, if not the opponent gets a “critical” (an additional roll, if they have spare mana). If you rank is higher, this doesn't' consume an action slot. If their`s is higher, then they can get the critical. Leaders need to learn when to use their power by mastering choice in battle. Roll LVLd4 dice (or (100-rank)d8?). This result may be augmented by the trust value of your god/ddess. Also, one or more of these may be lost if you have a blood fued or hex on you.
Lore: Leaders began as soon as someone without power needed it, or they themselves were in need. So this class is about power in the world, not in battle, like a fighter.
Group mechanics: Fael members get leader’s DAM dice and HIT dice (on top of whatever the player's have). Can hand out your unit of currency which allow others to change up to the level of coin you handed them. You can hand only one of these per year (accumulates if you don't hand one out, but only one of each kind can ever be given). Leaders at tier 1 can hand out cp (useless), tier 2, silvers, allowing people to convert any number of coppers into 1/10th the silvers, tier 3, golds, etc. This implies they must be at epic level to hand out an electrum coin and convert lowers coins to the higher. The coin has the player’s face on it. Unless a mage allows all coins of a single type to count as once (automatically counting and turning them all in one round), the player must touch each group of coins (10 if one unit lower, 100 if two units lower, etc) of lower denomination. These can be groups more or less magically.
Real-world interactions: CON Battles
Moral Code: People need to take responsibility and lead, otherwise nothing becomes great and the world becomes meaningless. Leader and magistrate flags should represnet their city or school colors for regional game play.
Demi-god/dess modifiers: demi-gods: Adds number of dice to their LVL related to # of gods which favor you. Demi-goddesses: subtracts number of dice.

CON determines +DAM, CHR determines what %age of people follow you.

Want to build empires or lead a party? Perhaps build an army to takeover a city-state nearby? Like to fight battles without getting blood on yourself? This is the class to do that. Read on for some of the traits of this class that will make your friends green with envy that they chose to be mere grunt (wizard, fighter, cleric, whatever! --they're all grunts compared to a real leader).

III This class teaches players how to weigh advantages and disadvantages of political decisions. You will have to decide to either sacrifice territory to save rank or lose rank so save your territories -- because others will be fighting for these good values. Leaders get LEVELed by If the level of your leader class is lower than another in your multiclassed PC, you lose your leader benefit for body-mana-storage, unless your ranking remains unchallenged.

Leaders are the only class that can hold multi-classed PCs without a flaw. Once this is done, the amount of mana in each of the HP also increases for any conversions that are done in battle or elsewhere. It effectively creates super-powered muscles (ATP). Fighters have to stay in shape for this benefit. The amount of mana per HP is related to the sum total of all the levels of your classes stacked under you (except your leader level) times ten (minus a "conversion tax" related to your CON score: ((20-CON)*5)% of your total). So if you have four subclasses, a level 15 fighter, level 10 wizard, level 5 cleric, and a level 4 rogue, then that is 15 + 10 +5 +4 = 34 ((*10) =)= 340 mana per HP. The leader level must greater or equal to the highest subclass for this benefit. If not, you must subtract the different of the classes which are higher (or "normalize" them to your leader's level). This is all a type of preparation for deity-level play

Empire-builder Leaders build empires because their eXPerience is measured by the value of their empire (approx. 1000 silver per sq mile undeveloped, but perhaps 1000 electrum per sq mile of developed land). The assessment of value happens at level boundaries by other parties that are in other territories or your own party by secret ballot (the players estimate the value and a (possibly-weighted) average is taken). Leaders can get crowned, which lets everyone know who's the boss, but also gives them sweet hints on where to go in a campaign or to find what they might need for their realm.

Leaders can stake a claim on a territory and get to name it. Once named, the name stays, regardless if they lose the territory later (unless a dissenting vote argues for a better name: "Silverylake" is a better name for a town next to a body of water compared to "Yippy" -- the last leader's name or some newbie's idea of a fun name).

The number of points on their crown is equal to their renown points. One renown point = 1 point on their crown. These points give you better trust from the gods, adding positive value to insight rolls, related to the goals of the gods. Those without renown yet, can have a band on the forehead until renown is gained.

Leaders get a secondary store of mana through an increase of their CHR stat by the esteem of their constituents, depending on whether the esteem is positive (for) or negative (against). This mana increases the range on which insight rolls give knowledge when wearing your crown. In other words, CHR is modified or even calculated by such esteem if the DM so desires to play it this way.

If a constituent`s level is higher than you, you can +1CHR. The first such member grants +1 if their level is within 5 levels of you. The next +1CHR is granted if they between 5-10 levels of you or have 2 additional constituents at the 5 or under level. The next, if 10-15 levels (or 2 such additional constituents at the prior level), and so forth -- possibly getting 20 CHR.

Each additional point of charasima is worth about 1000*(LEVEL_THEM-LEVEL_YOU)2 mana if they're higher than you or 100*#_POS_CONSTITUENTS if they are lower than you. that you can keep for your charisma(If it's a god's esteem then the base is not 10, but 20?) level_them_. IF your charasma goes above 20, then this is simply mana held in reserve. LEVEL + * ppl that have complete + or -10 mana points per person, depending on pos or neg valence, respectively. If they have 1000 people, that's 10,000 mana points they can put towards giving the mage for building a bridge across a chasm or adding CHR (1000pts per +1CHR). This mana becomes banked

Every PC and NPC has a rank. There are two ranking systems, such that those below the sea have their own competition (from fish to octopii) and those above the sea have their own. They must have eyes to be part of the rank. Ancient dragons all have a rank of 1. Giants have a rank within themselves but belong to whole ‘nother level. Dragons and giants are incompatible in a way because each fight for the same rank slot. At any given time only a giant or a dragon can have rank #1, but they don’t like to compete for all of the damage it causes to the realms, so they each generally fall back to where they were, assuming amogst themselves the rank they believe that they are — whatever the case it is far higher than most mortals. Among all of the characters, an epic LEVEL 100 player might achieve a rank of 1. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ve defeated

As you level up, your rank can be re-adjusted vis. other NPCs, though not other players. DMs may have to coordingate what rank they consider their player with another DMs. Whenever two characters share the same rank, their is contention. The universe will attempt to resovle this contradiction—either by killing one or the other (a haphazzard solution) or though bringing them together for resolution,

Leaders are inclindes to believe in others with high CHR scores. They may not have the time nor political acumen to suss out other characters and rely more on this than others.

Leaders of Armies Leaders lead armies. Okay, maybe, it's just your party, but every player or NPC who gives you their fealty (i.e. their loyalty and fights on your behalf) gets your DAMage modifiers, by making an oath. That's cool, right? So build up a solid character, so people want to fight to build an empire with you. "For Asgaard!”.

DAM modifiers come from leader’s relationship to the gods who add their STR modifier as a DAM modifier and also the number of classes (+1-8).

Leaders get an epic boon of HP REGENeration if they are ranked highly among others in the land and themselves. That means they get all of their lost HP each round if they're ranked #1 ( “there can be only one”). If they don't need this, it regenerates the HP of their fael members equal to the HP not needed and distributed as the leader wishes (must be in view to get more than the average/fael member). Ranking is determined by CON battles -- (mostly) non-violent confrontations that determine who's superior. But also can happen with NPCs. It's just like dogs in a park -- you have to decide ranking between members sometimes without regard for size or level. With their regeneration, they will get hungry a lot faster, depending on how much HP they had to regenerate. XXXLeaders ranked #1 get a CON score of 20. If there are 20 leaders, then the next leader gets 19CON. If 40 leaders in the game, then 19.5CON at rank #2 at half of all HP are regenerated. The 40th leader would get 0.5CON and 1/40th of the HP each round (in addition to regular regeneration).

NPCs that are leaders also have a rank, but since you can’t do a CON battle with them, you have to depose or otherwise dispose of them.

Most every player is under a leader in some way and they get a factor of their regen bonus, depending on the amount of respect to the leader.  !00% respect gives 100% regeneration each round under rank #1. (Feal members???) This gives greater competition for leaders to create epic cities.

Fael members get a little CHR rub-off on them too, depending on how many renown points the leader has. +CHR=(renown_points2/log2(#of fael members))

The higher the rank, the more resistance to different acts of magic as well. These start at rank 100 to give some temptation to aspiring leaders.

Creating a Leader CONstitution is the primary stat for this class, however STR gives others confidence to follow you. But, then, INT eventually becomes the dominant determiner of success. CHR, of course, can offer quick and easy gains, but will it protect you from the more cunning and ruthless leaders in the realm? PTY can give you favor with the gods so that your crown gives you reliable guidance.

Quick Build[edit] Special Class Mechanics This class can gain XP and temporary HP CON Battles. Because fighters fight, while leaders lead. CON battles are player-player interactions that develop the player's repartee and authority. Game starts as soon as the DM says, , otherwise each loses mana at the rate of 100pts/5sec of staredown. If either party doesn't report with some predicate or insult, they each lose 1HP. If a predicate is offered, the other player must counter it within 5sec. If the other player just utters a word without a proper counter, the debate continues until the end of that same 5sec round. If none if offered by the end, the player loses a 5HP. If an insult if offered, it must be countered by a better or equal one. If equal, the round ends in a draw and the battle continues until one level is forfeited or an item is offered that is good enough for trade. In other words, the battle isn't over until there's a clear victor or a clear loser. There can be only ONE. If the party counters the insult by the end of the round (((the start of the utterance is the limit for deciding if the utterance is accepted for the round -- the length of the utterance doesn't matter as long as this rule is not abused and gamed gratuitiously)))), the insult is tagged onto the player otherwise the other player's insult is tagged to the player. This can end a leaders interaction with other non-leader classes. But if a leader and leaders are in battle, they must continue until one loses a level (or forfeits an acceptible possesion). This is what is required to determine rank.

CON battles are separate from Mana strikes by the fact that the former is governed by body-mechanics, while the latter strictly be the mind's acumen. For example, in a CON battle you might have love bites where one player attacks another doing only minimal damage, but in a mana strike the player wins by flinching you (getting you to react when no harm at all was going to happen). CON battles happen between players at the table, while mana strikes happen in the game world. Leaders ranked #1 get all of their HP back per round -- if it didn't bring them to 0HP. 2nd, 3rd, and nth ranked leaders get 1/2, 1/3, 1/n*(100%) of their HP back per round.

CON battles begin when one leader is in another leader's territory and does not feign to the other upon sight of the other. Otherwise they can begin when one leader wishes to challenge another player. If a leader starts a battle and does not end it non-violently, then the leader gains no XP for the event (and may lose any HP gained depending on the ruling of the DM).

A leader can jump from level 5 to level 10 by winning a battle with a level 12 leader for example. When one player wins against another, they get their XP. For a larger player, this isn't much of a win, so if the other player started the engagement and loses, they must forfeit something in exchange or have a karmic tie that creates ongoing debt until it is paid off with the leader who won.

If leader has directed their mana to CHaRisma, they can avoid CON battles, but lose on getting rank.

Example dialog between two leaders:

  • dfjfj
  • L2: 4 seconds pass (6 secs is the limit?) Your city doesn't even have an apothecary! Where is one supposed to get ailments?
  • L1: Why you fool! The apothecary is on the other side of the tavern. Did you not bother to look? (???mana strike?)
  • L2: stymied, for his anger is rising, but can neither attempt to strike back w/o breaking the rules nor respond with a better criticism.
  • L1: Hmmm? *I* win. (Bows).

The total amounts to 10HP gained to L1 for the successful bites, nothing for the other player. Now, the use of the crown hasn't been addressed, so the battle could still go on, should the L1 choose.

  • L1: Give me your crown.
  • L2: I will not give you my crown! It was a simple mistake!
  • L1: Fine. I will grant you passage this time. <said with biting emotion>

L1 has silently labeled L2 a "fool". This is called a mana strike, no other points are awarded. The confrontation ends, until the player notices that his luck has gone down.

Example dialog between a leader from Waterdeep and another PC:

  • L1: You there. Who are you? (technically this marks the beginning of the CON battle, because it begins a CONfrontation.)
  • P2(1tick): I am Portend, a squire of Neverwinter.
  • L1(1 tick): And what is your business here in Waterdeep? (for they might be carting valuables or harassing commoners)
  • P2(2 ticks): (lying) I am just passing through to find my future wife in Silverymoon.
  • L1(1 tick): <not noticing the slight pause> You mean you have no business here?
  • P2(4 ticks): <who didn't expect the leader of Waterdeep to show up> *gulps* Well I... (6ticks)
  • L1: <noticing the nervousness of P2> Time elapsed: "Strike" (spoken aloud to make it clear that the altercation has switched control). +5HP
  • P2<0 ticks): <strikes> <L1 attempts a block but fails.> -5HP
  • L1<1 tick): <strikes P2 back> +5
  • P2<0.5ticks): <strikes again> -5
  • L1<0.25ticks): <strikes again> +5 <the strikes are getting quicker and harder to control
  • P2: <stopping the escalation> I hate you. <notice no insult action -- the player couldn't think of an adequate one for that play>
  • L1: Ah, so the true nature of your visit is revealed.... <secreted "thief" label> And what were hoping to gain here in my great town of Winterdeep?
  • P2: I... I... I wanted to gain a few sheckles for my pouch.
  • L1: <noticing the lack of confidence> <strikes>
  • P2: Well, %#!%@, what do you expect me to say?

At this point, since P2 is not a leader, they do not get penalized for not having a good in-game come-back. P2 could have struck back since he was sorta telling the truth, but whined and grovelled instead, ending with a question. Instead, L1 now can take a "lein" on this player and ask P2 for a favor.

  • L1: Please hand me 100 gp for your attempt at misdirection.
  • P2: I will not!
  • L1: <strikes> +10
  • P2: Fine. Here's 50gp. Will that do?
  • L1: <strikes> No. +15
  • P2: Since when did it get so difficult just to pass through town?
  • L1: I have not seen yet whether you were just passing through or were merely offering a ruse. In any event, the other 50 is my fee for having to watch you out of town, or shall we duel instead? <in truth, L1 doesn't want to take the time and the 100gp is risk insurance in case the lad tries to stir up trouble.>
  • P2: <throws another 50gp at L1> There.
  • L1: There INDEED.

Battle finished.

  • L1: I take it, then, that our business here is over?
  • L1: For now.... <bows> thinks to himself "*sshole", but since labels must be G rated, the DM decides to use the term "turd burgler".

15HP to L1, 15HP to L2. The battle is even. But 5 hp are awarded to L1 for taking the initiative as leader. Further, L1 gets to label P2 with an insult action. P2: Bows to L1 passing by L1: Hello! P2: Nice weather we're having! L1: What? P2: Particularly nice weather, yes? L1: Oh yes, of course <misses a beat> 1HP Insight ability, depends on their level (greater range of insight), their mana (greater precision of insights), and their relationship to any gods (giving utility of insights), perhaps also any karmic entanglements (giving accuracy of insights). The DM gets to decide a lot of these factors, so better be in good standing. But it can save you lots of time or prevent lots of meaningless play (because you didn't have that PERFECT sword made by the gods just for you, right, Arthur?.) The DM is probably more read in fantasy literature and has a bit more sophistication in imagining a game universe, so this is where they can be as the gods as co-create the cities and landscape as they wish.

—— The leader is defined by the CON stat and engages other leaders not in bloody battles typically (because they don't gain XP -- it goes to their members), but by CON battles. These "battles" determine a leaders ranking. Ranking is their primary goal, and they effectively get XP not by XP rewarded from killing but from gaining a higher rank than they previously had. The top-ranked leader regains (1/rank+1) all of their HP per round -- a highly sought-after prize. They develop flags to mark territory which is how they are evaluated for (XP and??XX) levels -- the more valuable the city, for example, the greater thier level. If they do decide to wage battle, they don't gain XP on their leader class for any HP taken by violence, but instead inherit it from their fael members who get DAM modifiers of the leaders when they give their loyalty (in addition to any existing DAM). If they can wear a crown that displays their class's association, then it confers a unique ability: User:Cedric/insight. Further, true to their name, they only earn XP (XP beyond the amount given in the campaign books or monster manual) by taking the "first strike" on any opponent (HP^2 -- up to quarter of the opponent`s HP, then simply + or add the HP. If they hurt the opponent more than half, it is subtracted from the player, HP^2 subtracted as a penalty of doing harm).

Leaders must claim territory that they believe they can defend -- not with muscle alone, but with the CON battles. Leader's can amass armies to intimidate other leaders into compliance (in hopes of keeping other leaders away and deciding not to enter a CON battle). For aryan leaders, they level not on the value of territory, but on the sum total of XP of those under them. This total is used to calculate their present LEVEL. They can name their territories (which might conflict with existing keepers). They also have the privelege of naming cities if they found them. And they get to name lakes or other large bodies of water, regardless of whether they found them or not.

XXXINCORPORATE: If a LVL 1 leader beats a LVL 20 leader, they gain the User:Cedric/rank of the losing (if higher) or the XP equivalent to gaining their last level from the other player (if less). Then, they negotiate: The loser must forfeit some territory, perhaps a city, enough to lose a level, so the equivalent XP can go to the winner. (The winner can choose what rank, they place the loser at between their own, former, rank, and their new one (the loser's OLD one). In any event, they must claim some territory approximably equal to the LVL table below to hold it, otherwise someone might come up and snatch it straight away (that they've done nothing to justify or earn their claim).

Leaders, when meeting each other, can get a "sniff test" whereby they can learn each others rank. It takes one action and there's a DCLVL(?) chance that the other may see this. This data is private and given to the leader up. If the one being sniffed isn't a leader (has no rank), then the result is "indecisive".

XXX rewrite: Leaders must take automatic initiative. That means they make the first move and any fael members follow their lead. The Leader gets the all the XP for any battles initiated and can decide how much to dole out to their loyalists (in this way leaders get challenged on the balance of self-gain vs group interests and fairness). If side battles ensued unrelated to the leader's presence, then DM's discrimination. XXX A CON battle ensues if any crown-wearing other try to sneak by as a leader. The leader can take the crown in this case and negotiate any further punishment upon winning.

A great trait of leaders, since they night not gain much XP by killing or violence (since much of the work might be from fael members), is HP regeneration, determined by ranking. The highest ranked leader gets 100% of their lost HP back each round (if it didn't result in death). This is across the whole realm, including NPCs with a rank. The equation is 1/(rank).

Since it's impossible to determine how many leaders there are across a game, you could start at half of the number of cities in the realm. Leaders can be given a large swatch of territory that is said to be theirs, but they must keep all NPCs within their kin the same alignment, get automatic "notice" when a PC (or high-level NPC) steps into their territory that is opposite their alignment or faction. To keep this claim, they must visit every major geo-marker and be with them (plant a flag, make an ally with an influencer, destroy everything that isn't their interest, etc).

Leaders get the FAB -- they get the best of everything in the kingdom -- garments, jewelry, armors, sceptres(?), you name it. The DM can assess the value the player has created at confer the XP or you can level the player based on the table below for property values. Guilds, for example, might be worth 20000XP, a tavern 5000XP, a well by a mage, 10000XP, or a well by a druid to include the underlayers 50000XP, etc. Leader classes can also level by winning CON battles (stealing them from other players).

Leaders, if given a coronation are the XXXonlyXXX class that gets to leave their province and explore other territories while keeping their kingdom. They may have to set up means to receive communications via envoys, or other means, in order to keep their kingdom completely safe. Leaders get to stake a claim on a territory and name it on the map.

Leaders are one of the only classes that get to do player-kills -- in the event that another player has stolen their crown.

Leaders maintain their relative rank (arrives at through a CON battle) as long as the leader who lost stays submissive to the leaders they've CON'd and won. Otherwise another CON battle must be done to see if their ranking is improved or the orginal remains. If the DM keeps track of rank across leaders (positioning each win), then the #1 slot gets 100xLVL initiative advantage in XP (if the strike is on a creature with their XP or above).

XXXConsider: position = rank + level. Position might be better to determine initiative bonus, rather than level alone. In any case the target must be of equal or more XP. (how to do this without revealing the NPC?)

Leaders get initiative advantage -- a bonus for every first-strike on an NPC amounting to 10xLVL of XP -- regardless of whether the strike results in a kill. Two or more leaders in a party must do a CON battle to see who will get initiative advantage for the day (session?). These CON battles determine their rank. Rank is a their leader score relative to one another. There is no absolute rank until a DM collates all leaders and sorts them. To settle rank among disparate groups requires, of course, a CON battle between the alpha's and all other connected (by prior battles) sub-groups.

Initiative advantage only occurs if the target has at least 0.5*(your XP). No points for striking a 90% dead halfling when you're at full health. Also no forfeiting a CON battle just to avoid a confrontation with an intimidating adversary unless you forfeit a level and its XP. If other groups (that aren't leaders) you can get mana strikes a which turn into temporary HP for this class. You get as much as their full round's mana score, turned into 1HP/100XP (generally?), where they'll have to sit down or run away to avoid being completely vulnerable.

Classic feature of the leader is their ability to gather the rowdy bunch and lead. They may not be the best fighter, or look best in armor, but they have a vision of what to do and can lead a party or build a city to accomplish it. Those who give their fealty to the leader get the leader's DAM modifiers (even -DAM -- followers must learn to disavow leaders who aren't virtuous). They also are unique in that they can steal XP from other players (perhaps NPCs also) by getting them to lose face. They level by the value of the land that is under their control. Leaders plant flags, showing their affiliation, and declare their region for others to join in their purposes, or they capture another's flag and plant their own in the quest for power and property.

Leaders can gain extra HP through following through on tasks. Tasks must be commensurate with LVL. For each tasks completed that had a successful result, gets +1 to HP. This extra HP confers extra +DAM spread equally among faels (8HP for 4 faels = +2 DAM for each).

Leaders can develop the value of their claims by adding territory or developing existing ones. Perhaps they will add houses, for example, or build a castle on a piece of territory, hire a herbalist to create a forest, or maybe stake their claim to the entrance to some cave system. The value of the territories is evaluated by a combination of market price and whatever the DM says. If another gaming group comes in and makes a claim on it, that (former) DM will have to justify their price. If they can't, it goes to the new owner (the latter).

Leaders can acquire the ability of insight by special qualities of the crowns (or jeweled rings) they wear (conferred by the DMs use of the campaign book). This allows them to save themselves from wandering aimlessly around the realms. They get approximately 50miles*LVL of insight ability (see insight). As a DM you must try to keep in mind the history of the realms to do it well (geological, political, and geographical). If a leader joins an adventuring party, s/he must take the initiative for each battle. Either planning in advance a strategy, or hitting first. This is to encourage leaders to actually learn to lead or to learn the disadvantage of unplanned offenses.

Leaders confer DAM modifier for attacks rolls from within their party (those who give their fealty, otherwise to all members if they also have a Cleric with them). The actual amount is equal to the amount of the leader themselves. XXXredundant

Perhaps they will restore the spell-forge in Phandelver Mine, or perhaps they will gather a group of warriors in the village who can go fight the dragon, for they level by taking risks and accomplishing milestones. This is in contrast to the magistrate class who builds laws for order. Lords/Countesses create flags, leaders have insignia -- symbols often engraved into rings that they wear (+DAM). Fellow leaders, rather than fighting, engage in CON battles (see below). As they rise towards epicness, their insignia becomes an emblem of trust and respect, stamped upon their documents that they might pass around in the realm to communicate their provenance.

Leaders get to pass through their territories without obligation of greeting. In fact, if anyone from outside their territory starts talking with them, you essentially enter a CON battle. Some little warrior wants to get in your face about something, they start losing mana - up to the point they decide to strike you. Leaders must exist in hierarchy. If one leader even looks at another leader while amidst the pablum (OR they are the same level), it becomes a CON battle and you are obligated to exchange words.

XXX STUB Leaders have CON, they can weather blows to their ego. But they need INT in order for it to mean something, and CHR to gather people together. DEX helps them manage the chaos of the masses. .

Two leaders in negotiation are in a CON battle. This is the primary method of engagement among leader classes after Underling or Hero levels or so.

Leaders can apply excess HP (over their norm) uniquely to steel forging benefits, giving +DAM modifiers proportional to HP sacrificed. When the amount of HP is twice as great as their norm, it becomes a type of psionic power. Generally, this is turned into CHaRisma (which turns into permanent luck if CHR gets to 20), because the high-mages will come down and slap the person down for upsetting the power of the universe if it's turned into magic. If they have luck and lose face in a CON battle, they lose their luck until they regain it.

Such temporary gains in HP from a CON battle can be transformed into valuable power. A leader might forge a special sword with that temporary HP (if he or she hold on to it), imbuing it into the sword, giving an equivalent and permanent number of HIT or DAM to the weapon. Or, if magical, s/he could develop a spell, whose level is equal to the leader`s magic level plus the gain taken from their HP, making the spell a higher-level power than the actual player. XXX

Instead of their own guilds, leaders have fans or devotees (adding to their mana?? convertable to equivalent coinage per 10-day?). They lead by example. They can encourage the formation of other`s guilds and temples for their cities or villages, inviting high-level mages, craftslans, or clerics and such to provide the qualities necessary to engage and develop citizens.

Leaders gain extra mana by the number of citizens who look upon them favorably -- 100 mana per 100 people. Leaders turn mana into initiative and use it to get things done. They lose mana in the same manner for those who look unfavorably upon them. That increase above the norm can be inculcated into their signet ring. If their HP+Mana ever drops to 0 in an actual battle, their ring will crack. If their mana is low because of lack of favor, they lose time-slots. If this goes to 1, they are essentially controlled by external forces.

Increased mana in a leader can translate into increase fab, since the DM probably isn't developing clothing for leaders of state.

Leaders have the ability of insight which allows them to get hints from the DM of what direction good bounty or solutions can be had. They do not get XP by kills, like fighters, and in fact lose some of the ability for insight that a crown grants if they kill by their own hand. Owing to the fact that they are people-persons, they are probably hearing what's going about the land-at-large, hence their natural insight. The greater their level and experiences, the greater their insight. XXXRather than gain skills as they level like other classes, they can be gifted with spells, armor, and teachings from the warriors that pass through their townships.

Leaders, like Lords, can hold property. Lords set the rules for property, and leaders generally are given property -- to encourage individuals to develop the reputation for the city, for example. They can create secure houses (or "banks") for keeping the goods of villagers and the treasures found by adventurers, asking for a daily fee. You'll have to figure out how to keep these things secure from bandits and chaotic players. Lords make laws, leaders execute them. Leaders get a income roughly equal to 5%(?) of revenue increases for their salary automatically + a fixed currency amount decided by the city magistrate. They can spend that on fine goods made in the city or curate a fab pad at their mansion. XXX They gain XP through the amount of increase of treasure in their city coffers per annum, something akin to sales tax. They'll also want to build bridges over chasms and throughways over mountain passes so that people can get to their town and trade can increase,connecting economic centers and/or grain and livestock producers, etc., taking higher-level risks than their last. They'll also want to work with the printers guild to make the city do interesting things. They may also try giving gifts to the DM (this must be done in the presence of other players) to gain some favor. Example for the former: Make it all the way through Mirkwood Forest and back to the village, OR Put up (fund) 2000gp towards building a clocktower for the city. They have to figure out the logistics and gather the party that can meet their goal(s). They can lose levels, however, if they fail and revenue goes down for the city -- perhaps they didn't factor in the dragon that might reign fire over the city as a greater priority. Gifts to the DM (or GM can be pizza for game-night, a naturally-cut crystal, a set of rare runes. Such gifts might grant the giver another level by the trading of some territories, but each time, the gift is expected to be greater than the last.

They may or may not have gods, but if they do, they might get informed of the direction for special items through godrolls, like magical items vs. non-magical, for example. Leaders get fab by the power of other characters who are alongside with them.

Leaders and Magistrates can work together well. The Magistrate can design the city, while the leader can entice people to live there. Magistrates can tax them, and leaders can guide them to make more value, by enrolling them in guilds where they can learn faster. Leaders who get involved in killing positive-aligned characters rather than finding more creative options, get adverse alignment (-XP) and their luck goes into the negative. Better to find a magistrate who can write a law. Since they're not killing they get to collect revenue through taxation, if they wish.

Leaders level by territory size and value. That value can be assessed by the DM or a neutral third party. Each tile (1 Mile) of open grassland has an asset value of about 100gp, if forest 5000gp, if crossed by a canal or waterway, 500-1000gp, mountain range 5000-50000 depending on if minerals are within, if a city it could be 5000ep, each person counts to about 500gp/year. There are great cities that have been imagined whose each tile is worth 5000ep!: 1. 100gp of value, 2. +100 = 200gp of value, 3. +200 = 400gp "" "" 4. +300 = 700gp 5. +400 = 1100gp, 6. +500 = 1600gp, 7. +600 = 2200gp 8. +700 = 2900gp, 9. +800 = 3700gp 10. +900 = 4600gp 11. +1000 = 5600gp, 12. +1100 = 6700gp etc. ++100 ever forward Subterranean territory is not counted if part of another campaign setting and held by it. You have to claim the territory as your own. Claim and tame -- just try doing within the Underdark and the whole things yours (~10,000 sq miles).

A territory claim is normally denoted by a flag, whether pre-existing city or a build-your-own. You'll want to partner with the magistrate class to write laws, craftslans to build structures, herbalist to create apothecarys, and knights and other adventurers to guard the boundaries. (Knights are leader classes underneath another leader, unless they separate from them and stake a claim by winning a CON battle.) A knight can quickly become a highly-rankied leader simply by having enough patriots to claim a pre-existing kingdom, or more noblely, convincing enough PCs to build a city.

Assessors should consider the total rate of value and not only asset-value. Rate is determined by how many people are generating value (through crafts, mining, etc.). If Rate is low, the value of the development is greatly reduced.

If a leader is trying to claim more value than s/he can handle, defend, or justify, enter the dragons (or other adventurers wanting to test the leaders mettle). Of course, other leaders might want your highly-developed territory as well. If they take your crown, the territory is considered theirs.

Epic level leaders might have a round that moves once per week where they check on their territory as other move around in it. They hold domains like gods (see User:Cedric/Deities and Demigods. Their rank still gives them HP recovery per round as indicated but their rounds are now longer than others.

—— DM notes:

  • Leaders don't get XP from wielded weapons unless they're dual classed with a fighter (or possibly thief). However, killing by their own hand detracts from the insight gained by wearing a crown. Approximately divide by half the insight.
  • The power equation on this class works like this: (CON/10)^exp dictates the # of people that are part of your army, receiving +DAM on attacks from the player (as a demi-god modifier, or demi-goddess modifier if female affecting not DAM but the effective LVL at which their fael members strike).
  • The trick to winning con battles is perceptivity. The player must have calm enough to watch carefully the other player and learn when they're about to make a move. INT is also important as the player must strategize by analyzing the other player, so they can knock them off balance -- their own sense of (PC) self.
  • Populations must have fields for farming. Figure 1mi hex provides for 100 people (?).
  • One might rthink of a scenario where only a few people are left standing in the whole realm, then rank could be 1/(2rank) back each round to rescatter the power.
  • Special equipment: Ring of House
  • Special Quality: Rank (allowing up to 100% of lost HP to regained each round)
  • There is a limit to how much a leaders gets resistance bonusii by rank and LVL. At no point do they get resistance to petrify unless gained by magic.
  • At rank 100 can get one die throw of basic magical resistance offering half damage for each round of magical attack. At rank 50 and LVL>10, two dice throws for a 3/4 chance at 1/2 damage. Consider somethign like: LVL+(100-rank). These can be subject to counter-throws and negated. If a leader wishes to lose their action slot, they can counter-throw against this as well.
  • Leader’s insight comes from the magistrates (or others in the realm underneath them who trust them) underneath them: they see an extra part of the world through their eyes. So, consider this when trying to figure out whether a leader will know something or where an item is.
  • The leaders d4 rolls are multiplied by their gods trust score. It is your sacred duty, as DM, not to reveal this value(?) . You simply tell the leader whether their roll countered the NPC or not (narrating, if you wish, how the NPC`s move turned into a non-move). If this work of the dice is too much, you can have the leader roll their dice at the beginning of the session and this is their luck for the day.
  • The leader`s demi-god advantage gets insignificant as they level up -- exactly as you'd expect for a leader, giving early play advantages, but not much later.
  • If the d4s get too unwieldy, the player can substitute 2d4 for a 1d8, for example. Or, can substitute them for any EVEN number of even-sided dice, d24s, d16s, etc, without penalty, to the equivalent maximum. If they use d20s, they incur a -2.5 penalty for using an odd number of even-sided dice.
  • For Insight, you (as DM) can look up to #LVL paragraphs ahead and give them a hint. For example, if they're LVL 1 and they get an insight on the godroll and the campaign says there are NPCs behind the door, you can say something like "Your gut tells you to plan for an attack before opening the door." or if they aren't quite wise or highly ranked "Your gut says that there's something behind the door.". Their INT should be the stat for detailing any equipment items. CHR for children data, CON for finding the strength of what lies ahead, STR for (roughly) how much interest they'll have in the text you read. DEX for how much intuition they get from things (and a precursor to all of the other conclusions above).
  • HP_REGEN that isn't used is scattered to fael members proportional to their LVL. 1 LVL10 fael member and 2 LVL5 members, get 1/2, 1/4, 1/4 of HP excess, respectively.
  • If DMs and players are just starting out without RANK, they can start at RANK 5.

AL Notes:

  • You can act as meta? calculating values for leader's city score cards, tabulating affects from other groups to calculate an alignment vector for their domain, that the DM can use to determine the feels for a city/domain.

—- WotC notes:

  • the player who isn't looking into the eyes of the other automatically lose 1HP (ultimately affecting perceptivity).


Leaders can get ranked in four different areas:

  • Economics and Skill (how to do things)
  • Education and History (how we got here)
  • Government and Statecraft (including combat)
  • Religion and Arcana (culture and use of symbol)

Leaders can conquer without going through complex, long-drawn-out, battle mechanics simply by measure of their LVL, ranking, and faelty numbers. Lieutenants (User:Cedric/neo-warriors) can help you tabulate territorial revenues.

This class can actually go down in LVL through territorial takeover, hence the importance of establishing rank and maintaining it. Leaders, afterall, establish their positions by leading not by resting on their laurels or past accomplishments, like warriors and the like.

        |  Economics | Education | Government | Religion | Leadership
position:      1          10          17           20         4

Each position ranges in value from 1 to 20, with 1 being the best in the land and 20 being the lowest ranking.

To calculate the HP_REGEN = 1/((economics+education+government+religion+leadership)-4)x100%

To rank under each position, you can vote en masse -- that means everyone involved, the whole party or whole school, or whatever. Each leader can expound on their territories, responsibility, trade, and culture and the people can vote.

The one exception to this is the leadership category. Here, there is no vote. THE ONLY WAY IS User:Cedric/CON BATTLES. There can be only one.

DM Notes:

  • Leader’s insight comes from the magistrates (or others in the realm underneath them who trust them) underneath them: they see an extra part of the world through their eyes. So, consider this when trying to figure out whether a leader will know something or where an item is.
  • The leader's dice mechanics means that they can counter pretty much any move against them, once they get to level 10 or so, but they do no damage, so they'll need some other force (like fael warriors). In reality, it really should be related to rank, but i haven't figured out how to do that, since higher ranks are lower numbers.
  • The somatics of the leader's dice are thus: the higher roll serves to distract or dissuade the roll against you, such that if your roll is higher than Tiamat's, it is like s/he (raow) never attacked you. OR s/he changed her mind just as she was about to attack. OR the flames started towards you dead on, but then evaporated before they hit you.
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