I've noticed there is a need for a New User's guide. I intend to make a pretty decent intro for new users, which will ideally help people unfamiliar with Wikis to edit properly, and produce top quality content. My goal is a slightly fun guide, so there will be some silly points. That's ok by me. If you have suggestions on topics I should cover, or points I should clarify, let me know on my talk page. I don't know how editing 4e, or d20M, works so someone might want to help me out by writing tutorials for those. They will be last on my to-do list. Without further ado, the guide begins:
Guide for New Users
Hi, and welcome to Dandwiki! We're glad you're taking the time to learn the ins and outs of editing before you get started. While this is guide is aimed at first time wiki users, others may find themselves coming here to learn how to do things, or quick bits of code. So, let's get started. I'll start off slowly, and then build to more complex aspects of editing this (and other) wikis.
The Basics
Here are links to pages where we can learn the absolute basics of wiki-editing. Nothing here is edition-specific, so you can use information to make edits to any content on the site. Later on we will discuss edition-specific information.
Higher Education
Here are links to pages where we can learn how to create content for the site. each of the below links is a page dedicated to creating a single type of page. Choose the one you want, and go to town.
3.5e tutorials
As 3.5e and 4e are formatted differently, I will be splitting them apart to provide more accurate help. These are links for Dungeons and Dragons, 3.5 edition.
4e tutorials
As 3.5e and 4e are formatted differently, I will be splitting them apart to provide more accurate help. These are links for Dungeons and Dragons, 4th edition.
d20M tutorials
As editions are formatted differently, I will be splitting them apart to provide more accurate help. These are links for the d20 Modern Ruleset.
General Education
So maybe you aren't ready to upload your own content just yet. That's fine. You still want to learn how to handle some of the wiki-code involved with the more complex features, or find out just what that "Needs balance" template means. Well, here's your stop:
Welcome Home
This section deals with material directly related to Dandwiki, in a meta context. By that, I mean this section deals exclusively with Dandwiki policies and other things you should familiarize yourself with as you get settled into this wiki. <With user's permission, I'd like to create a list of "if you need help with X, try asking on Y's talk page". Naturally, this is totally up to any contributor as to what they feel their areas of expertise are (4e, d20M, grammar/spelling, formatting, flavor text, balancing mechanics, etc). The plan is to increase community by letting people know who else is active, and how they can help>.