Tych (5e Race)

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A thin man sits at the table, his head down low, peering into his hands. A soft hum gently greets those around him as he admires his work. A slight expression of uncertainty crosses his face as he leans forwards once more. A rustle comes from beneath his cloak as another arm reaches up from his side, a small tool held in a gentle grasp. Wiping his brow with the extra arm, he holds the object aloft: a necklace that shimmers and glows, refracting the light and sending a prism of colors throughout he inn.

Physical Description

File:File:///C:/Users/allis/OneDrive/Desktop/D&D/Tych - Race.jpg

A Tych is very human in build, despite the extra set of arms sprouting from its sides. Tall and slender, the Tych has no pattern in appearance, and possess no boundary as to their hair, skin, and eye color.


Garl, the god of gnomes, humor, and artisans, has always been one to experiment. As a god, he has a rightful duty to create and protect. Through the eons, he has shaped the life of many beings. Gnomes, which directly embody himself. Halflings, which have taken on traits of his good humor and charismatic self. As well as gifted life with skills in craftmanship. However, like all gods, he does not always succeed. The Tych is a race of unknown beginnings to most. For very few have ever come into contact with the isolated race. When Garl decided the race to be a failure, he tossed them aside, forgetting their existence. They possessed no idealistic qualities of himself. Or so he thought. The Tychs possessed an uncanny ability to create. The ability to make, with their hands, what they most desire.

Tychs, being a fairly new race, do not have much history to go along with them. Very few from outside of their tribes know of the Tychs, let alone of their history.


Tychs live a tribe like lifestyle, and no one Tych is put above another. Decisions are made as a whole in their communities.

Tych Names

At birth, a Tych is given a three-letter name. Upon reaching the age of twelve, at which time they are considered an adult, the Tych will choose a life-long partner with which they will complete the Ritual of Unity. This reitual will combine the two's selfs: their physical, emotional, and personal traits.

Tychs pay no attention to gender, and do not put one over the other. Thus, they do not resort to the terms: male and female.

Tych Traits

{{5e Racial Traits

|The Tych is human in build, despite the extra set of arms sprouting from their sides. |abilities= Your Wisdom score, Intelligence score, and Charisma score each increase by 1. |age= A Tych has an average lifespan of 60 years. They reach adulthood at the age of 12. |alignment= A Tych, due to their nature for trickery and deception, often leans towards chaotic good or lawful neutral. |size= Tychs typically stand anywhere between 1'6" to 2'0". |speed=Your base walking speed is <speed> feet. |trait1= Merged |description1= Upon reaching the age of twelve, a Tych will complete a ritual with another of its kind. This ritual, known as the Merging, combines the physical, emotional, and personal traits of both Tychs. The two Tychs are connected for the rest of their lives, and the process cannot be undone. However, the two may split forms back into their originals. This comes with the following features:

   As an action, you may split into your two selves. Both are fully capable of moving and acting on their own. 
   As long as the two selves are within 30 feet of each other, they may communicate via a complex emotional connection.
   They two beings are meant to be one. Due to this, they cannot fully act individually. While split, you have disadvantage on all ability checks and attack rolls made. 

|trait2= |description2= |trait3= |description3= |trait4= |description4= |trait5= |description5= |languages= You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight

′ ″+lb.× () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8Personality Trait
(0 votes)

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gollark: I self-identify as SCP-055.
gollark: It seems to have on another server I'm on.
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