Truenamer (Pathfinder Class)

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Truenamer's are well educated individuals know how to take the language of Truespeech and take it further with the secret knowledge of the universe. Truenamer's are a little bit rare and are very secretive about true names.

Making a Truenamer

Truenamer's can be good casters and support character's. They also can fulfill the role of a combat characters such as a monk at an average level. They can be skill monkeys at the same level as a wizard.

Abilities: Intelligence is the main attribute to use for this class in regards to its unique skill of truespeak. Rolling your TrueSpeech skill allows you to perform your utterances which act like spells. Strength and dexterity would be used for combat and Constitution for your health points.

Races: Dwarves and humans are the most common races to become Truenamer's however as long as someone is willing to pass the knowledge on to an apprentice it is possible other races could learn how to become a Truenamer.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: Same as a wizard.

Starting Age: Same as wizard.


Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Special Lexicon of the
Evolving Mind
Lexicon of the
Crafted Tool
Lexicon of the
Perfected Map
1st+0+0+0+2 Known personal truename 100
2nd+1+0+0+3 Word play 211
3rd+2+1+1+3 321
4th+3+1+1+4 Word play 432
5th+3+1+1+4 Truename Research 532
6th+4+2+2+5 Word play 643
7th+5+2+2+5 753
8th+6+2+2+6 Word play 864
9th+6+3+3+6 964
10th+7+3+3+7 Word play 1075
11th+8+3+3+7 1185
12th+9+4+4+8 Word play 1296
13th+9+4+4+8 1396
14th+10+4+4+9 Word play 14107
15th+11+5+5+9 15117
16th+12+5+5+10 Word play 16128
17th+12+5+5+10 17128
18th+13+6+6+11 Word play 18139
19th+14+6+6+11 Say my name and I am there 19149
20th+15+6+6+12 Master name's 201510

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Craft Int, Fly Dex, Knowledge(Any) Int, Linguistics Int, Profession Wis, Spellcraft Int, Truespeak Int, Use Magic Device Cha.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Truenamer.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: All simple weapons and all light armor. Not proficient with shields.

Known personal truename: You have learned your personal true name and if you are too tell anyone your name they have a chance of controlling you or risk giving the name to someone who will. Knowing your true name would also allow you to affect yourself with utterances a lot easier. You get a +4 on true speak in affecting yourself with utterances.

Word play: Every even level of your Truenamer class you choose a new wordplay technique that you learned how to manipulate utterances.

Cat got your tongue- As a prepared action you receive a +4 bonus on your Truespeak when countering someone else who is using utterances. When using this ability if you succeed on rolling a Truespeak check higher than whoever your countering you will send the utterance that is being used against the one who spoke at some begin with. The utterance will also inflict a negative effect or whichever affect can actually harm against the one who spoke the utterance.

Delayed words- Your utterances can be delayed up to 5 rounds or less.

Enchanting Words- You can take Item creation feats and your Truenamer levels count as your caster level.

Greater Name scrying- Same effect as Name scrying except you can cast utterances through the subject no matter how far away you two are from each other. You must have Name scrying and 10 Truenamer levels.

Greater Silver tongue- +1 Bonus on Truespeak for every 2 Truenamer levels. You must have Silver tongue and must have 10 levels of Truenamer or more before taking this Wordplay.

Influence speech- You can give a Truespeak bonus to your non-Truenamer allies that allows your allies to use the truespeak skill as if trained with a +4 on truespeak bonus every three Truenamer levels. It only lasts for 1d4+1 rounds. To do this action it takes a swift action to activate.

Metawords- You can use Metamagic feats with your utterances. Each spell slot that a metamagic feat increases is a +5 to your Truespeak DC check. For example (Empower spell increases a spell by two spell slots therefore increasing your check by +10).

Name scrying- You utter the truename of the targets that you successfully researched their true name and you can see, hear, smell, touch, and taste everything that a subject is experiencing as if you're scrying them. For example (if you learned the name of one of your allies or an enemy's name you can use this ability and experience everything they're experiencing from afar). You can also speak to each other telepathically. You must have Truename research.

Obscure backlash- If someone tries to affect you with an utterance and failed they will be affected by one of the utterances you know. You still have to make the Truespeak check for that utterance.

Rebuttal ally defense- You can do the same effect as Rebuttal defense except you can use this on an ally. You must have Rebuttal defense and must have a Truenamer level of five or higher.

Rebuttal defense- You can set an utterance to activate when and attack hits you. You must succeed on the truespeak check and then the effect of the utterance will stay with you unless canceled or activated. You can only use this on yourself.

Silver tongue- +1 Bonus on Truespeak for every four Truenamer levels starting at level 4.

Tricky name- Someone who is trying to affect you with an utterance that does not know your truename will have to make a higher check of +1 per character level.

Written names- You can write your utterances on a surface and activate them when read. This is mainly used in case you want to be quiet with your utterances kind of like a silent spell feat. You still have to make the DC check for your utterance. Someone else can use the utterance when read correctly.

Words echo- Unless specified there is no range limit to your utterances.

Truename research: You are researching the true name of a target that could be valuable for whatever purpose you have intended for the target. Whether it's to control them or supports them when learning their true name. To learn the true name you need to make a knowledge check of whatever the subject follows under for knowledge and you must make a 30 or higher on the check. Then when you're successful you will make a Truespeak skill check of (2XCR or level of the target +17). If you are successful in both checks you will then get a +4 bonus on your Truespeak whenever you say the true name. Research for a true name would take a week.

Saying my name and I am there: You develop the ability of a nickname that you can give to people and if they say that name you can choose to teleport to their location or decide not to. This nickname is not your true name. This ability is useful when allies need your help.

Master name’s: You can take either another wordplay ability or take a master name of ability. Master names are far more powerful than ordinary wordplay abilities that allow you to transcend from the normal powers of mortals.

Beings true name-You can summon an outsider of any kind that is 2 hit dice below your own. This outsider will become your servants will follow any orders you command. However if you give in order that the outsider disagrees with such as telling evil outsider to commit good deeds or ordering and good outsider to commit evil acts eventually they might betray you for ordering them to commit such things. You can only summon one outsider. You can run summon the outsider whenever you want and summon a different one. When summoning the outsider it takes a standard action and a truespeak check of 2xCR+15.

Immortality: You have unlocked the secret word of immortality. You no longer die of old age and any physical penalties of old age will no longer affect you. Any current penalties that you received from old age will disappear. You can still die from enough damage or death effects or anything that could kill you normally.

Erase existence: 1/Day You can erase someone or something from existence. You must know the true name of the target(s) and then you can speak the words that could erace them DC (CR or Level x 2 +30). Reverse the effect with the same DC to bring them back into existence this can only work 1/Day.

Spells: A Truenamers intelligence increases the DC saves of their utterances. Truenamer's choose their Utterances from the following list:

Archer’s Eye

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind

Prerequisite: Truenamer 5

Initiation Action: Standard Action


Target: creature or object

Duration: 5 Rounds

Saving Throw: None

Normal: Your target’s ranged attacks ignore penalties for concealment because her aim sharpens to focus on the unconcealed parts of her foe.

Reverse: Your utterance wards an ally from harm, preventing the arrows of your enemies from finding their mark.

Defensive Edge

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind

Prerequisite: Truenamer 1

Initiation Action: Standard Action


Target: creature

Duration: 5 Rounds (Normal) or 5 Rounds (Reverse)

Saving Throw: None

Normal: Your target gains a +1 bonus on AC. This bonus increases +1 bonus every four truenamer levels.

Reverse: Your target gains a -1 penalty on AC. This bonus increases -1 penalty every four truenamer levels.

Hidden Truth

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind

Prerequisite: Truenamer 5

Initiation Action: Standard Action


Target: creature or object

Duration: Instantaneous (normal) or 1 round (reverse)5 Rounds

Saving Throw: None

Normal: You grant the target a +10 bonus on a single Knowledge check and enable her to use the skill, even if untrained. If the target has bardic knowledge, lore, or a similar class feature, this bonus can apply to that check instead.

Reverse: Your target gains a +10 bonus on a single Bluff check made before the duration of the utterance expires.

Inertia Surge

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind

Prerequisite: Truenamer 1

Initiation Action: Standard Action


Target: creature or object

Duration: 1 Round (Normal) or 1 Round (Reverse)

Saving Throw: None

Normal: Same effect as Freedom of movement spell.

Reverse: Target becomes unable to move from the spot the target is in until the utterance effect ends.

Knight’s Puissance

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind

Prerequisite: Truenamer 1

Initiation Action: Standard Action


Target: creature

Duration: 5 Rounds (Normal) or 5 Rounds (Reverse)

Saving Throw: None

Normal: Your target gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls. This bonus increases +1 bonus every four truenamer levels. Your target gains a +1 bonus on damage rolls every three truenamer levels.

Reverse: Your target gains a -1 penalty on attack rolls. This bonus increases -1 penalty every four truenamer levels. Your target gains a -1 penalty on damage rolls every three truenamer levels.

Perceive the Unseen

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind

Prerequisite: Truenamer 5

Initiation Action: Standard Action


Target: creature or object

Duration: 5 Rounds

Saving Throw: None

Normal: When you speak this utterance, the target gains a greater sense of where his enemies are, granting him the use of the Blind-Fight feat. The target’s perceptions automatically focus on the general area of unseen enemies; this doesn’t guarantee that the target finds them but makes it much more likely.

Reverse: With the reverse of perceive the unseen, you make the target of the utterance more difficult to track in battle. Your target’s enemies find themselves instinctively glancing away from him, even when they know they need to be focusing their attention there. This effectively gives the target concealment.

Silent Caster

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind

Prerequisite: Truenamer 5

Initiation Action: Standard Action


Target: creature or object

Duration: 1 Round (Normal) or 1 Round (Reverse)

Saving Throw: None

Normal: You grant your target the ability to apply the effect of the Silent Spell feat to any spell she casts without increasing the level of the spell or specially preparing it ahead of time. Glowing runes appear above your target’s head that take the place of the verbal component of the spell.

Reverse: You silence your target, making it incapable of producing sound, conversing, or using spells with verbal components.

Speed of the Zephyr

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind

Prerequisite: Truenamer 5

Initiation Action: Standard Action


Target: creature or object

Duration: 3 Rounds

Saving Throw: None

Normal: This utterance duplicates the effect of a haste spell for one target, who is lined with an amber light.

Reverse: This utterance duplicates the effect of a slow spell for one target.

Strike of Might

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind

Prerequisite: Truenamer 5

Initiation Action: Standard Action


Target: creature or object

Duration: 1 Round

Saving Throw: None

Normal: Your target’s single next weapon damage roll (if it is made before the end of the next round) deals an additional 10 points of damage as it explodes with a spout of magical energy. This damage is not multiplied on critical hits.

Reverse: Your target’s single next weapon damage roll (if it is made before the end of the next round) deals 5 fewer points of damage as the blow is cushioned by an unseen force. This penalty can reduce the damage to 0, but not below.

Universal Aptitude

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind

Prerequisite: Truenamer 1

Initiation Action: Standard Action


Target: creature

Duration: 5 Rounds (Normal) or 5 Rounds (Reverse)

Saving Throw: None

Normal: For the duration of the utterance, the target gains a +1 bonus per truenamer level on skill checks.

Reverse: For the duration of the utterance, the target gains a -1 bonus per treunamer level on skill checks.

Word of Nurturing

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind

Prerequisite: Truenamer 1

Initiation Action: Standard Action

Range: 60FT

Target: living creature

Duration: 1 Round (Normal) or 1 Round (Reverse)

Saving Throw: None

Normal: Target creature heals 1d8 at first level of truenamer and every three levels of truenamer. 1d8 at level 1, 2d8 at level 3, 3d8 at level 6 and so on and so forth.

Reverse: Target creature takes damage for 1d6 at every odd level of truenamer. 1d6 at level 1, 2d6 at level 3, 3d6 at level 5,and so on and so forth.

Word of Undead Nurturing

Lexicon of the Evolving Mind

Prerequisite: Truenamer 1

Initiation Action: Standard Action

Range: 60FT

Target: undead creature

Duration: 1 Round (Normal) or 1 Round (Reverse)

Saving Throw: None

Normal: Target undead heals 1d8 at first level of truenamer and every three levels of truenamer. 1d8 at level 1, 2d8 at level 3, 3d8 at level 6 and so on and so forth.

Reverse: Target undead takes damage for 1d6 at every odd level of truenamer. 1d6 at level 1, 2d6 at level 3, 3d6 at level 5,and so on and so forth.

Table: <-class name-> Spells Known
LevelSpells Known

Power Points/Day: A <-class name->’s ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: <-class name->. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high <-relevant ability-> score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points). His race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items.

Powers Known: <-Delete this section if this class does not manifest powers. description of manifesting abilities: on what stat save DCs are based, on what stat bonus powers points are based, and what stat determines the highest level power that can be manifested.->. <-pluralized class name-> choose their powers from the following list:

0<-powers, powers, powers->

1st<-powers, powers, powers->

2nd<-powers, powers, powers->

3rd<-powers, powers, powers->

4th<-powers, powers, powers->

5th<-powers, powers, powers->

6th<-powers, powers, powers->

7th<-powers, powers, powers->

8th<-powers, powers, powers->

9th<-powers, powers, powers->

Maximum Power Level Known: This column determines the highest level power he can learn at this level.

To learn or manifest a power, a <-class name-> must have an <-relevant ability-> score of at least 10 + the power’s level.

<-extraordinary class feature-> (Ex): <-class feature game rule information->

<-psi-like class feature-> (Ps): <-class feature game rule information->

<-spell-like class feature-> (Sp): <-class feature game rule information->

<-supernatural class feature-> (Su): <-class feature game rule information->

<-class feature->: <-class feature game rule information->

<-subclass feature -> <-"(Ex)", "(Su)", "(Sp)", or "(Ps)" if applicable.->: <-subclass feature game rule information->

Ex-<-pluralized class name->

<-Describe what happens when a character violates the alignment restrictions of any other class restrictions. If there are no behavior or alignment restrictions delete this section->.

Epic <-class name->

Table: The Epic <-class name->

Hit Die: d<-Die size for Hit Die->

21st<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
22nd<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
23rd<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
24th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
25th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
26th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
27th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
28th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
29th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
30th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->

<-number of skill points-> + Int modifier skill points per level.

<-existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-another existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-... repeat.->

Bonus Feats: The epic <-class name-> gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic <-class name-> bonus feats) every <-number of feats per level-> levels after 20th.

Epic <-class name-> Bonus Feat List: <-list of bonus epic feats->.

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gollark: <@102436520559910912> That's just an anonymous async function, so yes, it won't run if you don't do anything with it.
gollark: To just waste CPU cycles, this has worked for me before when I wanted to do that for some evil reason or other, but it's probably not very sound:```cvolatile long long int i = 0;while (i < [a big number]) { i++; }```
gollark: Oh right, probably.
gollark: If you do just need to make it do something for a bit, maybe just```cfor (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++) {}```or something would work, though compilers are getting crafty and might optimize it.
gollark: Is there some reason you can't just use whatever language's equivalent of `sleep(1)` or something?
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