Trog (3.5e Creature)

You look up slowly from your pilfered loot. Before you stands and icy giant with icicles for hair and craggy stalagmites for teeth... and it doesn't look happy.

Size/Type: Large Giant
Hit Dice: 2d12 (35 (2d12+12 +3) hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 ft
Armor Class: 17 (+2 Dex, +2 Natural, +3 Studded Leather), touch 14, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+4
Attack: hammer throw (35 ft, +6, 1d6) or Frosty Axe (0 ft, +6, 1d6+1d4+ 4)
Full Attack: 2 Hammer throws or 1 Frosty Axe
Space/Reach: 5 by 5/10 ft
Special Attacks: -Chill Aura
Special Qualities: Cold Immunity, Fire Vulnerability, Dying Frenzy
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +0
Abilities: Str 18, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 9
Skills: Spot 4, Listen 4, Intimidate 2
Feats: Toughness
Environment: Caves or Mountains
Challenge Rating:
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: N, NE or CE
Level Adjustment: Trogg, Giant

Troggs are the smaller cousins of giants, and are utterly dependent on cold, since their body is 30% ice.


Troggs begin by charging the most tough looking enemy, and attacking them with its axe. It gets to close range quickly so as to Utilize Chill Aura. It retreats when under 15 HP and tosses its hammer from a safe distance for the remainder of the encounter.

Cold immunity, Fire vulnerability, Dying Frenzy, Chill aura "Cold Immunity": Troggs are immune to damage from spells with the Cold subtype, or any attack with it.

Fire vulnerability": Troggs take double damage from attacks with the Fire subtype.

"Dying Frenzy: When under 10 HP, Troggs get a +1 on all attack and damage rolls.

"Chill Aura": Every turn, enemies must make a DC 10 Fort Save or be frozen in ice for 1 round.

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gollark: If stuff does magically run itself, I don't know *how* you would observe that.
gollark: CGoL can simulate itself, that doesn't mean it runs independently of a computer running it.
gollark: Stuff is seemingly not magically self-computing. At least, I haven't seen algorithms somehow run themselves.
gollark: That is a good question. "I think therefore I am" and all, but that really only implies that in some form "I" am running on some kind of processing hardware which can do consciousness, whether it is my foolish mortal brain in a universe with quarks and everything or a simulation of that on, I don't know, some kind of massive cellular automaton.
gollark: Well, the computer and jar have to physically exist in some form.
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