Toxic Fang (4e Power)

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Toxic Fang Spider Rider 4e Power Type::Attack 15
The strong poison from your spider's fangs is enough to deal with most foes.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Arachane, Weapon
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Special: When you charge, you can use this power in place of a basic melee attack.
Attack: Dexterity Vs. AC (your spider's attacks), three attacks.
Hit: 1[B] + your spider's Dexterity modifier damage per attack, and ongoing 5 poison damage (save ends). A target hit twice takes ongoing 10 poison damage (save ends). A target hit three times takes ongoing 15 poison damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage per attack, and no ongoing damage.

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