The Ultimate Lifeform (5e Race)

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The Ultimate Lifeform

Physical Description

One interpretation of the Ultimate A.R.T_.X.L, original art by Jason Nguyen, source
The Perfect bug, by yu_gi_oh_girl, source

The ultimate Pillar in humanoid form, by GodsVileandDarkwing, source

The Ultimate hedgehog, by Nicholas Souphandavong, source

Your physical description changes based on your subrace.

The Ultimate Hedgehog:

The Ultimate Bug:

The Ultimate Pillar:

The Ultimate A.R.T_.X.L.:


As long as life has existed there will always be the peak of the pack, Ultimate Lifeforms have existed as long as life itself.

But these specific ones all have some of their own histories.

The Ultimate Hedgehog:

The Ultimate Bug:

The Ultimate Pillar:

The Ultimate A.R.T_.X.L.:


The Ultimate Pillar and The Ultimate Bug fighting, by Kaleb I.A., source

Due to the nature of how rare Ultimate Lifeforms are they rarely meet or even know of each other existence. But, in the rare scenario, two Ultimate Lifeforms do meet they always without question fight each other to see so is truly superior.

Attitudes and Beliefs

This is different for each subrace.

The Ultimate Hedgehog

The Ultimate Bug

The Ultimate Pillar

The Ultimate A.R.T_.X.L.:Is quite egotistical and feels like he is better than everyone. He revels in watching what he beliefs to be inferior beings try to challenge his undisputed might. Also, he is quite prone to laughing like a maniac when killing other beings. Completely giving in to his bloodlust. He beliefs that he needs to be number one in everything and never number 2 he does not even want to know what it's like to be a number 2.

The Ultimate Lifeform Names

This is different for each subrace.

The Ultimate Hedgehog

The Ultimate Bug

The Ultimate Pillar

The Ultimate A.R.T_.X.L. Always has a name that starts with an a because according to his own beliefs it means to be the first and best seeing as its first letter in the common alphabet

Examples: Art_XL, The Almighty, Amenazor, Ahoń, Ahi

Ultimate Lifeform Traits

The peak of Life, The cream of the crop, The best of the best, these are the words this race and its subraces can be described by.
Ability Score Increase. Your ability scores are determined by your subrace
Age. Ultimate Lifeforms Mature at the same rate as humans but, can't die due to ageing and stay in their prime for their entire life.
Alignment. Your alignment Is mostly rooted in your subrace.

  • The Ultimate Hedgehog: Due to its Cocky and Brooding nature. This Subrace Leans too chaotic and is never fully aligned to good.
  • The Ultimate Bug: Tend to be lawful no matter if they are neutral, evil, or good. Neutral tends to be the most common followed by evil and they are rarely good.
  • The Ultimate Pillar: Due to this race being a combination of all earthly animals and a human they do not lean to any aglinment.
  • The Ultimate A.R.T_X.L.: Due to them being a Monster from hell they are extremely Chaotic. but they are able to be Good, Evil, or Neutral and one is not more common than the other.
    Size. "Ultimate Lifeforms vary widely in height and build, from barely 4 feet to well over 8 feet tall. Your size is Medium."
    Speed. Is 30 feet. Your subrace shall cover any movement options and or changes to this speed.

Ultimate Pride. You have advantage against being charmed against your will.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.

The Ultimate Hedgehog

Cocky, Fast, and powerful. These are the phrases that best describe This Subrace of Ultimate Lifeform

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity Increases by 3
Speed. You are incredibly fast on foot. Your base walking speed is increased to 50 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.
Shadow Eyes. You have Superior Darkvision. Your Darkvision has a range of 120 feet
Cocky attitude. You have disadvantage on any Insight checks. And have disadvantage on perception checks.
Chaos Control. You can cast: TimeStride Once per long rest At level 7 If you have an Emerald worth 1,000 GP or more and hold it in one of your hands. You can cast: 10ccTimeStop once per long rest or Accelerator once per long rest. This changes to twice at level 14 and three times at level 20.
Chaos Spear. You can cast a yellow version of magic missile at level 1 once using this trait. this gets reset at both a short and long rest. The spell level increases by 1 every 3 levels you go up.
Chaos Blast. You can cast a red version of thunderwave at level 1 once using this trait. this gets reset at a long rest. The spell level increases by 1 every 3 levels you go up.

The Ultimate Bug

While bug-like there is no denying this Subraces Warrior power, some would even call it Perfect.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution Increases by 2 and your Charisma Increases by 2
Speed. Your bug-like features make you faster than the average race and allow you to fly. Your base walking speed is increased to 35 feet. Have a Flying speed of 40 feet. To use both these speeds, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor. otherwise, have you have the base speed of 30
Life energy sense. Much like Thermal Vision You can see in dim light within 100 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light, in addition to being able to see through objects in this range. You can see different colours, the hotter the object the more on the warm spectrum of the colour wheel it will be. You can choose to see like this or normal human vision at will.
Regenerative Cells. You have extremely potent Regenerative Cells That can regrow any lost body part and heal yourself from any damage down to the cell. On your turn, you can use an Action to regain hit points equal to 1d4 * your total level. Once you use this Trait, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Perfect Barrier. As a Reaction you can Create a Purple Barrier that works similar to the shield spell. A Purple Barrier of magical force appears and protects you. Until the start of your next turn, you have a +5 bonus to AC. And if you are attacked by a melee attack, if the attack does not hit you deal 1d4 * your total level as force damage to the attacker. You can do this once per long rest.
“I'm quite confident in my speed, you know”. Once as a bonus action you can double your movement speed for one turn. You can use this trait once per long rest at first-level. after that, you can use it equal to half your total level rounded down this gets reset on a long rest. You can also only use it once per round.

The Ultimate Pillar

This subrace can access the DNA of all of Earth's lifeforms within his genes, making it great in any situation

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity Increases by 2 and your Intelligence Increases by 2
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Ultimate eyes. You can see using any method of sight, whether it's Darkvision, normal vision, Thermal Vision, or Tremorsense. For a standard 60 ft.
Perfect movement. Starting at 3rd level When you use this trait. You use all your DNA to give yourself perfect movement. you gain a Flying speed of 30 feet and A Swimming speed of 30 feet also a Climbing speed of 30 feet and you can move through Difficult Terrain with normal speed. For 1 minute To use this you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.
Bone Sword. Have a Bone Sword in your arm which is a natural weapon, which you can activate and deactivate with an action, you can use it make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d8 + your Dexterity modifier, instead of the normal bludgeoning damage for an unarmed strike. You are proficient with this weapon. While the weapon is active even though that hand is empty you can not use that hand.
Bone Sword Deflect. If you have your Bonesword unsheathed; As a reaction when you would be hit by a ranged attack, you can reduce the damage taken by 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier If you reduce the damage to 0, the Attack becomes harmless and gets cut in half. The damage reduced increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4) you can do this once per short or long rest.

The Ultimate A.R.T_X.L.

The Ultimate Aura.Radiating.Terror_Expressing.Lifeform With incredible power

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength Increases by 2 And Charisma increases by 2
What A Monster. you have advantage On insight checks. And you have advantage on Intimidation checks.
Slick.Advantage.Losing.Temper. You Know vicious mockery and can cast it at will.
You think my back is my weak spot?. You can not be Surprise attacked from the back.
Oi Oi. Once when initiating combat you can add a 1d6 to your initiative roll. This gets reset on both long and short rests.
Infernal Resistance. Your a Demon from Hell, therefore you gain a Resistance to Fire damage.

Random Height and Weight

′ ″+lb.× () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8Personality Trait
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gollark: Also, it has been HIGHLY snowful.
gollark: I don't believe in France anyway.
gollark: They're mostly just a mildly aesthetic part of the skybox.
gollark: Literally take them from space and run them through the GTech™ stellar disassembly line.
gollark: The stars are worse, even, since they're basically entirely deterministic, while COULD but doesn't use a CSPRNG.
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