The Multiverse (Teregia Supplement)

Teregia is not the only place in the multiverse, as you can probably tell by it's name. There are many other planes in existence, ranging from the purely elemental (haha), to the truly bizzare. Here is a rough guide.

The Primary Planes

The primes, the big ones, as close as you can get to the center of the multiverse, according to the scholars anyway.


You know this one, the great big material, titan-shaped, plane of mortals. It may not be that special, but it sure is eminently livable, which is more than what can be said for most of them.

The Ethereal Plane

When wizards and mystics go a for a walk outside their bodies, this is probably were they have gone. It's more of a sideways plane of existence, than it's own plane really. Go here and pretend to be a ghost; it’s great fun, as long as you don’t mind the giant ethereal spiders.

The Shadow Plane

The Ethereal Plane’s edgy cousin.

The Astral Sea

The magical interdimensional highway of the planes, alternatively lawless hinterland if you will. Has passage to all the other planes, and travellers in strange magical ships, frequent this plane. Watch out for Gityanki along the way.

The Inner Planes

Lying close to the primes, these planes are more a manifestation of the elements than specific world. As you can see by their names.

Plane of Fire

A bunch of huge granite boulders in a sea of magma, this plane is not known for its pleasantness. Efreets and Salamanders make their home here. Bring fire protection.

Plane of Earth

Earth, earth everywhere; also tunnels, but mostly earth. Features subjective gravity, lack of natural light, constant earthquakes, and roaming city-sized elder purple worms; bring the kids!

Plane of Water

A big never ending sea without a surface, or indeed depth pressure. Mermaids can be found here, also sharks. Bring air.

Plane of Air

Air, clouds, birds, and constant falling. Watch out for giant man-eating eagles.

Plane of Positivity

Quite literally a plane of positivity. Like a stream of constant never ending compliments and encouragement, staying here will make you vigorous with life and positivity, until you collapse and die under the pressure.

Plane of Negativity

Just in case the you thought The Shadow Plane wasn't edgy enough, this one takes it so far, that nothing else can really compare. It's so horrible that anything that stays here, will die within seconds. Unless you are undead or something.

Outer Planes

Now things are starting to get strange, for here the planes take on some individual personality of their own. Most of the gods reside here.


A dark and gloomy place, full of vast plains of ice, and tall frosty mountains. Various evil fiends makes their homes here. Without anything better to do, most dig through ice to find forgotten artifacts, or fight each other over valuable digsites. The occasional, heavily fortified city can be found here, ruled by powerful entities, who are very choosy about who’s allowed to enter.


Like a trippy dream, this plane consist of an enormous cavern-system, made up of untold numbers of magical crystals of all shapes and sizes. No one knows their true origins, but most know that the gods, and similarly powerful beings, occasionally imprison people within these structures. Great and valuable loot can be found within many of them, others contain dried up corpses, or terrible foes, potentially both.

The Faelands

A big beautiful forest of candyfloss trees, glimmering hazy atmosphere, and pleasant song coming from its pixie inhabitants. Finally you found a nice place to visit, instead of all those other planar demon infested hellholes. Then the you slowly realise something is wrong, when the candyfloss poisons your stomach, the haze whispers madness into your brain, and the pixies start eating your flesh. Sorry, The Faelands are just as dangerous as most of the other outer planes, just with fae instead of fiends. Also, yes, pixies will totally eat your flesh; they be be like that.

The Abyss

An enormous descending plane, numberless in it's layers, and it's were the demons make their home. This is a brutally savage place, and few, if any mortal, survive here for long. Each layer is ruled by a demon lord, whose power is constantly contested, meaning only the strongest and most terrifyingly powerful demons maintain their ranks.

The Fields of Glory

A vast land of battlefields, arenas, and combat rings, this plane is heaven for those who seek glorious combat. Any type of arena can be found here, the smaller being used for duels and battles between the souls of the slain, and the biggest being used for hosting the largest combat games in the multiverse. Most people who come here, die, but for the type of people seeking it out, that might not be such a bad thing.

The Mindscape

The Mindscape is a truly bizarre plane, for here reality shifts according to a visitors will. For some this my seem like a paradise where every wish comes true, but only through great force of will, or psychic discipline, can one tap into this great power. And even then, those who do sometimes go mental from the psychic overload. On a final note, if you lack the power manipulate the plane, good luck trying to ever leave again.


Clouds of ash, barren soil, dead trees, and brackish pools of water; ashenfell is the dark and twisted cousin of the faelands. The inhabitants are surprisingly nice, but you shouldn’t take anything for granted; most of them are yogoloths or demons.


Finally a nice looking plane, that lives up to it’s good looks. This place is one big bountiful meadow of fruity trees, grassy fields, pacifistic animals, and beautified souls. Some find it boring, and try to spice things up with a wildfire or two, but such instigators soon learn why that’s a bad idea (Here’s a hint: murder-happy angels).


A twisted copy of the material plane, replete with ruined cities and lost souls, many devils and other fiends call this place home. Infernal kingdoms litter this plane, ruled by petty tyrants, who amuse themselves with torturing souls, building twisted mockeries of mortal buildings, and plotting against their rivals.

The Nine Hells

The true home of the devils, this rigidly ordered plane, is home to the numberless and disciplined armies of the archdevils. Every devil here, has a specific rank, and the heirachy is rigidly enforced, keeping the archdevils in power.

Beyond That

The Elemental Chaos

Along the outer borders of the astral sea, you begin to enter the madness that is the Elemental Chaos. All elements erupt into exploding magical geysers, birthing great creations, just as instantaneously as it destroys them. Few creatures can tolerate this place, but some isolationists try.

The Emptiness

After the elemental chaos, a mind-numbingly vast stretch of absolute nothing stretches as far as any mortal soul can scry. Nothing exist here, not even air, so anyone who goes here better bring more than just winter jacket, or they will to freeze to death. But why would you go here anyway? There is nothing here.

The Far Lands

Some almost impossibly large distance across the Emptiness, lies the esoteric Far Lands. Laws of existence are different here, and entities that make this place their home, are too nonsensical and incomprehensible for even the strongest minds to understand. Most of the gods fear the place, and avoid thinking about it; only Phyx takes an active interest in it, hoping to uncover more about it, and it's strange ihabitants.

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gollark: The language breakdown is boring due to github apioforms.
gollark: I move my particularly unfinished projects to my random stuff git repo nowadays.
gollark: Oh. It must be unbased then?
gollark: Helloboi is FAR too based to KEEP their code; they just rewrite it as needed.
gollark: 11011 is nice.
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