The Genie, Variant (5e Subclass)

(Heavily influenced by this discussion. Appreciate feedback.)


Your patron is one of the powerful lords or ladies of the Elemental Plane of Earth, residing in the Great Dismal Delves, the caretakers of the secrets of wish granting. Odds are that you met your patron while they were bound to their magic lamp. Perhaps they agreed to be your patron as part of your wish or in exchange for their freedom. Regardless of the circumstance, they most likely see you only as an investment, a servant to reward for bringing them treasure, slaves, and for completing other requests.

Dao Expanded Spell List

The Dao lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spell are added to the warlock list for you:

1st Level: Feather Fall, Earth Tremor
2nd Level: Enlarge/Reduce, Earth Bind
3rd Level: Protection from Energy, Erupting Earth
4th Level: Conjure Minor Elemental, Stoneskin
5th Level: Conjure Elemental, Creation

Pact Boons
Your patron allows you the following options to you pact of boons:

- Pact of the Chain: Your familiar may also have the form of a small earth mephit or a small earth elemental.
- Pact of the Blade: Your weapon looks to be made of the finest steel inlaid with platinum and diamonds. It is most likely a bludgeoning weapon, like a hammer or quarterstaff.
- Pact of the Tome: Your Book of Shadows is most likely an exquisite tome bound in black leather or fine cloth, intricately adorned with platinum and diamonds. Within it are an infinite number of tales about your patron, his subordinates, and his elemental plane.

Genie's Lamp
Starting at 1st level, your patron bestows upon you the ability to make any small container your own genie lamp. Choose any small container that has a lid, such as a flask, a jar, or an oil lamp, to become your genie lamp after a 1 hour ritual. You may only have one genie lamp at a time. If you complete the ritual to make another genie lamp, the previous lamp disappears, presumably added to your Efreeti patron's treasury. The genie lamp has the following properties:

- It is essentially indestructible
- It can be used as your arcane focus
- You may enter or exit the genie lamp after a minute of concentration. The inside of the lamp is a 15 ft tall cylinder with a radius of 30 ft. It is decorated and furnished to your liking. An exquisite meal will be magically provided for you if you so desire it. You may not remove anything created within the lamp but you can store and retrieve items from the outside. If you make a new lamp, this space automatically transfers to the new lamp. This space is physically impenetrable but can be accessed by powerful magic such as planar travel or teleportation. This space can aslo be viewed by scrying and other such divination magics. If someone rubs or opens your lamp while you are within it, you are expelled into the nearest unoccupied space. Anything granted by the Pact Boon can be stored and retrieved in your lamp as an action. Your Pact of the Chain familiar can retrieve items for you as an action if it can physically carry it.
- It may also transform into your Pact of the Blade weapon if you choose, though you or anything else cannot enter or exit it until it you revert it. It still performs any other function your regular lamp would have.

Additionally, you Terran, the language of the Earth Elemental Plane.

Pseudo Wishes
Starting at 6th level, your patron begins to teach you the fundamentals of wishes. Your genie lamp gains the following properties:

- Your genie lamp can hold pseudo-wishes for your use. You may place spell slots into your lamp as "wishes" that remain until you use them. The maximum number of wishes you lamp can hold is equal to your maximum number of spell slots. You may use these wishes to cast spells you have prepared instead of your spell slots.
- You can expend a wish to place a willing creature of your size or smaller in your lamp. A doorway will appear in the inside space of your lamp leading to a 10 ft tall cylindrical guest room with a radius of 10 ft. It is decorated and furnished to the guest's liking. The satisfactory food and drink is magically provided for the guest for the duration of their stay. You may expend another wish to remove a creature from your lamp, forcibly if need be. The maximum number of creatures you keep in the lamp is equal to the maximum number of wishes your lamp can hold. Your guests are not expelled from the lamp when it is rubbed or opened, whether you are within it or not.
- The space inside your lamp cannot be accessed by planar travel or teleportation, except for yourself, genies, or entities on par or greater than your patron.

Additionally, rough or uneven terrain does not inhibit your movement.

Fragmented Wishes
Starting at 10th level, your patron has entrusted to you arcane knowledge on the nature of wishes. Your genie lamp gains the following properties:

- Your genie lamp allows you to Earth Glide as long as you hold it in your hand, gaining a burrowing speed equal to your movement speed.
- Your genie lamp now holds wish fragments instead of pseudo-wishes. By expending the maximum number of wish fragments your lamp can hold, you can duplicate the effects of another spell whose level you can cast (mystic arcanum included), except for the "Wish" spell, without expending any material components. You may cast spells this way once per long rest. These spells count as warlock spells for you.
- The maximum number of creatures you can store in your lamp is now equal to twice the number of wishes it can hold.
- Sensors created by divination spells cannot be created inside the space created by your lamp nor can they enter your lamp. Creatures inside the lamp cannot be targeted by divination spells. Spells cast by you, genies, or entities on par or greater than your patron are exempt.

Wish Lore
Starting at 14th level, your patron has given you a glimpse into the secrets of true wish granting. Your genie lamp gains the following properties:
- Your lamp can now coalesce your wish fragments into a single, true wish. Once a year, you may expend all the wish fragments in your lamp to cast the spell "Wish" without any of the material components or the demerits. These count as warlock spells for you. As long as the request is within reason, the spell will do exactly what you request of it. You can also use you wish in less conventional ways, such as making certain spells effects instantly permanent, such as "Guards and Wards" or "Forbidance," or making certain temporary spells permanent, such as "Magic Circle" or "Animate Objects." However, you lose the right to be granted wishes by any other existence. The casting also damages your lamp, making it incapable of holding any more wish fragments until you spend 2d4 days fixing it.
- The maximum number of creatures your lamp can hold is equal to four times the maximum number of wish fragments your lamp can hold.
- The space inside your lamp is properly protected from all physical and magical actions taken by any existence that is not yourself.


Your patron is one of the powerful lords or ladies of the Elemental Plane of Air, residing in the City of Ice and Steel, the caretakers of the secrets of wish granting. Odds are that you met your patron while they were bound to their magic lamp. Perhaps they agreed to be your patron as part of your wish or in exchange for their freedom. Your patron is generally benevolent, though their requests are usually exceedingly eccentric.

Djinni Expanded Spell List

The Djinni lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spell are added to the warlock list for you:

1st Level: Feather Fall, Fog Cloud
2nd Level: Enlarge/Reduce, Dust Devil
3rd Level: Protection from Energy, Lightning Bolt
4th Level: Conjure Minor Elemental, Storm Sphere
5th Level: Conjure Elemental, Control Wind

Pact Boons
Your patron allows you the following options to you pact of boons:

- Pact of the Chain: Your familiar may also have the form of a small wind or dust mephit or a small wind elemental that does not disturb the air around it unless you request it.
- Pact of the Blade: Your weapon looks to be made of fine steel inlaid with silver and emeralds. It is most likely a ranged or thrown weapon, like a bow or throwing knives.
- Pact of the Tome: Your Book of Shadows is most likely an exquisite tome bound in green leather or fine cloth, intricately adorned with gold and emerald. Within it are an infinite number of tales about your patron, his subordinates, and his elemental plane.

Genie's Lamp
Starting at 1st level, your patron bestows upon you the ability to make any small container your own genie lamp. Choose any small container that has a lid, such as a flask, a jar, or an oil lamp, to become your genie lamp after a 1 hour ritual. You may only have one genie lamp at a time. If you complete the ritual to make another genie lamp, the previous lamp disappears, presumably added to your Efreeti patron's treasury. The genie lamp has the following properties:

- It is essentially indestructible
- It can be used as your arcane focus
- You may enter or exit the genie lamp after a minute of concentration. The inside of the lamp is a 15 ft tall cylinder with a radius of 30 ft. It is decorated and furnished to your liking. An exquisite meal will be magically provided for you if you so desire it. You may not remove anything created within the lamp but you can store and retrieve items from the outside. If you make a new lamp, this space automatically transfers to the new lamp. This space is physically impenetrable but can be accessed by powerful magic such as planar travel or teleportation. This space can aslo be viewed by scrying and other such divination magics. If someone rubs or opens your lamp while you are within it, you are expelled into the nearest unoccupied space. Anything granted by the Pact Boon can be stored and retrieved in your lamp as an action. Your Pact of the Chain familiar can retrieve items for you as an action if it can physically carry it.
- It may also transform into your Pact of the Blade weapon if you choose, though you or anything else cannot enter or exit it until it you revert it. It still performs any other function your regular lamp would have.

Additionally, you Auran, the language of the Air Elemental Plane.

Pseudo Wishes
Starting at 6th level, your patron begins to teach you the fundamentals of wishes. Your genie lamp gains the following properties:

- Your genie lamp can hold pseudo-wishes for your use. You may place spell slots into your lamp as "wishes" that remain until you use them. The maximum number of wishes you lamp can hold is equal to your maximum number of spell slots. You may use these wishes to cast spells you have prepared instead of your spell slots.
- You can expend a wish to place a willing creature of your size or smaller in your lamp. A doorway will appear in the inside space of your lamp leading to a 10 ft tall cylindrical guest room with a radius of 10 ft. It is decorated and furnished to the guest's liking. The satisfactory food and drink is magically provided for the guest for the duration of their stay. You may expend another wish to remove a creature from your lamp, forcibly if need be. The maximum number of creatures you keep in the lamp is equal to the maximum number of wishes your lamp can hold. Your guests are not expelled from the lamp when it is rubbed or opened, whether you are within it or not.
- The space inside your lamp cannot be accessed by planar travel or teleportation, except for yourself, genies, or entities on par or greater than your patron.

Additionally, your ground speed increases by 5 ft and any fly speed you obtain is increased by 10 ft..

Fragmented Wishes
Starting at 10th level, your patron has entrusted to you arcane knowledge on the nature of wishes. Your genie lamp gains the following properties:

- Your genie lamp allows you to magically turn you lower half into a raging tornado, giving you a fly speed of 30 ft as long as you hold your lamp in your hand. The change is at will and uses 5 ft of your movement to change.
- Your genie lamp now holds wish fragments instead of pseudo-wishes. By expending the maximum number of wish fragments your lamp can hold, you can duplicate the effects of another spell whose level you can cast (mystic arcanum included), except for the "Wish" spell, without expending any material components. You may cast spells this way once per long rest. These spells count as warlock spells for you.
- The maximum number of creatures you can store in your lamp is now equal to twice the number of wishes it can hold.
- Sensors created by divination spells cannot be created inside the space created by your lamp nor can they enter your lamp. Creatures inside the lamp cannot be targeted by divination spells. Spells cast by you, genies, or entities on par or greater than your patron are exempt.

Wish Lore
Starting at 14th level, your patron has given you a glimpse into the secrets of true wish granting. Your genie lamp gains the following properties:
- Your lamp can now coalesce your wish fragments into a single, true wish. Once a year, you may expend all the wish fragments in your lamp to cast the spell "Wish" without any of the material components or the demerits. These count as warlock spells for you. As long as the request is within reason, the spell will do exactly what you request of it. You can also use you wish in less conventional ways, such as making certain spells effects instantly permanent, such as "Guards and Wards" or "Forbidance," or making certain temporary spells permanent, such as "Magic Circle" or "Animate Objects." However, you lose the right to be granted wishes by any other existence. The casting also damages your lamp, making it incapable of holding any more wish fragments until you spend 2d4 days fixing it.
- The maximum number of creatures your lamp can hold is equal to four times the maximum number of wish fragments your lamp can hold.
- The space inside your lamp is properly protected from all physical and magical actions taken by any existence that is not yourself.


Your patron is one of the powerful lords or ladies of the Elemental Plane of Fire, residing in the wondrous City of Brass, the caretakers of the secrets of wish granting. Odds are that you met your patron while they were bound to their magic lamp. Perhaps they agreed to be your patron as part of your wish or in exchange for their freedom. Their motivations are generally selfish, wishing to grow their wealth, collections, power, and fame above that of other Efreeti, in part by bestowing blessings and fortune on their ambassadors.

Efreeti Expanded Spell List

The Efreeti lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spell are added to the warlock list for you:

1st Level: Feather Fall, Burning Hands
2nd Level: Enlarge/Reduce, Flame Blade
3rd Level: Protection from Energy, Fireball
4th Level: Conjure Minor Elemental, Wall Of Fire
5th Level: Conjure Elemental, Immolation

Pact Boons
Your patron allows you the following options to you pact of boons:

- Pact of the Chain: Your familiar may also have the form of a small magma mephit that magically does not incinerate everything it touches, unless you command it to.
- Pact of the Blade: Your weapon looks to be made of fine steel inlaid with gold and rubies. It is most likely a slashing weapon, like a scimitar or long dagger.
- Pact of the Tome: Your Book of Shadows is most likely an exquisite tome bound in red leather or fine cloth, intricately adorned with gold and rubies. Within it are an infinite number of tales about your patron, his subordinates, and his elemental plane.

Genie's Lamp
Starting at 1st level, your patron bestows upon you the ability to make any small container your own genie lamp. Choose any small container that has a lid, such as a flask, a jar, or an oil lamp, to become your genie lamp after a 1 hour ritual. You may only have one genie lamp at a time. If you complete the ritual to make another genie lamp, the previous lamp disappears, presumably added to your Efreeti patron's treasury. The genie lamp has the following properties:

- It is essentially indestructible
- It can be used as your arcane focus
- You may enter or exit the genie lamp after a minute of concentration. The inside of the lamp is a 15 ft tall cylinder with a radius of 30 ft. It is decorated and furnished to your liking. An exquisite meal will be magically provided for you if you so desire it. You may not remove anything created within the lamp but you can store and retrieve items from the outside. If you make a new lamp, this space automatically transfers to the new lamp. This space is physically impenetrable but can be accessed by powerful magic such as planar travel or teleportation. This space can aslo be viewed by scrying and other such divination magics. If someone rubs or opens your lamp while you are within it, you are expelled into the nearest unoccupied space. Anything granted by the Pact Boon can be stored and retrieved in your lamp as an action. Your Pact of the Chain familiar can retrieve items for you as an action if it can physically carry it.
- It may also transform into your Pact of the Blade weapon if you choose, though you or anything else cannot enter or exit it until it you revert it. It still performs any other function your regular lamp would have.

Additionally, you learn Ignan, the language of the Fire Elemental Plane.

Pseudo Wishes
Starting at 6th level, your patron begins to teach you the fundamentals of wishes. Your genie lamp gains the following properties:

- Your genie lamp can hold pseudo-wishes for your use. You may place spell slots into your lamp as "wishes" that remain until you use them. The maximum number of wishes you lamp can hold is equal to your maximum number of spell slots. You may use these wishes to cast spells you have prepared instead of your spell slots.
- You can expend a wish to place a willing creature of your size or smaller in your lamp. A doorway will appear in the inside space of your lamp leading to a 10 ft tall cylindrical guest room with a radius of 10 ft. It is decorated and furnished to the guest's liking. The satisfactory food and drink is magically provided for the guest for the duration of their stay. You may expend another wish to remove a creature from your lamp, forcibly if need be. The maximum number of creatures you keep in the lamp is equal to the maximum number of wishes your lamp can hold. Your guests are not expelled from the lamp when it is rubbed or opened, whether you are within it or not.
- The space inside your lamp cannot be accessed by planar travel or teleportation, except for yourself, genies, or entities on par or greater than your patron.

Additionally, you may add your charisma modifier to any fire attack you make.

Fragmented Wishes
Starting at 10th level, your patron has entrusted to you arcane knowledge on the nature of wishes. Your genie lamp gains the following properties:

- Your genie lamp makes you immune to fire damage as long as you hold it in your hand
- Your genie lamp now holds wish fragments instead of pseudo-wishes. By expending the maximum number of wish fragments your lamp can hold, you can duplicate the effects of another spell whose level you can cast (mystic arcanum included), except for the "Wish" spell, without expending any material components. You may cast spells this way once per long rest. These spells count as warlock spells for you.
- The maximum number of creatures you can store in your lamp is now equal to twice the number of wishes it can hold.
- Sensors created by divination spells cannot be created inside the space created by your lamp nor can they enter your lamp. Creatures inside the lamp cannot be targeted by divination spells. Spells cast by you, genies, or entities on par or greater than your patron are exempt.

Wish Lore
Starting at 14th level, your patron has given you a glimpse into the secrets of true wish granting. Your genie lamp gains the following properties:
- Your lamp can now coalesce your wish fragments into a single, true wish. Once a year, you may expend all the wish fragments in your lamp to cast the spell "Wish" without any of the material components or the demerits. These count as warlock spells for you. As long as the request is within reason, the spell will do exactly what you request of it. You can also use you wish in less conventional ways, such as making certain spells effects instantly permanent, such as "Guards and Wards" or "Forbidance," or making certain temporary spells permanent, such as "Magic Circle" or "Animate Objects." However, you lose the right to be granted wishes by any other existence. The casting also damages your lamp, making it incapable of holding any more wish fragments until you spend 2d4 days fixing it.
- The maximum number of creatures your lamp can hold is equal to four times the maximum number of wish fragments your lamp can hold.
- The space inside your lamp is properly protected from all physical and magical actions taken by any existence that is not yourself.


Your patron is one of the powerful lords or ladies of the Elemental Plane of Water, residing in the wondrous Citadel of a Thousand Pearls, the most powerful caretakers of the secrets of wish granting. Odds are that you met your patron while they were bound to their magic lamp. Perhaps they agreed to be your patron as part of your wish or in exchange for their freedom. Their motivations are completely at the whim of their swirling emotions, shifting like the deep ocean currents.

Marid Expanded Spell List

The Marid lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spell are added to the warlock list for you:

1st Level: Feather Fall, Ice Knife
2nd Level: Enlarge/Reduce, Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
3rd Level: Protection from Energy, Tidal Wave
4th Level: Conjure Minor Elemental, Watery Sphere
5th Level: Conjure Elemental, Maelstrom

Pact Boons
Your patron allows you the following options to you pact of boons:

- Pact of the Chain: Your familiar may also have the form of a small water mephit or small water elemental that doesn't drench everything it touches unless you request it.
- Pact of the Blade: Your weapon looks to be made of fine steel inlaid with pearls and sapphires. It is most likely a piercing weapon, like a trident or crossbow.
- Pact of the Tome: Your Book of Shadows is most likely an exquisite tome bound in blue leather or fine cloth, intricately adorned with pearls and sapphires. Within it are an infinite number of tales about your patron, his subordinates, and his elemental plane.

Genie's Lamp
Starting at 1st level, your patron bestows upon you the ability to make any small container your own genie lamp. Choose any small container that has a lid, such as a flask, a jar, or an oil lamp, to become your genie lamp after a 1 hour ritual. You may only have one genie lamp at a time. If you complete the ritual to make another genie lamp, the previous lamp disappears, presumably added to your Efreeti patron's treasury. The genie lamp has the following properties:

- It is essentially indestructible
- It can be used as your arcane focus
- You may enter or exit the genie lamp after a minute of concentration. The inside of the lamp is a 15 ft tall cylinder with a radius of 30 ft. It is decorated and furnished to your liking. An exquisite meal will be magically provided for you if you so desire it. You may not remove anything created within the lamp but you can store and retrieve items from the outside. If you make a new lamp, this space automatically transfers to the new lamp. This space is physically impenetrable but can be accessed by powerful magic such as planar travel or teleportation. This space can aslo be viewed by scrying and other such divination magics. If someone rubs or opens your lamp while you are within it, you are expelled into the nearest unoccupied space. Anything granted by the Pact Boon can be stored and retrieved in your lamp as an action. Your Pact of the Chain familiar can retrieve items for you as an action if it can physically carry it.
- It may also transform into your Pact of the Blade weapon if you choose, though you or anything else cannot enter or exit it until it you revert it. It still performs any other function your regular lamp would have.

Additionally, you Aquan, the language of the Water Elemental Plane.

Pseudo Wishes
Starting at 6th level, your patron begins to teach you the fundamentals of wishes. Your genie lamp gains the following properties:

- Your genie lamp can hold pseudo-wishes for your use. You may place spell slots into your lamp as "wishes" that remain until you use them. The maximum number of wishes you lamp can hold is equal to your maximum number of spell slots. You may use these wishes to cast spells you have prepared instead of your spell slots.
- You can expend a wish to place a willing creature of your size or smaller in your lamp. A doorway will appear in the inside space of your lamp leading to a 10 ft tall cylindrical guest room with a radius of 10 ft. It is decorated and furnished to the guest's liking. The satisfactory food and drink is magically provided for the guest for the duration of their stay. You may expend another wish to remove a creature from your lamp, forcibly if need be. The maximum number of creatures you keep in the lamp is equal to the maximum number of wishes your lamp can hold. Your guests are not expelled from the lamp when it is rubbed or opened, whether you are within it or not.
- The space inside your lamp cannot be accessed by planar travel or teleportation, except for yourself, genies, or entities on par or greater than your patron.

Additionally, you have a swimming speed of 40 ft.

Fragmented Wishes
Starting at 10th level, your patron has entrusted to you arcane knowledge on the nature of wishes. Your genie lamp gains the following properties:

- Your genie lamp allows you to breath underwater as long as you hold it in your hand
- Your genie lamp now holds wish fragments instead of pseudo-wishes. By expending the maximum number of wish fragments your lamp can hold, you can duplicate the effects of another spell whose level you can cast (mystic arcanum included), except for the "Wish" spell, without expending any material components. You may cast spells this way once per long rest. These spells count as warlock spells for you.
- The maximum number of creatures you can store in your lamp is now equal to twice the number of wishes it can hold.
- Sensors created by divination spells cannot be created inside the space created by your lamp nor can they enter your lamp. Creatures inside the lamp cannot be targeted by divination spells. Spells cast by you, genies, or entities on par or greater than your patron are exempt.

Wish Lore
Starting at 14th level, your patron has given you a glimpse into the secrets of true wish granting. Your genie lamp gains the following properties:
- Your lamp can now coalesce your wish fragments into a single, true wish. Once a year, you may expend all the wish fragments in your lamp to cast the spell "Wish" without any of the material components or the demerits. These count as warlock spells for you. As long as the request is within reason, the spell will do exactly what you request of it. You can also use you wish in less conventional ways, such as making certain spells effects instantly permanent, such as "Guards and Wards" or "Forbidance," or making certain temporary spells permanent, such as "Magic Circle" or "Animate Objects." However, you lose the right to be granted wishes by any other existence. The casting also damages your lamp, making it incapable of holding any more wish fragments until you spend 2d4 days fixing it.
- The maximum number of creatures your lamp can hold is equal to four times the maximum number of wish fragments your lamp can hold.
- The space inside your lamp is properly protected from all physical and magical actions taken by any existence that is not yourself.

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gollark: MediaWiki bad.
gollark: It is also an EVIL strategy.
gollark: no.
gollark: > NB: 'just run off the bottom of the screen and keep going' is not an official strategy, it only arises from a bug in the implementation. The original Emu War code prevents trying to run off the edge of the screen, but osmarks forgot to update these when he updated the gamefield size, foolishly assuming that the variables for gamefield size actually controlled the other relevant bits.
gollark: No! That picture is being used out of context!
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