The Forever Blind (5e Subclass)

The Forever Blind

Warlock Subclass

You have made a pact with an extraplanar entity formed of and fueled by the fears of mortals; your patron is associated with the primordial fear of darkness and the unknown. This entity is usually unable or unwilling to influence the material plane beyond granting supernatural abilities to those it believes will provide even more fear that it may feed on. If it has chosen you, it either believes you will make the fear of the dark widespread, or that you yourself will develop into a source of this fear.

Expanded Spell List

The Forever Blind lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.

1st levelsleep, fog cloud
2ndblindness/deafness, blur
3rdblink, nondetection
4thgreater invisibility, phantasmal killer
5thmislead, hallow
The Eyes of the Shadows

Starting at 1st level, you are permanently blinded and gain blindsight out to 40 feet. This range increases by 20 feet every time you gain a feature of this subclass, and while you are in darkness.


By 6th level, you have started to meld with the darkness, and shadows stick and cling to you no matter how bright it is. For 1 round after being in darkness, you are treated as though you were still in darkness.

Still and Lightless

Starting at 10th level, your very existence dulls the senses of other creatures. While in darkness, you are completely silent and making an attack no longer ends the invisible condition.

Dark Star

Starting at 14th level, you may use an action to cast sunbeam or sunburst at their minimum levels; this expends spell slot. Spells cast this way create darkness instead of light in their ranges, and deal psychic damage in place of radiant. You must complete a long rest to use this feature again.

Your Pact Boon

Each Pact Boon option produces a special creature or an object that reflects your patron's nature.

Pact of the Chain.Your familiar is melanistic and rarely vocalizes. It may have the default form of a nocturnal animal, such as an owl or bat.

Pact of the Blade.The weapon of a servant of the Forever Blind might absorb light across its surface, or make less sound than it should when striking other objects.

Pact of the Tome.Your tome could be completely black, appearing as though soaked in ink and readable only by creatures with blindsight.

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gollark: Why did states happen in the *first* place if they aren't good and there's a stable alternative?
gollark: > Collectivization will take place naturally as soon as state coercion is over, the workers themselveswill own their workplaces as the capitalists will no longer have any control over them. This iswhat happened during the Spanish Revolution of 1936, during which workers and farmers seized andmanaged the means of production collectively. For those capitalists who had a good attitude towardsworkers before the revolution, there was also a place - they joined the horizontal labor collectivesUm. This seems optimistic.
gollark: > "Legally anyone can start their own business. Just launch a company!”. These words oftenmentioned by the fans of capitalism are very easy to counter, because they have a huge flaw. Namely,if everyone started a company, who would work for all these companiesThis is a bizarre objection. At the somewhat extreme end, stuff *could* probably still work fine if the majority of people were contracted out for work instead of acting as employees directly.
gollark: The hierarchical direct democracy thing it describes doesn't seem like a very complete or effective coordination mechanism, and it seems like it could easily create unfreedom.
gollark: I disagree with this PDF, for purposes.
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