The Champion (3.5e Class)

This material is published under the OGL

Design Note: This is a class created by 'The Giant' from some 5 odd years ago, unchanged from how he created it.

The Champion

The champion is a common man able to call upon the persona of a mighty avatar of divine power in times of need. This avatar does not come to the champion's side, however; he takes over the champion's body, transforming it into an obvious being of power to smite evildoers. The sight of the unleashed avatar is a either beautiful or terrifying, but few would suspect that such power erupts from the otherwise nondescript champion.

Making a Champion

Adventures: Champions adventure to right wrongs and help others, usually by defeating powerful evil creatures that threaten civilization. While the champion might also have an interest in such worldly affairs as money, the champion's avatar form cares only for its divine mission. Often, the champion finds himself in the middle of situations far beyond his meager battle skills and must call on the avatar just to survive. The champion is really just the link on this mortal plane for the avatar, and is frequently swept up into events over which he has no control.

Characteristics: The power of the avatar can leap forth from the champion with a single word, transmogrifying his mortal flesh into the immortal power of the avatar. With this power, the champion can wreak terrible destruction on his foes for a short time before the champion's mundane form reasserts itself and he returns to normal. As the avatar becomes more closely bonded with the champion, it becomes more powerful when summoned and can be summoned more often. The champion and his avatar are ultimately separate people, though they share memories; they may have differences of opinion on a situation, and sometimes the champion will summon the avatar only to find that the avatar has different ideas on how to handle a situation.

Background:: Unlike paladins, champions are rarely called from birth or raised to their destiny. Becoming a champion is often a case of being in the right place at the right time-or even the wrong place at the wrong time. A champion might stumble across a holy relic that finds him "worthy enough" to serve as the avatar's link, or perhaps a dying outsider agrees to merge his essence with that of the champion out of necessity. The champion might enjoy the new relationship or they might resent losing control of their body periodically.

It is often in the champion's best interest to keep the fact that he and the avatar are one person a secret. If the avatar becomes well-known for its strikes against the forces of evil, it might court enemies that the champion, in his normal form, cannot best. Since the champion is limited as to how often he may take avatar form, it is likely that evildoers would eventually ambush him. Thus many champions keep their dual identity secret from all but their closest friends and fellow adventurers.

Abilities: Charisma is important to the champion's ability to hold avatar form as long as possible, as well as to allay suspicion if the champion wishes to keep his identity secret. Wisdom is useful for the small amount of divine spells that champion learns to cast. Strength and Constitution are most important for the champion's avatar form, which is likely to be interested primarily in combat.

Races: Members of any of the common races are likely to find the role of champion thrust upon them; indeed, the informal nature of the champion's service makes it actually more likely that races like half-orcs or halflings find their way to the ranks of champions than one might expect. However, humans still make up the bulk of champions, if only because they are more likely to agree to share their body with the avatar than the longer-lived dwarves or elves.

Alignment: The forces of Good, either divine or abstract, power the champion's abilities and give birth to the avatar. Should the champion stray from the path of righteousness, the avatar will abandon him in favor of a new host.

Starting Gold: 5d4×10 gp (125gp).

Starting Age: Simple.

Class Skills (Champion) (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Class Skills (Avatar) (2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Spot (Wis), and Swim (Str).

Class Features

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The champion (and his avatar form) is proficient in all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Avatar (Su): Granted the imbued power of his patron, the Champion can transform himself from his normal shape into the shape of an avatar of holy might. Taking avatar form is a free action, but is always a spectacular affair; the champion appears to be struck by lightning, or engulfed in flames, or glow with otherworldly energy. The display is sufficient to immediately ruin any attempt to Hide, and grants a +10 circumstance bonus to the Spot checks of anyone who simply hasn't noticed the champion's presence. Transforming to or from avatar form requires a magic word to be spoken, so that a gag or a silence effect can prevent it from occurring.

The avatar is a Medium-size native outsider with the Good subtype (even if the champion himself is a different size), and looks only slightly like the champion's normal form. It is always in the prime of life, even if the champion is younger or older, and is obviously virile and powerful. The avatar displays an obvious magical nature, the exact details of which depend on the deity or power that created the avatar; the champion may crackle with an aura of electricity, or have eyes of flame and skin of steel, or any other mystic appearance (subject to DM approval). The avatar is different enough from the champion's normal countenance that it counts as a disguise, even granting a +10 circumstance bonus to the Disguise skill check if someone might recognize him. As an outsider, the avatar has darkvision out to 60 feet.

The avatar is almost like a separate character, with its own ability scores, hit points, feats, and skills. At 1st level, the avatar's ability scores are based on those of the champion, although the scores may be rearranged as desired for the avatar. Apply the ability score adjustments for the champion's race after arranging them. The avatar may then increase his ability scores 4 times, as if the avatar had gained a level divisible by four. Every champion class level gained thereafter, the avatar may increase one of his ability scores further; the standard increase to ability scores gained every four levels applies only to the champion's normal form.

The avatar also has gains skill points for every champion level (but not for levels in other classes) and has a different set of class skills than the champion's regular form. The avatar has one feat for every 3 character levels the champion has (regardless of the class). These may be feats he has in his normal form or they may be any feat he qualifies for by virtue of the avatar's ability scores; the avatar gains another feat whenever the champion reaches a character level divisible by three. The avatar has its own base attack bonus and base saving throws, based solely on the champion's class level (that is, attack and save bonuses from other classes or monster Hit Dice do not add to the avatar's values).

The avatar cannot access any class abilities from any class other than champion, such as spellcasting, fighter bonus feats, smite evil, turn undead, or wild shape. The avatar loses all racial traits as well, with the sole exception of racial adjustments to ability scores. Familiars, animal companions, and paladin mounts continue to serve the avatar as they would the champion, as do cohorts and followers gained from the Leadership feat. The champion cannot use any of his normal feats or skills when in avatar form (except for the bonus feat gained at 2nd level; see below). All equipment carried by the champion changes appearance slightly to match the avatar's overall image (and new size, if the avatar form is larger or smaller), but is otherwise unaffected.

The avatar has 12-sided Hit Dice equal to the champion's class levels and its own pool of hit points, modified by the avatar form's Constitution. Damage the champion takes when in avatar form comes from this set of hit points, rather than the champion's own hit points. Likewise, damage suffered while in normal form does not affect the avatar's health. The hit point total for each form "freezes" when the champion switches forms, so that if the avatar is wounded, it will still be wounded the next time the champion calls on it. If the avatar is reduced to negative hit points, the champion immediately reverts to normal form (complete with whatever hit point total he had before changing.) If the avatar is outright killed, the champion loses the ability to take avatar form (see below).

The champion and his avatar must each be healed separately, but the champion can choose to mentally direct any healing spell or effect to which he is subject to heal his avatar rather than his normal self. If either form is subject to a healing effect that would heal more hit points than that form has suffered in damage, the leftover healing may be transferred to the other form.

The avatar is immune to ability drain, ability damage, disease, energy drain, poison, or polymorph; any of these effects that have taken hold on the champion are suppressed while in avatar form. Any other spell or ability affecting the champion also affects the avatar when it is taken. The avatar is affected by spells that specifically target or affect native outsiders, and is immune to spells that target humanoids only. An anti-magic field suppresses the avatar form as long as the champion remains within, but the avatar form returns if the champion leaves the area.

The champion may take avatar form once per day at 1st level, and may maintain it for 3 minutes + 1 minute per point of the champion's Charisma bonus (not that of the avatar). At the end of this period, he reverts back to his normal shape, and is fatigued for an amount of time equal to the length of time he held avatar form. The champion can also return to normal form voluntarily, which will naturally shorten the duration of his exhaustion.

Spells: As the champion continues to serve as the vessel for his deity's will, he gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells drawn from the champion spell list. A champion must choose and prepare his spells in advance, and may not cast them while in avatar form. To prepare or cast a spell, the champion must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The DC for a saving throw against a champion's spell is 10 + the spell level + the champion's Wisdom modifier.

A champion can only cast a limited number of spells, as indicated on the accompanying table. The champion also gains bonus spells per day if he has a high Wisdom score. When the table indicates that the champion gets 0 spells of a particular spell level, he gains only the bonus spells he would be entitled to for high Wisdom. A champion prepares and casts spells as a paladin does, and his caster level is equal to half his champion class level.

Bonus Feat: At 2nd level, the champion learns a single bonus feat that he may use in both of his two forms. The feat must come from the following list: Acrobatic, Agile, Alertness, Animal Affinity, Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Athletic, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Diligent, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Investigator, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Magical Aptitude, Negotiator, Nimble Fingers, Persuasive, Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus, Stealthy, or Toughness.

Domain: As the servant of a deity, the champion gains access to one of his god's domains at 4th level. He may add the domain spells to the champion spell list, though he does not gain an additional domain slot per day in which to prepare them. He also gains the domain's granted power, which he may use in either his normal form or his avatar form. If the domain power is based on any ability score, such as the uses per day being based on Charisma, use the champion's relevant ability score, not the avatar's. At 12th level, the champion may select a second domain.

Energy Resistance (Su): As the champion becomes more powerful, his avatar becomes resistant to various forms of energy. At 3rd level, the champion chooses one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic); his avatar gains resistance 5 to that energy type. Every 4 levels thereafter (7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th), the champion may choose another energy type to gain resistance 5 against OR increase his existing resistance to one energy type by 5. Alternately, if the avatar already possesses resistance 20 for any energy type, he may exchange it for complete immunity from that energy rather than raising it to resistance 25.

Fly (Su): At 6th level and above, the avatar can fly with perfect maneuverability. His fly speed starts out at 30 feet per round, and increases at 12th and 18th levels.

Avatar Weapon (Su): Starting at 8th level, the champion can cause one of his magical weapons to change shape along with him when he takes his avatar form. The weapon changes to any one other simple or martial weapon, but keeps all enchantments and is crafted from the same special materials (if possible). The champion chooses a weapon to be his avatar weapon by meditating on it for 8 hours and deciding what its alternate form will be; once chosen, the weapon can only transform to that single shape. The champion can meditate again to switch the ability to a different weapon or to change the alternate form to that of a different weapon.

Damage Reduction (Su): Starting at 9th level, the champion's avatar form gains damage reduction 5/evil or silver (if lawful good) or cold iron (if chaotic good). If neutral good, the DM chooses which type of metal overcomes the avatar form's damage reduction. At 17th level, this increases to damage reduction 10/evil or silver/cold iron.

Greater Avatar Weapon (Su): At 16th level, the avatar learns to channel a portion of his power into his avatar weapon. When in avatar form, his current avatar weapon gains additional magical abilities equal to a +3 enchantment. This ability can either be a single +3 ability (e.g. a weapon of speed), a +2 and a +1 ability (a holy keen weapon), or three +1 abilities (a shocking flaming frost weapon), as the champion prefers. These abilities can increase the weapon's total number of enchantments above the normal limits of how many special abilities can be present on a weapon. You may not choose an enhancement bonus as a special ability. The champion chooses what abilities are gained using the same meditation process for switching his avatar weapon; the abilities gained remain the same until they are switched.

Perfect Transformation: At 20th level, the unity between the champion and the avatar has been perfected. The avatar increases his resistance to all five types of energy by 5; if any resistance would become 25, the avatar instead gains immunity to that energy type. From this point on, whenever the champion assumes avatar form, the avatar always begins fully healed, even if damaged in a previous manifestation.

Restrictions: The champion must maintain a good alignment at all times. If his alignment strays to neutral, he finds that taking avatar form becomes very difficult. He must make a Charisma check (DC equals 10 + champion level) in order to transform to the avatar, with failure expending one of his daily transformations to no effect. The champion must atone for his transgressions (often through a quest given to him by the avatar itself) and regain a good alignment or else it will eventually abandon him-as it will a champion who becomes evil.

If the avatar is killed, the champion cannot take avatar form until it is returned to life. The champion must be the recipient of a raise dead, resurrection, or true resurrection spell, which will return the avatar to life, although neither the avatar nor the champion loses a level as a result. The death and raising of the champion, however, will result in such a loss as normal.

Spells: Champions choose their spells from the following list:

1st bless, bless weapon, cure light wounds, detect evil, divine favor, endure elements, magic weapon, protection from evil, remove fear, shield of faith

2nd bear's endurance, bull's strength, cat's grace, cure moderate wounds, eagle's splendor, fox's cunning, owl's wisdom, resist energy, shield other

3rd cure serious wounds, fly, heroism, magic circle against evil, prayer, protection from energy

4th cure critical wounds, death ward, dispel evil, divine power, freedom of movement, holy sword


If his alignment strays to neutral, he finds that taking avatar form becomes very difficult. He must make a Charisma check (DC equals 10 + champion level) in order to transform to the avatar, with failure expending one of his daily transformations to no effect. The champion must atone for his transgressions (often through a quest given to him by the avatar itself) and regain a good alignment or else it will eventually abandon him-as it will a champion who becomes evil.

Playing a Champion

Religion: Most champions gain their powers through devotion to a good-aligned deity, but it is not the only method. A powerful good-aligned outsider could offer the champion the opportunity to serve as his or her vessel on the mortal plane, or even a very powerful cleric or wizard could bind the champion to the avatar. More likely, the champion is of borderline observance to the deity's mandates; if the champion were truly devout, the god would choose him as a cleric or paladin instead. The path of the champion is generally less taxing for the wayward layperson, since the avatar itself is unswervingly loyal.

Other Classes: Ironically, champions get along poorly with paladins and clerics. Those more formal members of the church hierarchy see the champions, with their part-time commitment, as amateurs and interlopers. Champions get along well with rogues, bards, and fighters, as they have the most in common with these everyman classes (at least until they say their magic word). The champion is not usually a leader in his normal form, preferring to let others take the responsibility. Unfortunately, the avatar is often far more interested in command, which can cause conflicts.

Combat: The Champions role changes depending on which form he is in. While in champion form, they typically play a ranged dps or support role. While in Avatar form, they tend to become frontline fighters or Tanks.

Additional Feats

The following are a set of feats designed for use with the Champion Class:

Aesetic Avatar: Your avatar possesses a unique but deadly calm. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability, Flurry of Blows class feature. Benefit: Your champion and monk levels stack for purposes of determining your avatar's Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saving throws, and skill points. You may use your monk unarmed damage, ki strike, AC bonus, and unarmored speed bonus while in avatar form, and you may make a flurry of blows attack. You may freely multiclass between monk and champion levels. Special: Both the champion and the avatar must take this feat in order to gain its benefits. Special: If playing with the gestalt variant rules, combine your total champion and monk levels to determine your avatar's total number of Hit Dice, even if you gain a level from each class at the same character level. Your avatar cannot have more Hit Dice than you have character levels + 4. Normal: Your avatar's abilities are based solely on your champion levels, and you cannot use any class abilities in avatar form.

Avatar Kinship: Your avatar starts to take on some of your own racial characteristics. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability. Benefit: Your avatar gains the following racial abilities if your race possesses them: Racial skill bonuses, racial saving throw bonuses, racial attack bonuses against certain enemies or with certain weapons, low-light vision, or scent. If your race possesses a natural armor bonus, your avatar gains this as well, but not any natural armor bonus acquired through feats or class abilities. Finally, your avatar is considered to be a member of your race (in addition to being an Outsider) for purposes of magic items, spells, or class abilities that target certain races. Special: This feat must be taken by your avatar, not your champion, in order to be effective. Normal: Your avatar gains no racial abilities other than ability score adjustments.

Avatar Knight: Your avatar is a paragon of chivalry. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability, Smite Evil class ability. Benefit: Your champion and paladin levels stack for purposes of determining your avatar's Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saving throws, and skill points. You may use your divine grace, smite evil, and lay on hands class abilities while in avatar form. You may freely multiclass between paladin and champion levels. Special: Both the champion and the avatar must take this feat in order to gain its benefits. Special: If playing with the gestalt variant rules, combine your total champion and paladin levels to determine your avatar's total number of Hit Dice, even if you gain a level from each class at the same character level. Your avatar cannot have more Hit Dice than you have character levels + 4. Normal: Your avatar's abilities are based solely on your champion levels, and you cannot use any class abilities in avatar form.

Avatar Mount: When you change to avatar form, your trusty mount does, too. Prerequisite: Avatar Knight, paladin mount class ability. Benefit: When you change to avatar form, you may choose to transform your special paladin mount to match your avatar form if it is within 30 feet of you. In its transformed state, your mount has the same energy resistance and damage reduction you have and gains temporary hit points equal to its normal maximum hit points (effectively doubling its hit points). The mount also takes on a specific appearance that matches or compliments your avatar's appearance. When you return to your champion form, your mount loses these benefits. Special: This feat must be taken by your avatar, not your champion, in order to be effective.

Avatar Training: You have given up some of your knowledge in order that your avatar might learn more. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability. Benefit: Your avatar learns one feat of your choice. Your avatar must meet all prerequisites for that feat as normal. Normal: Your avatar only gains one feat every three character levels. Special: You may take this feat multiple times.

Charging Transformation: You channel the power of your transformation into a thunderous blow. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability. Benefit: When you change to avatar form during the same round as you charge, you gain a bonus to your weapon damage roll equal to your champion level. If you are capable of making more than one attack at the end of a charge, this bonus only applies to the first such attack.

Crisis Transformationa: Your avatar can step in and save the day when needed. Prerequisite: Hero Form 3/day. Benefit: While in champion form, if you would be reduced to 0 or less hit points by an attack or spell, you can change to avatar form as an immediate action by making a Will saving throw (DC=damage dealt). If successful, the damaging attack or spell affects the avatar instead, reduced by any applicable resistances the avatar might have. You may not use this feat if you do not have any daily uses of your Hero Form ability remaining or if your avatar has already been reduced to negative hit points or slain. Special: If you have taken this feat, you may also choose for your avatar to take it. In that case, your avatar may also attempt to turn back to champion form in the same manner when an attack or spell would reduce it to 0 or less hit points.

Divine Avatar: The power of your deity runs more strongly through your avatar than most. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability, ability to cast 1st level divine spells. Benefit: Your champion and divine spellcasting levels stack for purposes of determining your avatar's Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saving throws, and skill points. .....You may cast divine spells from other classes while in avatar form if your avatar has sufficient ability scores to do so. Use your avatar's ability scores to determine saving throw DCs and other effects, but your own casting level. You do not gain or lose bonus spells while in avatar form, regardless of how much your primary spellcasting score may change. Special: Both the champion and the avatar must take this feat in order to gain its benefits. Special: If playing with the gestalt variant rules, combine your total champion and divine spellcasting levels to determine your avatar's total number of Hit Dice, even if you gain a level from each class at the same character level. Your avatar cannot have more Hit Dice than you have character levels + 4. Normal: Your avatar's abilities are based solely on your champion levels, and you cannot cast spells while in avatar form.

Dragonblooded Avatar: Your avatar is imbued with arcane power. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability, ability to cast 1st level arcane spells. Benefit: Your champion and levels that grant arcane spellcasting ability stack for purposes of determining your avatar's Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saving throws, and skill points. .....You may cast arcane spells from other classes while in avatar form if your avatar has sufficient ability scores to do so. Use your avatar's ability scores to determine saving throw DCs and other effects, but your own casting level. You do not gain or lose bonus spells while in avatar form, regardless of how much your primary spellcasting score may change. Special: Both the champion and the avatar must take this feat in order to gain its benefits. Special: If playing with the gestalt variant rules, combine your total champion and arcane spellcasting levels to determine your avatar's total number of Hit Dice, even if you gain a level from each class at the same character level. Your avatar cannot have more Hit Dice than you have character levels + 4. Normal: Your avatar's abilities are based solely on your champion levels, and you cannot cast spells while in avatar form.

Extra Hero Form: You can summon your avatar more often. Prerequisite: Hero Form 2/day. Benefit: You may change to avatar form 2 additional times per day. Special: You may take this feat more than once.

Explosive Transformation: You unleash a mighty bolt of power when you take your avatar form. Prerequisite: Hero Form 2/day, avatar with energy resistance 10 or higher to one form of energy. Benefit: Choose one form of energy that to which your avatar has resistance of 10 or greater. All other creatures within 5 feet of you when you assume your avatar form take 1d6 points of damage from the chosen form of energy for every two champion class levels. Creatures who are not grappling with you can make a Reflex saving throw for half damage with a DC equal to 10 + half your champion class level + your avatar's Constitution bonus. This ability is supernatural in origin. Special: If you have taken this feat, you may also choose for your avatar to take it. If you do, you gain the same benefit when changing back to your champion form.

Fearful Transformation: The very act of taking your avatar form is a terror to behold. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability. Benefit: When you transform to your avatar form, you may make an Intimidate check against every enemy that can see you as a free action (using your avatar's Intimidate skill). If successful, affected enemies are shaken for 1d6 rounds.

Improved Avatar Healing: You are better at regulating the flow of healing energy to your avatar. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability, ability to cast cure light wounds. Benefit: When you cast a cure spell on yourself, you heal both yourself and your avatar the full amount of hit points indicated for that spell. Normal: You may direct a healing spell targeting you to heal either yourself or your avatar, but not both at the same time.

Improved Avatar Kinship: Your avatar starts to take on more of your own racial characteristics. Prerequisite: Avatar Kinship, Hero Form class ability. Benefit: Your avatar may use any spell-like abilities possessed by your race; saving throw DCs are based on the avatar's ability scores, but caster level is the same as when you are in your champion form. In addition, if you have spell resistance from your race, you retain it while in avatar form. Special: This feat must be taken by your avatar, not your champion, in order to be effective. Normal: Your avatar gains no racial abilities other than ability score adjustments.

Psychic Avatar: Your avatar can tap in to some of the power of your impressive mind. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability, ability to manifest 1st level psionic powers. Benefit: Your champion and psionic manifester levels stack for purposes of determining your avatar's Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saving throws, and skill points. You may manifest your psionic powers from other classes while in avatar form if your avatar has sufficient ability scores to do so. Use your avatar's ability scores to determine saving throw DCs and other effects, but your own manifesting level. You do not gain or lose bonus power points while in avatar form, regardless of how much your primary manifesting score may change. Special: Both the champion and the avatar must take this feat in order to gain its benefits. Special: If playing with the gestalt variant rules, combine your total champion and psionic manifester levels to determine your avatar's total number of Hit Dice, even if you gain a level from each class at the same character level. Your avatar cannot have more Hit Dice than you have character levels + 4. Normal: Your avatar's abilities are based solely on your champion levels, and you cannot manifest psionic powers while in avatar form.

Stealthy Transformation: Your avatar is more subtle than most. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability. Benefit: You do not need to speak a magic word or phrase to change to avatar form, and your transformation does not ruin your Hide checks or grant a bonus to others' Spot checks. Normal: A champion's transformation requires a spoken word or phrase to take effect. Doing so ruins any attempt to Hide and grants others a +10 to their Spot check to notice your presence.

Stunning Transformation: You unleash a mighty bolt of power when you take your avatar form. Prerequisite: Hero Form 2/day. Benefit: When you transform into your avatar form, all enemies within 30 feet must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + champion level + your avatar's Constitution bonus) or be stunned for 1 round. Special: If you have taken this feat, you may also choose for your avatar to take it. If you do, you gain the same benefit when changing back to your champion form.

Titanic Avatar: Your avatar is a towering figure. Prerequisite: Hero Form 3/day. Benefit: When you take this feat, your avatar form permanently gains the Powerful Build extraordinary ability. Whenever your avatar is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), your avatar is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. Your avatar is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. Your avatar can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, its space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this feat stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category. .....If you possess the Avatar Weapon class ability, you may choose to have your avatar weapon increase in size when you transform to accommodate your avatar's Powerful Build. Normal: Your avatar is a Medium-size creature.

Twilight Avatar: Your avatar is a sneaky bastard. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability, Sneak Attack +1d6. Benefit: Your champion and rogue levels stack for purposes of determining your avatar's Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saving throws, and skill points. You may make sneak attacks while in avatar form, as well as gain the full benefits of uncanny dodge and improved uncanny dodge. Special: Both the champion and the avatar must take this feat in order to gain its benefits. Special: If playing with the gestalt variant rules, combine your total champion and rogue levels to determine your avatar's total number of Hit Dice, even if you gain a level from each class at the same character level. Your avatar cannot have more Hit Dice than you have character levels + 4. Normal: Your avatar's abilities are based solely on your champion levels, and you cannot use any class abilities in avatar form.

Warrior Avatar: Your avatar is highly skilled in the art of war. Prerequisite: Hero Form class ability, two or more feats from the list of fighter bonus feats. Benefit: Your champion and fighter levels stack for purposes of determining your avatar's Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saving throws, and skill points. While in avatar form, you may make use of any feats you possess that are on the list of fighter bonus feats, even if you gained them from another source. Your avatar also becomes proficient in heavy armor. Special: Both the champion and the avatar must take this feat in order to gain its benefits. Special: If playing with the gestalt variant rules, combine your total champion and fighter levels to determine your avatar's total number of Hit Dice, even if you gain a level from each class at the same character level. Your avatar cannot have more Hit Dice than you have character levels + 4. Normal: Your avatar's abilities are based solely on your champion levels, and you cannot use any of your normal feats in avatar form.

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gollark: He won't. That would probably go against his stated situation.
gollark: I mean, maybe we could get gibson to transfer to you, but I doubt it.
gollark: He's okay, and he says he'll run an election.
gollark: Why not?
gollark: Also, who did vote for you?
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