The Ancients (3.5e Race)

The Ancients

The Ancients are the oldest ancestors of the human race, seeking lost knowledge and secrets throughout the ages.


Living forever tends to affect a person's personality, because of this the Ancients are a very reserved and secluded race, staying almost entirely to themselves, and avoiding any relations with other species knowing they will only see them age and die like so many others not of the Ancient race. Due to their seemingly endless lives, many of the race are driven to spend their days searching for ancient knowledge feeling this to be their payment for eternal life.

Physical Description

The Ancients are the first descendants of the human race, and are identical in almost every way, the only noticeable difference being in their physical build, young age and occasional blindness. The Ancients physical forms do not age as their descendants' do, stopping around their early twenty's. Being on the lower side of the average human height and weight, the Ancients are often mistaken for very intelligent and young humans, however due to their eternal life spans they often suffer from blindness, their eyes aging normally despite their body's seemingly infinite age.


The Ancients avoid relations whenever possible, knowing they will long outlive any companions they may meet. The closest relation an Ancient may have to another, would be that of a business type aquatint, but rarely true friendship.


Knowing only their thirst for knowledge, the ancients have no real reason to ally themselves with either good nor evil forces, only aiding one side or the other when promised with knowledge. For these reasons any character of the Ancient race is always neutral, but may sway to either lawful or chaotic.


The Ancients do not truly believe in any religion, believing most to be fanciful hopes and misguided beliefs, however some may still follow a given deity if only to learn what secrets they hold.


Members of the Ancients, driven by their wish for knowledge, are fluent in Common and Elven and the players choice of Abyssal, Celestial, or Infernal.

Bonus languages: All

Racial Traits

  • +2 Charisma, +2 Wisdom, +2 Strength, and +2 Will Save: The Ancients living for eons are physically smaller than their human descendants, but have mentally evolved far beyond that of they're modern descendants, and have acquired an insatiable thirst for knowledge believing it to be the only thing in life worth while.
  • Type: Humanoid
  • Base Land Speed: 30 feet
  • Blind Senses: Members of the Ancient race have an ability to see all around them, within their normal visual range, without the use of their eyes. basically they have all types of vision, but are immune to blinding affects and count as seeing in all directions, in addition they receive a +2 bonus to spot checks.
  • Members of the Ancient race receive one bonus feat at first level, and another bonus feat at second level, due to there affinity to knowledge.
  • Members of the Ancient race receive Eyes in the Back of Your Head as an extra bonus feat at first level, as long as they meet the requirements.
  • Members of the Ancient race receive Expanded Knowledge as a bonus feat at third level.
  • Members of the Ancient race receive Eight extra skill points at first level, and two extra skill points every level thereafter.
  • Decipher Script: Once per DayYou can decipher writing in an unfamiliar language or a message written in an incomplete or archaic form without making a skill check, and have a +5 modifier to regular skill check.
  • Members of the Ancient race have a natural thirst for knowledge giving them +2 to all knowledge skills. (taken individually)
  • Automatic Languages: Common, Elven, and choice of Abyssal, Celestial, or Infernal. Bonus Languages: All.
  • Favored Class: Any Charisma or Wisdom based class

Vital Statistics

Table: The Ancients Random Starting Physical Ages
20 years+1d3+1d4+2d4
Table: The Ancients Average Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightBase Weight
Male4' 3"- 5' 6"120-145 lb.
Female4'- 5' 2"100-135 lb.

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gollark: Also monads, which are burritos, oranges in a radioactive spacesuit, and also `Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b`.
gollark: I find it very hard to reason about code which frequently ends up chopping up infinite lists.
gollark: Haskell code is very confusing because of its crazy use of abstraction everywhere, somewhat alien (but nice and clean) syntax, and the whole lazy evaluation thing.
gollark: ```haskellprimes = filterPrime [2..] where filterPrime (p:xs) = p : filterPrime [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0]````primes` here has been defined as the infinite list of all prime numbers.
gollark: Learn Haskell.
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