Thanara (3.5e NPC)

Thanara is a tall, beautiful elven maiden. She is royalty, lives in the town of Yomesh, in the Acheron plane, and is the mayors daughter. She is also deeply in love with Count Valdir, despite his being a vampire. He has not bitten her. Despite this ideal sounding life, she has been kidnapped!

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CR —

Female Elf noble 5, fighter 5
N Medium
Init/Senses /Listen , Spot
AC 10, touch , flat-footed
hp 40 (5d10 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will //
Base Atk/Grp /
Abilities Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
SQ Magic resistance 60%
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In the town of Yomesh in the Acheron plane. She is missing though!


She fights with a sword +2.


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