Telekinetic Warrior (5e Subclass)
Telekenetic Warrior
Telekenetic warriors are those who have mastered the way of the sword, to the point where their weapons become a true extension of themselves. A careful blend between martial prowess and telekinetic powers allows telekinetic warriors to be as dangerous they would be up close from a distance. They are often seen with a number of weapons flaoting around them when fighting, becoming a tornado of blades on the battlefield.
Far Blade
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn how to magically wield a weapon from afar. As a bonus action on your turn, you can make a ranged weapon attack with a melee weapon you are holding, to a target up to 30 feet away. This weapon must have the Light property. After you make the attack you hover your Far Blade around you. You are considered to be wielding the weapon with one hand until your concetration breaks, as if concetrating on a spell. If you have no empty hand to control your Far Blade your concetration breaks. You add your Intelligence modifier to the attack and damage rolls made with your Far Blade.
Weapon Deflection
At 3rd level, you can protect yourself by distrubting your enemy's weapon. When an enemy that you can see hits you with a weapon attack, you can as a reaction force him to re-roll the attack roll, potentially causing him to miss. You can do this two times. You regain all expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. You gain an additional use at 7th, 10th, 15th and 18th level.
The More The Merrier
Beginning at 7th level, you can have a second Far Blade. As a bonus action you can make a ranged weapon attack with each weapon. You concentrate on both at the same time. You don't need to have the weapons drawn to make the attacks.
Battle Concetration
At 10th level, your Far Blade can have the Versatile property. You no longer need an empty hand to concetrate on your Far Blade. Also, you don't have disadvantage on your attack rolls with your Far Blade if you are within 5 feet of a Hostile creature who can see you and who isn’t Incapacitated.
Blade Hurricane
Starting at 15th level, you can make two attacks with each Far Blade as a bonus action when you use your Action Surge.
Superior Concetration
At 18th level, you have advantage on any saving throw to keep your concetration on your Far Blade. Your range with your Far Blade is doubled to 60 feet. You can have a third Far Blade. You are considered to be wielding you Far Blade with two hands for the purposes of the Versatility property.