Talk:Lupox (5e Race)

Galoko2 - Good afternoon. This page was made quite a long time ago(two years, if you consider that a long time.) and when this was made, we were working on a lot of different projects and various frustrations, so I attempted to call in some recent favors such as a man called Greyfeathers and of course "Little Hollow" as seen above. If you'll pardon perhaps the coarseness of our lot and accept our light apology, we do appreciate aid.

Firstly, the points you bring up are not valid and only lower the quality of the page by not including them, the {{wording}} template links to a literal list of what to do while the {{needsbalance}} template highlights that keen sense allowing for the auto-detection of any creature within 30 feet which is akin to blindsight or even the rogues 14th level class feature Blindsense.
Secondly, if you continue to remove templates without addressing the issues highlighted, and show a lack of civility in a blatant disregard for cooperation and collaboration. You will be warned as per the warning policy. Remember you are talking to people on a public forum, and being uncivil doesn't help anyone especially when people take the time to find and highlight the issues in something you've created. ConcealedLight (talk) 06:07, 16 March 2019 (MDT)

I read the page for the Italics, but I am...not sure how you mean by the inconsistencies. Actually, I suppose to be more specific- What do you mean "same wording as the first party"? If there is any other aid or direct editing that can be helpful/recommended, would definitely appreciate further help.

"First party" refers to the Core books published by WOTC, meaning PHB, DMG and official splat books. Wizards created an effective standard for their rulings' formatting, which is clear and concise. Following their lead and conventions is ideal to creating good homebrew content. Tazerbot3000 (talk) 12:26, 3 June 2019 (MDT)

Galoko2 - I frankly don't trust this wiki anymore for multiple reasons, this page being the last straw. Would like to request this whole page face deletion. D&D beyond has better reviews than this place, and in a lot of cases don't have other people messing with it--and at least if they do say why so it can be discussed. Thank you.

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