Talk:Arcane Tinkerer (5e Class)

I think that the 20th level "genius" feature might be a bit overpowered. I'd be interested in play-testing just to make sure, but casting spells would become next to impossible to fail at this point, which seems a little imbalanced.

RE: OP has done some play-testing and found out that the enlightened genius feat is a little bit too powerful. I used the Barbarian's 20th level as a starting point but it seems that it is just too powerful for spell-casting. I have edited this feat to give a +2 to both stats and increase the cap to 22. Making it considerably more balanced.

What is the Distract cantrip?

I found this but that is not 5e.

RE: OP Has removed the distract cantrip. This was indeed not 5E.

Q1: Why is there a focus on Wisdom with this class? It seems to me that the arcane effects are a product of intelligence alone (same as a wizard) and that there is as much (if not more) skill needed in the physical tinkering as in the arcane aspect. Should it not then be geared towards Int/Dex, rather than Int/Wis?

Q2: With the Overload improvement, why would your walking speed increase by 10ft? Shouldn't it just be the walking speed of your construct that increases?

I've got some too.
  • "found by googling the spell name followed by 5E" - how about just referring readers to the actual source?
  • Major traits give the player character benefits, rather than the construct? (It says "you") You surely can be gaining, for example, an additional 6 feats or 6 ability score increases as well' as the benefits listed in the class table?
  • Analytical Prowess. "You may choose to re-roll any roll" - advantage, then? What is the point of this anyway, the two main methods of identifying magic items are an identify spell or focusing on the item during a short rest, neither of which involve rolls.
  • Repair. Does it take an action? It's not "healing", it's "regaining hit points".
  • I need to cut it short here, but there's little errors everywhere, and I'm not really sure about the overall balance. Marasmusine (talk) 11:27, 8 January 2017 (MST)

So the construct cannot wear armor, what is its AC then? Going off the AC for characters without armor would put the constructs AC at very underwhelming numbers. As well as having a d8 for hp the construct becomes very weak. I would suggest a d12 for hp and an AC of 10+Dex modifier+Con modifier.

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