Tactical Visor (3.5e Equipment)

Tactical Visor: This orange helm visor fits over the head of a warforged. It expands his visual abilities, granting him a +10 competence bonus to Spot and Search checks. The visor contains a HUD which highlights important areas for the warforged. 3/day they may also employ Detect Magic.

The tactical visor expands one's visual abilities.

This item is part of the Chozo Warrior set, with the Hand Cannon, Morph Ball, and Space Jump Boots

Collection Benefits

2 Items: You gain low-light vision.

3 Items: You gain darkvision out to 60 ft.

4 Items: The visor picks up the location of things unseen, granting you See Invisibility 2/day for 3 minutes each.

Faint (DC 16) Transmutation;CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, See Invisibility, Detect Magic, and Owl’s Wisdom; Cost 4,750 gp + 380 XP; Activation: ; Weight: lb.; Market Price: 9,500 gp

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