Taco (3.5e Race)

April Fools!
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Tacos can have many personalities, from a hot & spicy one, to a more serene, mild one, entirely depending on their contents. Hot sauces and exotic cheeses tend to add aggression to a taco's personality, while vegetables tend to relax a taco's personality to being something palatable for a wider variety of travellers.

Physical Description

A taco appears as a large, humanoid-shaped tortilla, enclosing cheese, as well as a ground meat, usually turkey or beef. Some Tacos may sport lettuce, grated cheese, diced tomato, sour cream, taco sauce, salsa, and onions, or any variation of those ingredients. A seasoned traveller may encounter special breeds of taco that lack meat, however these are exceedingly rare in comparison to their more meaty brethren. As they are almost as big as a normal human, these tacos can last proportionally longer before decaying, though they will typically be eaten long before their shelf life ends.


Tacos are well-liked by many, enjoyed by even more, and hated only by a few... as tasty dinner.


As tacos are food items, they are almost always incapable of having any sense of morality, and are thus typically neutral in all respects. Non-meat tacos, however, tend more to chaotic alignments.


Tacos are often found at inns or other areas with kitchens, where they are created with tender love and care.


Tacos usually worship Fharlanghn, God of Roads, as they spend their short existences as fast food.


Tacos can speak common, but rarely get the chance to do so.


Male and female names: Burrito, Gordito, Taquito, Enchilada, Taco, and Chalupa.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Strength, +5 Dexterity; their flavor is too strong for some, but they fall apart very easily. As constructs, Tacos have no constitution score.
  • Construct; Tacos are animated pieces of animals and plants.
  • Small; +1 size bonus to Armor Class, +1 to size bonus on attack rolls, +4 size bonus on Hide checks, lifting and carrying limits are 3/4 of a Medium character.
  • Taco base land speed is 40 feet.
  • Due to their hard shells, Tacos have a natural armor bonus of +5
  • Sitophobia (Ex): Tacos are very afraid of being eaten. Thus, when panicked or fleeing, Tacos automatically move at double speed with no penalty. However, any time an opponent attempts to use an Engulf or Bite attack on a Taco, the Taco will take 1.5 times damage and become panicked. If a taco witnesses a bite or engulf attack, it must make a DC 15 Will save or become shaken. Failure by 5 or more panics the Taco.
  • Chili Sauce (Ex): When an opponent uses a bite attack on a taco, it must make a fortitude save of DC 10+1/2 the Taco's HD, rounded up. A successful save protects the biter for 4d12 rounds. Engulf attempts are made against an additional +10 DC. Failure causes the biter to take 6d6 points of fire damage unless they immediately down a glass of milk afterwards. Engulfers take a additional 1d4 fire damage.
  • Material Ingredients (Ex): A taco may substitute parts of itself for material components. They cannot substitute a material focus in this manner, nor can they substitute XP costs. This manner of substitution deals 1 point of damage to the taco.
  • Vulnerability to Water (Ex): A taco takes 1d4 points of damage any time he or she comes into contact with water. Immersion is even more devastating, dealing 1d8 points of damage per round of immersion.
  • Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Halfling, Gnome.
  • Favored Class: Any

Vital Statistics

As a Construct, a Taco does not age, though it certainly becomes less appetizing.

Table: Taco Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male6"+6 inches1 lb.× (1) lb.
FemaleAs maleAs maleAs male× (1) lb.

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gollark: Also, *unpolluted* air is hard to get some places.
gollark: And it's not free if you're in space.
gollark: Not so much that you could get, say, 10^18kg of air if you really wanted it for some reason.
gollark: Sure, that's probably possible *eventually*, I guess?
gollark: Even if we completely solve all material goods there will be demand for services, intellectual works, experiences, sort of thing.
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