Sylladex (Dungeons & Dragonstuck supplement)
We aren't in your normal settings. No need to have a visible backpack here, or deal with the annoying "Encumbrance Limit!" Instead, your players can carry their items in a unique system known as a Sylladex, which is split into two parts: the Captchalogue Deck, and the Strife Deck.
Here, we're looking at the Captchalouge Deck, which itself is split into two parts that work together: the Captchalouge Deck itself, and the Fetch Modus.
When a player decides to add an item to their inventory they will "Captchalouge" it, placing the item in their Deck. This allows the storage of items that a player may deem necessary in their travels. Or, perhaps they may desire to use the item for Alchemization (See Alchemization and Item Crafting.) When it's time to use an item, your Player must have set their Fetch Modus to allow for access to their Captchalouge Deck. This is how they can utilize their items stored. However, depending on their Fetch Modus, they may or may not be able to easily be accessed by the Modus. There is a limit to the amount of items a single player can hold, however. If a Player's Deck is full, the Fetch Modus will handle item management differently. Depending on the Fetch Modus however, clever (or idiotic) Players may be able to weaponize their Fetch Modus to their (dis)advantage. If this is the case, this is treated as a Player's Bonus Action. When starting a Session, Players often may not have many Cards for their deck. How many cards a Player starts with may be determined by one of the following options:
- All Players start with a certain amount of Cards in their deck (Minimum: 4-Card deck)
- A Player's starting Deck is based on their CON Modifier + Their Proficiency Bonus (Negative Modifiers are treated as 0.)
Fetch Modi
While there are many possible Fetch Modus available, starting players most often choose between one of three simple Modi: Stack, Queue, and Array, which function as follows:
- Stack: Item cards are stacked on top of each other. Only the item on top of the Stack may be utilized when this Fetch Modus is set. When the Deck is full any new items will be added, but the Fetch Modus will eject the item on the bottom of the Deck. This is treated as a Ranged Attack.
- Queue: Items are stacked on top of each other. Only the item on the bottom of the stack may be utilized when this Fetch Modus is set. When the Deck is full any new items will be added, but the Fetch Modus will eject the item on the bottom of the Deck. This is treated as a Ranged attack.
- Array: Items are automatically sorted into an empty Card in the Deck and the Player may choose the item they wish to use freely. When the Deck is full, the Fetch Modus will simply not accept any new items until there is a free Card.
There is also a weight and size limit to what most Fetch Modi can hold. The weight the Fetch Modus can handle is determined by the Player's STR Modifier x15 (Negative modifiers are treated as 2.) If the item a Player wishes to Captchalouge exceeds this limit, the Deck will simply reject the item. The size restriction is based on the Player's Size. Any items larger than the Player's current Size will also be refused by the Modus. There are more powerful Fetch Modi available that can allow a Player to ignore these limits, but the availability of these Fetch Modi may not be easily accessible to starting Players.
A Player may also combine items in the Cards to free up space so long as the items that would be combined are logical. As an example, a Player may combine a Hammer card with a Nails (x2) card together and creating a Hammer & Nails (x2) card and freeing a card in the deck. Another example would be combining Firecrackers (x6) with an Empty Box to make a Box of Firecrackers. An example of a pair that wouldn't mix is a Small Radio attempting to be stored alongside a Toy Gun; the Fetch Modus will merely reject the attempt.
If there is a single Card with multiple items in it (like the Hammer & Nails (x2) in the previous example), a Player may choose to retrieve only one item from this card.
Strife Deck
The second half of the Sylladex is a Player's Strife Deck. A Player may often allocate a weapon of their choosing to the Strife Deck from a card in their Captchalogue Deck (which also frees a card from the deck) and allows the Player to Aggreive their opponents, initiating Strife.
During the Installation process, you will be given an option between two versions of the system. You may select the Version you wish to utilize in your Session.
- SDUND v1.0: There is no mechanical benefits to Players allocating different weapons to their Strife Deck. Players may only allocate Weapons they have Proficiency with to their Strife Deck, with their Proficiencies being determined by the Player's skill set(s), often their Race, Class, and/or Background.
- SDUND v1.3: Players may choose to start with Proficiency with weapons equal to their Proficiency Bonus. This will override the a Player's Weapon Proficiencies that is determined by their Race, Class, and/or Background, but grants a Player increased capabilities with the Weapon(s) they allocate to their Strife Deck and allowing The Player to add their Proficiency Bonus again to attacks made with allocated weapons (Items ejected from a Player's Captchalogue Deck do not fall under this rule.) This bonus only applies to weapons they have proficiency with. This does come with the caveat that Players may only expand their Strife Deck and Weapon Proficiencies with Kind Abstrata they acquire through their adventures, and this list cannot be expanded until the Player's Proficiency Bonus is increased.
Kind Abstrata
Until a weapon is allocated to the Strife Deck, a Player has Fistkind set as default (If you selected the v1.3, Players do not gain any benefits from this Kind Abstrata unless the Player chooses to allocate this as one of their Kind Abstrata) and will be overwritten by the first weapon allocated to the Strife Deck.
There are a variety of weapons that can be allocated to the Strife Deck and stored in a Strife Portfolio, which include:
- Fistkind
- Axekind
- Bladekind
- Bowkind
- Dartkind
- Quarterstaffkind
- Throwingstarkind
- Macekind
- Slingkind
- Spearkind
- Sicklekind
- Hammerkind
- Crossbowkind
- Bowkind
- Tridentkind
- Whipkind
Most weapons a Player may choose to start with fall under similar Kind Abstrata that can be allocated. An example, a Greatsword, Longsword, Shortsword, Scimitar, and Raiper all fall under Bladekind, meaning you don't need separate Kind Abstrata to allocate each of them. But there are a few weapons that are different from each other that requires their own Kind Abstrata. An example would be attempting to allocate a pair of Brass Knuckles to Fistkind; the System will reject this request and require the player to allocate a Knucklekind to their Strife Portfolio. If you are running v1.3, only Weapons you have proficiency with will allow you to maintain a bonus, even if multiple weapons share a Kind Abstrata.
Customizing Weapons
If a Player chooses to allocate multiple weapons that share one Kind Abstrata, it will auto-update to 2xWeaponkind (the exception being any weapons related to Fistkind, among other unique exceptions) and allowing the weapon to be dual-wielded.[note 1] This will update the Kind Abstrata to 2xWeaponkind directly and leaving any additional slots open. An example being a Lv. 1 Player already has Crossbowkind in their Strife Portfolio, and chooses to dual-wield a pair of them. The Sylladex will update the Crossbowkind Kind Abstrata to 2xCrossbowkind, leaving an additional slot for another Kind Abstrata. However, if they wish to wield a lone Crossbow again, they would need to allocate another Crossbowkind to their Strife Portfolio.
Some Kind Abstrata sometimes have derivative variants to them. For example, if a player's Longsword gets broken, the weapon's Kind Abstrata will change from Bladekind to 1/2Bladekind, forcing the Player to either repair the weapon, or break any swords they either already acquired or soon to be acquired to fit the Kind Abstrata. Depending on the Kind Abstrata modified, this will reduce the Weapon's capabilities, ranging from a reduced damage output, to having its Properties altered. This is to prevent a player from being completely disarmed in combat. If a player is dual wielding weapons, say 2xBladekind and they allocated a Bladekind as well and they are disarmed of blade from 2xBladekind, the Strife Deck will reallocate the weapon to the single Bladekind. But if the Player has 2 separate Weaponkinds allocated, then the 2xBladekind will change back to Bladekind. However, the Strife Deck will not tolerate frequent changing of weapon allocation and will auto-lock all Kind Abstrata and prevent further modifications from normal to 2x variants. This will require a Player to find that Kind Abstrata to utilize dual weapons again.
There are also unique "double" variants of weapons, one example being a Double Trident, or 2x3dentkind,that merely has another trident head on the other end. These weapons merely appear cosmetic mostly, though some report there can be a slight difference to these weapons in terms of Properties and/or damage. There are more Kind Abstrata than the ones listed here. The list is merely a sample provided to starting Players for their convenience.
- This merely creates the option for dual wielding weapons. Players may are still subject to normal rules of dual wielding weapons and my require the proper Feats and Skills to maximize this combat option.
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