Sundowners (3.5e Race)

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A "race's compendium" race created by


Sundowners were the first race of humanoids to be placed on the world, no matter what the histories of the elves and dwarves would have you to believe. They were made to be perfect, to give joy to their creator, the One True God. The most beautiful beings imaginable, they spent centuries sharing in the glorious presence of one another and their Lord.

Yet they were weak willed, created only to serve the One True God, and this began to displease him. So it was that he began experimenting with other beings, forming the various other races of the world. Sundowners saw this, and were not dismayed; it was obvious to them and all others that none of the new races came close to the beauty they held.

But this vanity turned many of their hearts dark, and forged a spark of evil which smoldered unendingly, until it finally erupted into genocidal passions. Waging the first war ever, causing the first blood to be spilt, Sundowners were cast from favor when they perpetuated acts of evil upon the elves and dwarves other humanoid races.

Their beauty turned into harsh and bitter ugliness by the foul hearts within them, these beings came to become what are now known as the evil races of the world; Goblins, Kobolds, Trolls, Orcs, and Ogres all spawned from their loins.


A few of Sundowners had avoided the evil spark which turned their brethren. The One True God saw this, and had pity upon them. He knew that none of the other races would permit them to live, because of the acts of their kin; so he granted them the ability to take on the form of any of the other races. They were still the most beautiful, and fairly intelligent; however their wills and their bodies remained weak. Many of Sundowners died within the following century, when the other humanoids fell into conflict with one another; having tasted blood none were now as innocent as before the first war of the races.

Physical Description

In their natural state, Sundowners stand tall and thin; head and shoulders above the tallest humans, yet weighing no more than the shorter races. Their skin ranges from the purest alabaster white, through shades of gray and pale blue, to the darkest ebon. Their hair is typically the opposite of their flesh; deepest midnight black for Sundowners who have ivory hued skin, and bone-marrow white for those with the flesh crafted of shadows. Their eyes are the very gems of the earth, ranging in color from greens to reds, blues to yellows, almost every shade of every color yet always crystalline and pure. These eyes remain the same in any body Sundowners fashions for themselves, a tell-tale sign of their heritage.


However small groups of Sundowners have lived through the millennia, their numbers remaining roughly the same thanks to the fact that no matter whom a female Sundowners mates with, her child will be one of her own kind; and knowing this would be the case, the One True God caused a season of lust to fall upon Sundowners for a full moon every tenth year. During this time a female will mate with every available male until she has conceived a child, or until the moon passes. Even though the Sundowners have now established their own society well away from the rest of The Land, this physical remnant of the years of their struggles remains.






Racial Traits

  • -2 Strength,+2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, +4 Charisma: while not as physically sturdy as most races, and possessing weaker wills than most, Sundowners have a keen intellect and a grace of mind, body and personality that belies all others.
  • Humanoid (shapechanger)
  • Medium Size: Sundowners gain no specific advantages or disadvantages from their size.
  • Speed: Sundowners’ base speed is 30 feet.
  • Adaptable: Sundowners have had to adapt to numerous new cultures and lifestyles, breeding into their stock the ability to easily adapt. This is represented by four bonus skill points at first level and an additional skill point at each additional level.
  • Shift Form: A Sundowner can alter their appearance and form – not including clothing or equipment - to appear taller or shorter, thin, fat, or in between. The assumed form must be corporeal. The character's body can undergo a limited physical transmutation, including adding or subtracting one or two limbs, and the character's weight can be changed up to 50% either direction. If the form selected has wings, The character can fly at a speed of 30 feet with poor maneuverability. If the form has gills, the character can breathe underwater. The character's attack rolls, natural armor bonus, and saves do not change. This ability does not confer special abilities, supernatural abilities, spell-like abilities, attack forms, defenses, ability scores, or mannerisms of the chosen form. If the character is slain, they automatically return to their normal form. To shift forms requires a full-round action, and has an unlimited duration. If the Sundowner uses this ability to create a disguise, they get a +10 bonus on the Disguise check.
  • Sundowners can shift into practiced forms of any humanoid creature. To emulate a ‘generic’ member of a race, Sundowners must have encountered at least three different members of that race. To emulate a specific person, Sundowners must spend a minimum of one month studying that individual, after which time they may assume the likeness (but will not necessarily be able to emulate the vocal patterns, knowledge, skills, or habits of that individual).
  • The forms assumed must be long practiced – Sundowners begin with knowledge of only one alternate form at first level, plus one form for each point of Wisdom bonus they possess (if positive), and gain one additional form at each even character level (2, 4, 6, 8, etc). [Note that these additional forms represent constant practice and attention to detail around them on the part of Sundowners; they do not simply gain the ability to shift into the form of a being they have never encountered or with which they are not somewhat familiar.] Each of these forms must be noted on the character sheet, including race, gender, height, weight, hair color, etc. Every detail of the form is constant each time it is chosen - even if chosing to become a 'generic member of a race' the formless must be the same generic member every time.
  • Favored Class: Any (Due to their ever-shifting natures, Sundowners find it easy to assume new roles in life...treat the class with the most levels as their favored class.)
  • Level Adjustment: +1; Sundowners are slightly more powerful and gain levels more slowly than most other races.

Vital Statistics

Table: Random Starting Ages
Table: Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
yearsyearsyears+ years
  1. At middle age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male' "+lb.× () lb.
Female' "+lb.× () lb.
Sundowner Racial Feats

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gollark: I got the basic stuff worked out ages ago, primarily just the 256→187 encoding, but I never figured out how exactly it ought to work for actual use.
gollark: > Heh.. This is as bad as using labels for communication between side touching computers.I really should work out the high level labelnet API!
gollark: It was designed for minecarts but should apply broadly.
gollark: If you're doing flying pigs, you may be interested in my station-keeping code, which was slightly stolen from Sascha_T then edited lots.
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