Summon Truenamer's Protector (4e Power)

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Truenamer's Protector
Summoned Creature
Medium elemental magical beast (Earth)
HP your bloodied value; Healing Surges none, but you can lose a healing surge for the creature if an effect allows it to spend one.
Defenses your defenses, not including any temporary bonuses or penalties.
Speed 5
Standard Action ♦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); your level + 4 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence modifier damage, and you push the target 1 square.
Immediate Interrupt ♦ Encounter
Trigger: An enemy hits you with an attack.
Effect: The Truenamer's Protector shifts a number of squares equal to your constitution modifier and must end this movement adjacent to the triggering enemy. It then uses its standard action attack.
Opportunity Action ♦ At-Will
Trigger: An enemy adjacent to the Truenamer's Protector takes an action that provokes opportunity attacks.
Effect: The Truenamer's Protector makes its standard action attack against the triggering enemy.

Summon Truenamer's Protector Truenamer 4e Power Type::Attack 1
A being made of rocks rises to protect you.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Primal, Summoning
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Ranged 5
Effect: You summon a Truenamer's Protector in an unoccupied square within range.

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