Strider (5e Subclass)


Revised Ranger Subclass

Suddenly the young adventurer noticed that a strange-looking weather-beaten man, sitting in the shadows near the wall, was also listening intently to the shallow whispered talk. He had a tall tankard in front of him, and was smoking a long-stemmed pipe curiously carved. His legs were stretched out before him, showing high boots of supple leather that fitted him well, but had seen much wear and were now caked with mud. A travel-stained cloak of heavy dark-green cloth was drawn close about him, and in spite of the heat of the room he wore a hood that overshadowed his face; but the gleam of his eyes could be seen as he watched the young adventurer.

Who is that?' the young adventurer asked, when he got a chance to whisper to the inn keeper....

Him?.... I don't rightly know. He is one of the wandering folk, Skilled in the art of hunting and tracking. Legends have spoken of there combat prowess, but only there companions live to tell such tales. — Rangers we call them.

Strider Concalve Features

Live by thy weapons

When choosing this conclave, your in-depth martial Training begins to truly shine. You gain one of the Following Features:

  • One-handed Training; All one handed weapons (Including versatile weapons) can use your dexterity modifier in place of any other modifier to determine attack rolls.
  • Heavy Weapon Training; You can add an additional 1d4 to all damages made with heavy weapons.
  • Marksman Training; When you hit a target you can choose another target within 5ft of the initial target to get hit from the same arrow. effectively ricocheting the arrow off the first enemy hitting the second. you will need to make another attack roll for the second enemy with a -4 penalty. You can do this for up to an amount of enemies equal to your dexterity modifier, each time adding another -4.

At the 8th level, you can choose another feature above you have not chosen yet.

Eye of a hunter

Beginning at the 3rd level you've gained Intel on many different Creatures throughout your treacherous journeys in the wild. As a bonus action you can take a glance at your favored enemy, gaining one of the following information about them:

  • There current and maximum hit points
  • There current ac
  • Whether they are lying or telling the truth
  • Any special techniques they are hiding, such as pact tactics, barbarians rage, feats, or other similar abilities.
  • Any effect they are currently bestowed with, such as being poisoned, Frightened, diseased or similar effects. If there is a way to cure these effects you will have the knowledge to do so.
Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

True Hunter of all creatures

At level 7, you decide to learn more of your enemies, you can choose an extra favored and greater favored enemy of your choosing. Along with 2 additional languages.

Keen hearing and Smell

At level 10, If you are able to hear and/ or smell, you are aware of the location of any hidden or invisible favored enemy within 10 feet of you. You can choose to strengthen this ability to 30ft if you meditate uninterruptedly for 1 minute.

They call me Strider, a Ranger of the north. Hunter of all creatures.

Little is known of these Striders from the northern lands, all that is known if anything is there unmatched hunting and weapon skills. To track down and slay even the mightiest of foes, also knowing knowledge of these treacherous creatures some not even thought possible to have access too. Truly remarkable in there crafts they are.

You can now sense any favored enemy within 30ft of you. Additionally Pick one of the following:

  • Choose one creature from both your favored and greater favored enemy. Every other choice option from both is now your favored enemy.


  • when your fighting any of your favored enemies, you automatically gain advantage against them with any weapon based attack once per turn. Along with this the added damage to all favored enemies is now +6.

Which hunter shall you be, a versatile or specific one?

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gollark: Anyway, I can't even see the green squares around your profile pictures when you're maybe speaking, so things are very beeized, evidently.
gollark: I don't understand what that means.
gollark: I cannot plug my headphones into it.
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gollark: How, exactly?
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