Squirrel (3.5e Race)

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Squirrel, the Anceint race


Small animals that tend to be happy but are vicious fighters

Physical Description

Small animals that are no bigger then 2' 3"

They weigh from 10 lb to 17 lb

Feminine character tend to be a bit bigger though are less robust

Also they tend to have emerald or turquoise eyes, though some have red


They seclude themselves from humans though tend to be with Elves


They can be anything but rarely are evil, much less chaotic, some take the path of lawful good, but most are neutral

  • Lawful Good: From the East, nobles that are loyal to Myzarid, their founder
  • Good: Anywhere, peasants of the East or Leaders of the North
  • Neutral: Mostly of what makes the population
  • Evil: Maybe some of the recluses that live in the west, or southern half
  • Choatic: Around Zero. Peroid. Some, that is very few, may be the spies or servents of Orcus or the Raven Queen around 0.18% of the total


Some live on the outskirts of Fallcrest though their are two main devisions

  • North: a War clan led by a noble leader
  • East: The genuine squirrels of Myzarid trying to mix with elvish culture.


They have none but some to the east have a touch of elvish religion


Of course they speak common, and also elven but as a side effect for mingling they speak what ever language in the area

  • The Anceint race of Squirrels have developed the ability to speak, throughout which the first was from the Elvish King's pet ( Myzarid ) who after learning to speak and other handful of good deeds he set out to his people and became their first king; slowy throughout the years they came to speak common, and other languages throughout the area, though most of them still communicate with animal


Can have any name, most of which come from the area, but default are either elven names, or human's

Racial Traits

  • Squirrels gain a +2 to dexterity a +1 to charisma but a -1 to wisdom
  • :
  • Small:
  • Squirrel base land speed is 7 feet: per level the squirrel will gain +2' to jump
  • : They gain a skill check to acrobatics automatically and an extra +3 to nature
  • Automatic Languages: Common, and elven, also they have whatever language is spoken in the area ( this does not include telepathy ) also have

the "speak with animals" ability see Druid

  • Favored Class: ranger, Druid, or rogue
  • Level Adjustment:

LA +0

These consist of the squirrels of the East

This part of the population is that of the squirrels who have tooken to the elves They gain a +1 to their Itelligence score, and a automatic skill check to history, but have a -1 to their constitution score Also this creature gains a few abilities

Elvish Fooliry": As a Race bonus, this creature has a +4 to bluff and +2 to insight

Animal eyes": A squirrel has a low-light view of 35" and a dark view of 5"

Squirrel Body: Because of its smallmess a squirrel can go places others couldn't. Like a cat oneself can squash itself and fit in spaces 3/4 of a foot or bigger and can otherwise pass onoticed to onlookers, one might think of one as a large squirrel about the size of a mongoose.

LA +1

Most of these consist of the North

A warroir clan which departed from the likes or Myzarid because life was to boring and wanted a challenge. These creatures gain a +1 to their strength score, and an automatic skill check in endurance, but have a -1 to their wisdom score Also these creatures gain a few abilities

A trained Warrior: A squirrel can hide in the shadows as if it was not there and pretend to be a large squirrel passing by

Animal eyes: A squirrel has a low-light vision of 35" and a dark view of 5"

Squirrel Body: Because of its smallness a squirrel can go places others couldn't. Like a cat oneself can squash itself and fit in spaces 3/4 of a foot or bigger and can otherwise pass onoticed to onlookers, one might think of one as a a large squirrel about the size of a mongoose

Vital Statistics

Table: Random Starting Ages
1 years+1d4++
Table: Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
3 and 1/2 years7 years9 years+10 years
  1. At middle age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male0' 10"+(1d12 + 5)lb.× (10 + 1d6) lb.
Female0' 10"+(1d12 + 6)lb.× (10 + 1d6) lb.

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