Spike Pit Trap (4e Trap)
A 20 foot deep pit in the ground with spikes at the bottom, covered to conceal it. A pit is typically 2 squares by 2 squares in size. The spikes are often coated with poison.
A creature in the pit can climb out, ascending their climb speed with a successful Athletics check (DC 15). Characters can also use Athletics to jump over the pit if they know where it is.
Allies on the outside can lower a rope (Atheletics DC 10) or ladder (DC 0) to help a trapped individual escape, but note the length of such equipment.
The squares at the bottom of the pit are difficult terrain.
Some pit traps have spikes coated with fecal matter and rotting body parts, for the purpose of spreading disease. With this variant, the secondary attack infects the victim with disease instead of causing poison damage. The disease varies depending on the level of the trap.
- 10' Deep Spike Pit Trap - Filth Fever
- 20' Deep Spike Pit Trap - Blinding Sickness
- 30' Deep Spike Pit Trap - Mindfire
- 40' Deep Spike Pit Trap - Slimy Doom
Level 3
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Level 10
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Level 18
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Level 27
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