Spellfire Warrior (3.5e Class)
Spellfire Warrior
Thamior almost allowed himself to panic. Eight Red Wizards surrounded him, all at a distance. His bow was engulfed in flames and lay 10 feet away. The power usually stored in his body had been emptied, used to destroy the rangers whose tracking and archery skills had landed him in the position he was in, and whose bodies were now scattered next to the few remaining wizards. It had been five long minutes, and it appeared that the wizards had no spells left, so Thamior decided to move and try to make a break for it. Eight rays of icy blue and white launched at him simultaneously. Luckily, the wizards were far enough away to give Thamior plenty of warning. He didn’t try to dodge. Instead, he took in the power, feeling it surge through his body.
Then he smiled. The Red Wizards did not. Yellow and white fire leapt from Thamior’s fingers and eight high-pitched screams echoed through the canyon. The fire stopped as the screams did. Thamior used the remaining power within his body to restore some of his strength. Then he laughed as he walked past the corpses. “The most humiliating defeats are those caused by your own devices,” he told one of the corpses. "I hope they're not laughing too hard where you are."''
The Weave is the essence of magic, the very thing that allows magic to exist. Some access the Weave through power gained through knowledge or some innate talent, shaping it to their needs. Others access it through knowledge granted by the gods, not knowing how they actually perform their spells, only knowing that their god has granted them the ability to do so.
There are people of another sort, people who take the raw energy of the Weave and control it. They feel no need to shape it, though some have learned how. These people do not use magic in the normal sense of the word. Instead, they employ it in its raw form, as pure energy, nothing more, nothing less, a combination of the power of magic and the power of a god. These people wield spellfire, an ability that should not be taken lightly.
Many of the people choose to pursue other paths, leaving their spellfire abilities weakened and never learning to shape it in any way. Though they may eventually learn much of what a spellfire warrior does, none of them will ever be his equal. A spellfire warrior focuses almost exclusively on his spellfire abilities, though he also teaches himself combat techniques, knowing spellfire will not always be available, so that he may defend himself when he cannot use his innate talent.
Adventure: A spellfire warrior may adventure for any number of reasons. He may be adventuring for the sole purpose of bettering his own abilities, or to take down those that would wish to destroy him (such as the Cult of the Dragon). A good spellfire warrior may adventure to protect those weaker than himself, while an evil one may be out simply to destroy them.
Characteristics: A spellfire warrior’s main ability is, of course, his spellfire, followed closely by his combat abilities. Though not as strong as other warriors, he can often handle more damage than others, giving him some strength where he might otherwise be weak.
As he gains experience, a spellfire warrior’s talent grows. He eventually learns to shape it, and even to pull some of the very essence of the Weave into himself to recharge. His combat abilities don’t improve much, but are often augmented by his spellfire in one way or another.
Alignment: Spellfire warriors are as varied as any other group and as such have no preferred alignment. Equal numbers of good and evil spellfire warriors exist within the world, and even those on the same axis of good and evil may differ greatly in their stands on chaos and law.
Religion: Many spellfire warriors worship Mystra, for she is the essence of the Weave, and without her they would be nothing. Others worship their racial deities, but willingly acknowledge Mystra’s effect on their lives, and at least do more than pay her lip service.
Backgrounds: Spellfire warriors come from all sorts of backgrounds, from poor servant boys to kings. No common background theme can be found among them.
Races: Like their backgrounds, spellfire warriors have no race that is more common than another race, being found equally among the more civilized races. Though they are not quite as common among uncivilized races, they are nonetheless far from rare.
Other Classes: Spellfire warriors have no special feelings towards other classes, except perhaps those who are spellfire channelers, who they pity. They acknowledge that all classes have their own inner strengths and as such should not be belittled.
Role: Spellfire warriors serve best as backup fighters and healers. Though they excel in neither of these roles, they are decent in both, and can prove to be of great assistance. They are meant to be part of the background, as their abilities tend to make them glaring targets, which is why a decent amount of their “training” focuses on defense.
Game Rule Information
Spellfire Warriors have the following game statistics:
Abilities: Constitution is extremely important, as it grants the ability to store more spellfire energy levels safely and also grants them more hit points. Charisma is also important, as it fuels a number of the spellfire warrior’s abilities. Strength and Dexterity often prove important, as it increases their combat prowess.
Alignment: Any
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Fort Save |
Ref Save |
Will Save |
Special |
1 | +0 | +0 | +2 | +2 | Force of Personality, Spellfire Wielder, Rapid Fire Burst, Improved Wielder |
2 | +1 | +0 | +3 | +3 | Endurance |
3 | +2 | +1 | +3 | +3 | Elemental Control |
4 | +3 | +1 | +4 | +4 | Spellfire Battery 2 |
5 | +3 | +1 | +4 | +4 | Improved Healing |
6 | +4 | +2 | +5 | +5 | Drain Charged Item |
7 | +5 | +2 | +5 | +5 | Spellfire Battery 3 |
8 | +6/+1 | +2 | +6 | +6 | Weapon of Energy |
9 | +6/+1 | +3 | +6 | +6 | Weapon Focus (spellfire) |
10 | +7/+2 | +3 | +7 | +7 | Spellfire Battery 4 |
11 | +8/+3 | +3 | +7 | +7 | Drain Permanent Item, Recharge |
12 | +9/+4 | +4 | +8 | +8 | Ranged Healing (2) |
13 | +9/+4 | +4 | +8 | +8 | Spellfire Battery 5 |
14 | +10/+5 | +4 | +9 | +9 | Flight, Greater Charged Item Drain |
15 | +11/+6/+1 | +5 | +9 | +9 | Ranged Healing (1d4+1) |
16 | +12/+7/+2 | +5 | +10 | +10 | Spellfire Reserve |
17 | +12/+7/+2 | +5 | +10 | +10 | Spellfire Burst, Crown of Fire |
18 | +13/+8/+3 | +6 | +11 | +11 | Greater Permanent Item Drain |
19 | +14/+9/+4 | +6 | +11 | +11 | Maelstrom of Fire, Overcharge |
20 | +15/+10/+5 | +6 | +12 | +12 | Haste |
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level; ×4 at 1st level) |
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the spellfire warrior:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Spellfire warriors are proficient with all simple weapons and martial weapons. Spellfire warriors are proficient in light armor and with shields, but not tower shields.
Spellfire Wielder: A spellfire warrior automatically gains the Spellfire Wielder feat from Magic of Faerun at first level. Remember that allowance of this feat is specifically left to the DM, so you can’t take this class if the feat isn’t allowed.
Force of Personality (Ex): Much like a sorcerer, some of a spellfire warrior’s strength comes from his own personality, in its own way. Saves against the spellfire warrior’s blasts of spellfire do not have the set Reflex save DC of 20. Instead, the DC is equal to 10 + the spellfire wielder’s Charisma bonus (minimum 1) + the spellfire wielder’s class levels (minimum 1) in the attack.
Rapid Fire Burst(Ex): When using spellfire blasts, a spellfire warrior may strike with a rapid fire burst at the expense of accuracy. When doing so, she may make one extra attack in a round at her highest base attack bonus, but this attack takes a –2 penalty, as does each other attack made that round. The resulting modified base attack bonuses are the same as found under the Flurry of Blows Attack Bonus column on Table: The Monk. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the spellfire wielder might make before her next action. When a spellfire warrior reaches 5th level, the penalty lessens to –1, and at 9th level it disappears. A spellfire warrior must use a full attack action to strike with a rapid fire burst.
When a spellfire warrior reaches 11th level, her rapid fire burst ability improves. In addition to the standard single extra attack she gets from rapid fire burst, she gets a second extra attack at her full base attack bonus.
This ability may be used to strike multiple targets, but no two targets may be more than 15 feet apart.
Improved Wielder: A spellfire warrior may use up to 2x his Constitution score in spellfire energy levels per round, but not more than his Constitution score per blast.
Endurance: The spellfire warrior gains the Endurance feat. The bonus to Constitution checks also applies to Constitution checks for storing spellfire energy levels above normal (see Spellfire Battery, below).
Elemental Control: A spellfire warrior gains the Elemental Control feat free at 3rd level.
Spellfire Battery (Ex): The spellfire warrior’s capacity for storing spellfire energy levels is multiplied by the listed value. However, storing spellfire energy levels in excess of the spellfire warrior’s Constitution score is dangerous, with different effects depending upon the number of levels stored. Constitution +1 to Constitution x2: The spellfire warrior’s eyes glow brightly, and any creature, magic item, or spell effect that touches the spellfire warrior causes 1 spellfire energy level to be discharged as a harmless burst of light. Once per day, the spellfire warrior must make a Constitution check (DC 10) or take 1d6 points of damage as one of his spellfire energy levels backfires. Constitution x2 +1 to Constitution x3: As above, plus the spellfire warrior’s skin glows (shedding light as a candle), a touch attack releases 1d4 spellfire energy levels as light, and the spellfire warrior must make the backfire Constitution check every hour. Constitution x3 +1 to Constitution x4: As above, except the spellfire warrior sheds light equal to a torch, feels a burning sensation within his body (treat as if distracted by nondamaging spell, DC 20 to concentrate), and must make the backfire Constitution check every minute. A touch releases 1d6 spellfire energy levels as a flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended) against the spellfire warrior and all creatures within 5 feet of him. Constitution x4 +1 to Constitution x5: As above, except the spellfire warrior radiates a palpable (but nondamaging) heat to a radius of 20 feet, is in pain (treat as if distracted by nondamaging spell, DC 25 to concentrate), and must make the backfire Constitution check every round. A touch releases 2d6 spellfire energy levels as a flare spell (DC 10 + number of spellfire energy levels expended). The spellfire warrior must make a Will save (DC 25) every round or be forced to expend a maximum-strength blast of energy at a random target within 30 feet in preference to any other action. He may attempt another Will save (DC 20) to choose the target. Regardless of the number of spellfire energy levels stored, a spellfire warrior can voluntarily expend only a number of spellfire energy levels per round equal to his Constitution score. (Involuntary expenditure, such as that noted above, isn’t limited in this way.)
Improved Healing (Su): Beginning at 5th level, the spellfire warrior restores 1d4+1 hit points per spellfire energy level expended when using his ability to heal by touch (rather than the normal 2 points per spellfire energy level).
Drain Charged Item (Sp): As a standard action, a spellfire warrior can drain a single charge from a touched charged item (including single use items such as potions and scrolls), converting the energy into a single stored spellfire energy level. A full drained item has no magical properties (a potion becomes water, a scroll becomes blank paper). Only one feature of a multiple-use item (such as a scroll with several spells) can be drained per round. A creature gets to make a Will save (DC10 + Charisma modifier + ½ class level) to prevent one of its held or carried items from being drained.
Weapon of Energy (Su): Beginning at 8th level, a spellfire warrior may channel his spellfire through his fists or his weapon. By expending one or more spellfire energy levels as a free action, his fists or weapon becomes surrounded by spellfire energy. Any attack he makes deals an additional 1d6 points of elemental damage. The type of elemental damage is chosen at the time of charging the weapon, and may be changed each round as a free action. The aura of spellfire lasts for a number of rounds equal to the number of spellfire energy levels spent.
Weapon Focus: At 9th level, the spellfire warrior gains the Weapon Focus (spellfire) feat. If he has already taken this, he instead gains Greater Weapon Focus (spellfire).
Recharge (Ex): At 11th level, the spellfire warrior has become attuned to the flow of magic and can draw upon the Weave itself for energy, rather than relying solely upon absorbing other magic. Each day (after a full night's rest) he regains a number of spellfire energy levels equal to 2 x his class level. This cannot raise his stored spellfire energy above his Constitution score, so if he already has a number of stored energy levels equal to or greater than his Constitution, he does not gain any additional energy levels.
Drain Permanent Item (Sp): The spellfire warrior can drain power from permanent magic items by touch as a standard action. If the item is held or worn, the spellfire warrior must make a melee touch attack to touch it, which provokes an attack of opportunity from the defender. The spellfire warrior must make a level check (d20 + class level) with a bonus to the check equal to his Charisma bonus (if any) against a DC of 11+ the caster level of the item to drain it. A success means the item’s properties are suppressed (as if affected by dispel magic) for 24 hours and the spellfire warrior gains spellfire energy levels equal to half the item’s caster level.
Ranged Healing (Su): The spellfire warrior gains the ability to release stored spellfire levels to heal at a range of up to 25 feet (plus 5 feet/4 levels). This requires a ranged touch attack. When used in this way, the spellfire warrior only heals 2 points of damage per spellfire energy level expended, until 17th level, when it increases to 1d4 +1.
Flight (Su): The spellfire warrior can expend spellfire energy levels to fly as the spell. Each spellfire energy level expended allows the spellfire warrior to fly for 1 minute. The flying spellfire warrior leaves a visible trail of light that fades after 1 round.
Greater Charged Item Drain (Sp): A spellfire warrior of 14th level or higher can drain a number of charges from a touched charged item (including single-use items such as potions or scrolls), converting the energy into stored spellfire energy levels. The limit to the number of charges she can drain is equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum 1), but he can’t drain more charges than the item has remaining (each spell on a scroll counts as one charge). A fully drained item has no magical properties (a potion becomes water, a scroll becomes blank paper). A creature gets to make a Will save (DC 10 + class level + Charisma modifier) to prevent one of its held or carried items from being drained.
Spellfire Reserve (Ex): At 16th level, the spellfire warrior learns how to store spellfire energy levels in deep reserve. These energy levels don’t count as part of the character’s normal storage capacity, but they also can’t be used to power spellfire effects without first calling them from reserve. Spellfire energy levels in reserve also don’t detect as magical (allowing a spellfire warrior to disguise his true nature). Placing any number of spellfire energy levels into reserve or calling any number of levels from reserve requires a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity. The spellfire warrior can store a number of energy levels in reserve equal to his class level plus his Constitution bonus (if any), but cannot store more than his Constitution score.
Spellfire Burst (Su): At 17th level, the spellfire warrior can substitute a spellfire burst for a normal spellfire blast. The range remains the same, but instead of requiring a touch attack, the spellfire energy explodes in a 5-foot radius burst at the target point, dealing appropriate damage to all creatures in the area (Reflex half, DC 10 + ½ class level + Charisma modifier). This ability costs an additional two spellfire energy levels per blast and can be used in conjunction with other abilities.
Crown of Fire: By expending 10 spellfire energy levels, a channeler can manifest the crown of fire, which appears as a halo around his head and provides light equal to a daylight spell. The crown of fire gives him damage reduction 10/magic and automatically melts all non-magical weapons that strike him (after they deal damage, if any). The crown of fire grants the spellfire warrior spell resistance 32 (as a spell resistance spell by a 20th level caster). Maintaining the crown of fire requires expending 10 spellfire energy levels each round, which can be done as a free action. The crown of fire does not interfere with the the spellfire warrior's actions, including using other spellfire abilities, such as calling up spellfire energy levels from reserve.
Greater Permanent Item Drain (Sp): Beginning at 18th level[/color], a spellfire warrior can drain increased amounts of power from permanent magic items. This functions as the drain permanent item class ability, but the spellfire warrior instead gains a number of spellfire energy levels equal to the caster level of the item and is not required to make a caster level check. Held or carried items get a Will save to avoid being drained (DC 10 + class level + Charisma modifier). An item with all its permanent abilities drained for the day is still a magic item (for purposes of saving throws against when damaged, etc.).
Maelstrom of Fire (Su): The spellfire warrior can release spellfire energy in all directions as a 20-foot-radius spread, dealing 1d6 damage per spellfire energy level expended to all creatures in the area, including allies (Reflex half, DC 10 + class level + Charisma modifier). Also, your spellfire bursts now effect a 10-foot radius burst.
Overcharge (Ex): The spellfire warrior is capable of handling much larger amounts of spellfire energy. All limitations on his spellfire capacity are tripled, including the limit on how many spellfire energy levels he may expend per round. This applies to spellfire battery as follows: up to Constitution x3 – no problems; (Constitution x3 ) +1 to Constitution x4 – as Constitution +1 to Constitution x2, etc.
Haste: A spellfire warrior of 20th level or higher may expend spellfire energy levels to gain the effects of the haste spell. To activate this effect, the spellfire warrior must expend 5 spellfire energy levels. Afterwards, he must spend two spellfire energy levels as a free action to maintain the effect. A spellfire warrior under this effect sparkles with light.
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