Spellbook of Hundred-Handed Might (3.5e Equipment)

Spellbook of Hundred-Handed Might: As the ancient and cachectic sellspell you have hired makes the final arcane gesture and falls silent, your feel you body warp and change, stretching you into a massive, many-headed monster before fusing you make into the semblance of your human form. Outwardly unchanged, you move through the cluttered study with a new cautious delicacy, as you feel the power of the ancient hecatoncheires surge within you.

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This is a combination of two spells which, when combined and made permanent give a character a cheap, untyped Strength bonus.


Savage Species

Game Rules Elements

Girillion's Blessing


Permanancy (x2)


The extra arms granted by this spell are of limited usefulness, as they cannot make attacks. But combined with a Fuse Arms spell, also from Savage Species (Clr 3, Sor/Wiz 3, pg 66) the extra arms can be merged back into the original pair, granting a +4 untyped Str bonus to the the primary arms for every four caster levels (so, a 16th-level caster would create four extra pairs of arms, which would fuse and vanish, granting a +16 untyped Str bonus).

Both Fuse Arms and Girallon's Blessing can be made permanent by means of Permanency (min CL 13th, XP cost 1,500). Using a 16th-level caster for all spells, the total cost for a permanent untyped +16 Str bonus would be (1,280gp 480gp (Girallon's Blessing) + 480gp (Fuse Arms) + (Permanency) + 1,280gp (Permanency) + 7,500gp (NPC XP cost) + 7,500gp (NPC XP cost) = 18,250gp. Only Huge creatures can get 4 extra pairs of arms, so the Polymorph spell is included, although a psionic character might use an augmented Expansion power or a Large PC could simply use an Enlarge effect. This size change need not be permanent: once the extra arms are fused, the character no longer has them, so he or she no longer needs to be Huge.

A Polymorph spell, if needed, will add at least 280gp to the cost, or 480gp if you use the same 16th-level caster needed for Girallon's Blessing and Fuse Arms (the CL 16 is not needed for Fuse Arms',' either, strictly speaking, but is recommended to discourage casual dispelling.

Gameplay notes: Obviously, this is an optimization, in the sense that for less than the price of a +5 Belt of Giant Strength, you can buff your strength by +16 (and to add insult to injury, you can stack it with a Belt of Giant Strength or other enhancement bonus). The advantages to the character are obvious; but there may be an advantage, too, to allowing this finesse (which is fully compatible with RAW) if yours is a campaign in which mid-level spellcasters start to outshine the fighting classes, who gradually devolve into meat shields as their offensive powers pale in comparison to spells. This modification will put off for a long time the day when a sword-swing or arrow is an insignificant addition to the party's attacks. Fighting classes with more impressive attacks but 3/4 BAB can benefit even more -- profiting less from the additional damage and more from the +8 to hit.

DM Counters

Dispel Magic.

CL ;

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