Spell Breaker (3.5e Class)

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The Spell Breaker

Be wise before cast this spell or you will regret!
—Huriëm, Drow Spell Breaker

Those might warrior were born under an intensive training reach the perfection and after a lest rite of passage they deny the magic at any form in order to rise their power and became self sufficient and independent of any magic.

Making a Spell Breaker

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Any alignment.
Special: The Spell Breaker is Forbidden from using any Spells or Magic Items even Artifacts. If he does so, he loses all of his Spell Breaker abilities for a week or recover the power after destroy one o more magic items with value equal to 10.000 PO per level. Sometime when the Spell Breaker is in the area of beneficial harmless spell he must always resist and if fails he must make a saving throw every round till nullfy the effect any healing effect will just heal 50%.

Hit Die: d12

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throw Ability
Inscribing DR
1st+1+2+2+2 +11Spell Resistance, Deny Magic
2nd+2+3+3+3 1/-2Anti-Magic Strike
3rd+3+3+3+3 2Evasion, Vicious Strike (Magic)
4th+4+4+4+4 2/+1+12/-4Tough Defense, Inscribing
5th+5+4+4+4 Dash, Natural Weapons (2D6)
6th+6/+1+5+5+5 3/-63Slippery Mind
7th+7/+2+5+5+5 Vicious Strike (Cold Iron), Mettle
8th+8/+3+6+6+6 +3/+2/+1+24/-8Self Protection
9th+9/+4+6+6+6 4Improved Evasion
10th+10/+5+7+7+7 5/-10Natural Weapons (3D6)
11th+11/+6/+1+7+7+7 Vicious Strike (Silver)
12th+12/+7/+2+8+8+8 +4/+3/+2/+1+36/-125Sprint
13th+13/+8/+3+8+8+8 Spell Shatter
14th+14/+9/+4+9+9+9 7/-14Improved Dash
15th+15/+10/+5+9+9+9 6Vicious Strike (Adamantine), Natural Weapons (3D8)
16th+16/+11/+6/+1+10+10+10 +5/+4/+3/+2/+1+48/-16Adrenal Speed
17th+17/+12/+7/+2+10+10+10 Rush
18th+18/+13/+8/+3+11+11+11 9/-187Spellfire Destruction
19th+19/+14/+9/+4+11+11+11 Vicious Strike (Incorporeal)
20th+20/+15/+10/+5+12+12+12 +6/+5/+4/+3/+2/+1+510/-20Natural Weapons (3D10)

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level)
Balance (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Nature, Arcana, and Dungeoneering) (Int), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex).

Level Ability
21th8Anti-Magic Field 5'
23thBonus Feat, Vicious Strike (Epic)
25thAnti-Magic Field 10', Natural Weapons (3D12)
26th13/-26Bonus Feat
29thBonus Feat
30th15/-3011Anti-Magic Field 15', Natural Weapons (4D10)

Divine Spell Breaker

The deity is the epitome of the Spell Breaker and has abilities that far surpass those of mortal Spell Breakers. Prerequisites: Spell Breaker level 20th. Benefit: The deity’s Anti-Magic Field now affct Daities with same Rank or Lower and stop Artifacts, you get +10 to your Energy Resistence, Armor Class and Fast Healing and +10 uses for you Spell Shatter, Spellfire Destruction and Adrenal Speed, the Natural Weapons get an additional of 2D12 in damage. The deity can also use all his supernatural and spell-like abilities with no class penalty, but still can't use magic items.
Suggested Portfolio Elements: Magic, Immortality, War, Justice.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Spell Breaker.

(Ex): At 1st level , The Spell Breaker gains a +1 Untyped Bonus to an Ability Score, At Level 4, the Spell Breaker Gets an Additional +2 to the ability Score he chose at first level and a +1 Bonus to a different Ability Score. At level 8, His previous Bonuses Increase to +3/+2, and he gets a +1 bonus to a Third Ability Score, At Level 12, His previous Bonuses increase to +4/+3/+2, and he gets an additional +1 bonus to a Fourth Ability Score. At Level 16, His previous Bonuses increase to +5/+4/+3/+2, and he gets an additional +1 bonus to a fifth Ability Score. At Level 20, His previous Bonuses increase to +6/+5/+4/+3/+2, and he gets an additional +1 bonus to a sixth Ability Score. Ate Epic Level the Spell Breaker Gets +1 Bonus to all Abilities for every Four Levels.

(Su): At 1st level, Spell Breakers regain hit points at an Accelerated rate. They gain Fast Healing 1 at level 1, Fast Healing 2 at level 5, and Fast Healing 3 at level 9.

: In addition to the inability to use any Spells, Spell-Like abilities, or magic items, The Spell Breaker must also refuse magical aid. If a Beneficial spell (such as a Buff or Heal spell) has a save that negates it's effect, the Spell Breaker MUST make a save against it if it is cast upon him. For Example, Cure spells only half effective if the Spell Breaker makes his save and all ally are always subject to SR.

(Ex): At 1st level, the Spell Breaker gains Spell Resistance equal to 15 + Class Level. The Spell Breaker has special rules dealing with Stacking Spell Resistance. If the Spell Breaker has Spell Resistance from another source that is 10 + x or 15 + x, He may add 10 or 15 to his Total SR (Depending on Whether or not the SR was 10 or 15). He does not, however, add any extra boosts to his SR. So a Drow + Spell Breaker 10 Has an SR of 36, Not 46 (remember, just add the base bonus not the level increment).

(Ex): At 2nd level, the Spell Breaker gains Damage Reduction 1/-.The Spell Breaker get +1/- DR for every two levels.

(Ex): At 2nd level, the Spell Breaker gains Energy Resistance 2 to all types of Energy (fire, cold, acid, sonic and Electricity). The Spell Breaker get +2 Energy Resistance for every two levels.

(Su): When attacking a Creature or Object, the Spell Breaker can choose to reduce his damage by half to duplicate the effects of a Targeted Dispel Magic. Instead of making a Caster level check Vs DC 1D20 + Spellcaster's Level, the Spell Breaker makes an Attack Roll. If his attack roll (with all relevant modifiers) meets or exceeds the DC of the Dispel Check, then the Target is subjected to the Effects of a Targeted Dispel Magic, however the Mage Braker must dispel each effect in a target, if you target have many spells on it, such Cat's Grace, Bull's Strength and Haste you must use one Atack with Anti-Magic per spell. You can all dispell static spells such as firewall and any spell that is affected by dispell magic including magic items. The number of uses is Charisma + 1/2 Spell Breaker level.

(Ex): At 3rd level, the Spell Breaker gains the use of the Evasion Ability. At 9th Level, the Spell Breaker Gains use of the Improved Evasion Ability.

(Ex): At 3rd level, any Signature Weapon the Spell Breaker wields is treated as a Natural Weapon with the Magic Property. At level 7, they also gain the Silver Property. At level 11, they gain the Cold Iron Property At level 15, they gain the Adamantine Property and At level 19, they gain the Incorporeal Property, allowing the Spell Breaker hit as having the Ghost Touch Property.

(Ex): At 4th Level, the Spell Breaker gains a Natural Armor bonus equal to his Constitution Modifier (Minimum 1).

(Ex): At Level 4, the Spell Breaker must choose up to Charisma modifier (minimim 1) Equipments and Masterwork Weapons (Or Masterwork Bracers/Handwraps if he wishes to have his unarmed strike as one of his Incribed Weapons) to serve as your Incribed Weapons or Equipment. You may inscribe any item, such as necklace, brooch, earring, armor, shiled bracer, trinkets, rings or any items you can equip and add them AC bônus (any kind) or protection for you saving throws. These Incribing Weapons are treated as Natural Weapons, but only for the Spell Breaker they are attuned to. If he does not have any of his Incribed Weapons on his person, the Spell Breaker can't use their Anti-Magic Strike, Vicious Strike, Spellfire Destruction, Natural Weapons and Spell Shatter Abilities. Also, at level 4 and every 4 levels, the Spell Breaker gains an enhancement bonus to attack, damage rolls and also can the inscribe bonus allow copy enchantment effect that improve you weapon capabilities (Sharp, Vorpal, Cleave, Might Cleave, Disruption, Bane (Undead, Vermin, Evil,etc), but no elementals or that looks like a spell, such as fire ball, lightining bolt, etc. For the sake of Feats such as from the Weapon Focus Tree, the Spell Breaker may choose "Incribed Weapons". So if a Spell Breaker took Weapon Focus (Incribed Weapons), he would receive a +1 Bonus to his attack rolls with All three of his Incribing Weapons. If the Spell Breaker loses one of his Iinscribing Weapons, he may select a new Masterwork Weapon to serve as his inscribed weapon by inscribing it for one hour. If you use 2 similar weapons (2 pair of claws, Katar, Handwraps, Gauntlet, etc) both count as 1 for the number of weapon that the Spell Breaker can attune. Note that in case of missile weapons such bow and arrow each arrow takes 1 minute to be inscribed. Inscribed itens have the same resistence of the magical ones with same bonus.

(Ex): At 5th level, the Spell Breaker can project his body as an arrow reach large distances, in both direction horizontal and vertical consider the distance of your dash two times your jump length, it means that a medium size character with Jump = 20 can Dash 10ft in Vertical and 40ft in horizontal however you may increase this distance by throwing a d20 and sum your result to your skill level. You can ignore the 20ft run and use the dash from you square. You also can take 1 use of your Adrenal Speed and use Dash as a Immediate Action At level 14th you will get use of Improved Dash where you will be able to 4 times distant.

(Ex): At 5th level, any Inscribed Weapons deal a 2d6 damage, it increase to 3d6 at level 10, 3d8 at level 15 and 3d10 at level 20.

(Ex): At 6th level, the Spell Breaker gains use of the Slippery Mind ability. If he fails his saving throw vs. An Enchantment Spell, he may make another save a round later and another test every round till release it self from the effect.

(Ex): At 7th level, the Spell Breaker gains use of the Mettle Ability. If he is subject to a spell with Will or Fortitude save Partial, and he makes the save, he is unaffected by the spell.

(Ex): At 7th level, the Spell Breaker can add his Charisma modifier to all his save throws.

(Ex): At 12th level, the movement speed of Spell Breaker is increased by 30ft.

(Ex): At 13th level, any spell that attacks the Spell Breaker including aréa spell can be shattered by the Spell Breaker, he can perform an immediate action and perform an attack roll against the DC of the Spell if you have success you will nullify the spell, note that spells that have multiples attacks (Magic Missile, Scorch Ray, Meteor Swarn, Etc) must be Shattered each attack individually. The Spell Breaker can use this hability Charisma Modifier + 1/2 Spell Breaker level a day.

(Ex): At the 16th level, the Spell Braker can use you adrenaline to sightly increase his speed. He takes a free action and use this ability increasing his speed as under Haste status for Constitution rounds, the number of uses is Charisma + 1/2 Spell Breaker level.

(Ex): When reach 17th level, the Spell Breaker can use the equivalent of 50% of his size movement (with no bonus) for his 5-foot step, it means that a 5-foot step for a Medium size would be 15ft instead of 5ft and a Colossal would be 35ft and a fine size 5ft.

(Ex): On an Attack, a Spell Breaker may choose to suppress the target special skills. If the Target is a spellcaster, or has any Supernatural or Spell-Like Abilities, they will be suppressed for 1d4 + Charisma Modifier Rounds unless they make a Fortitude Save equal to (10 + 1/2 the Spell Breaker Level + Strength Modifier), the Spell Breaker can use Spellfire destruction Charisma Modifier + 1/2 Spell Breaker level times a day.

(Su): At Epic levels, the Spell Breaker is surrounded by an anti-magic field with a caster level equal to his Character Level. The Field becomes larger at higher levels as indicated by the chart above, you may take a free action and change the area of the field or even turn it off. This Anti-Magic field does not, however, affect the Spell Breaker's Supernatural Abilities (If any). See Anti-Magic Field Spell in Player Hand Book for more details.

New Feats

Additional Inscription




You can have one addition weapon or equipment inscribed.


You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new weapon or equipment.

Fast Healing


Fast Healing


The character gains Fast Healing 2. This does not stack with Fast Healing granted by magic items or nonpermanent magical effects, but it does stack with any Fast Healing granted by permanent magical effects, class features, or this feat itself.

Inscribe Tatoo




The character gains a tatoo that count as on extra Inscribed Equipment.

Improved Shatter


Shatter Spell


Your Shatter Spell now can Shatter Supernal, spell-like abilities.

Spell Breaker Skill Focus


You get a +2 bonus on DC checks (1d20 + 1/2 caster level + Charisma modifier) made to overcome a creature’s saving throw.

Greater Tough Defense


Tough Defense


The character gains AC +2.

Playing a Spell Breaker

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Spell Breaker is proficient with all simple and martial weapons are not proficient with any armor or shields, but the Spell Breaker weare any armor can't use Dash, Sprint, Rush nor Adrenal Speed.

Features: The Spell Breaker are nomads and don't keep resisdence for too much time in a place they use travel around the world looking for evil mages and hunting them down.

Resources: Spell Breakers are not an organized group. However, they may assist fellow Spell Breakers of the Same Alignment.

Spell Breakers in the World

Yes, Elmister is dead, he was a good man, but leant the choose profession.

NPC Reactions: The Spell Breaker is a hero to the Common Folk, the kind of people who live simple lives and dislike magic in all it's forms.

Spell Breaker Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) can research Spell Breakers to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Arcana)
11Spell Breakers are Warrior who never use Magic.
16Spell Breakers gain power through Forsaking Magic.
21Powerful Spell Breakers shrug off the effects of almost any type of magic.
26Some Legendary Spell Breakers have the ability to Negate All magic Around them..

Spell Breakers in the Game

Spell Breakers can be lone warriors who start a crusade against an evil Spellcaster. Or they can be cruel, heartless villains who slay good and evil Wizards alike.

Adaptation: A Spell Breaker could be a suitable NPC adversary to the PC's. Perhaps he's an Evil Warrior who hates Spellcasters, or perhaps he simply has a rivalry with the Party's Cleric.

Sample Encounter: Aduin Simms is a Spell Breaker who has dedicated his life to finding and slaying Evil Spellcasters, particularly wizards. As a young man in the Militia, Aduin and his platoon were attacked by an Evil Wizard and his undead companions. Although they were able to slay the walking dead, Aduin and his comrades were beset by the Wizard's Flame Evocations. When the young warrior finally came to, all of the members of his platoon lay dead or dying. Powerless to save them, Aduin instead swore his revenge against all those who wielded magic like a toy.

Aduin Simms
Human Spell Breaker 5

STR: 14
DEX: 12
CON: 17
INT: 10
WIS: 10
CHA: 14

BAB/Grapple= +5/+7
Attacks: Masterwork Greatsword +1 (2d6+3), Masterwork Composite Longbow +1 (1d8+3)
Feats: Great Fortitude (3.5e Feat), Iron Will (3.5e Feat), Lightning Reflexes (3.5e Feat), Mage Slayer (3.5e Feat)
Skills: Jump 8 Ranks, Climb 8 Ranks, Tumble 7 Ranks, Ride 8 Ranks, Heal 7 Ranks.
Spell Resistance: 24
HP: 5d12+15 (46)
AC: 14 = 10 (Base) + 1 (Dex) +3 (Natural Armor)
Touch: 11
Flatfoot: 13
Special Attacks: Anti-Magic Strike
Speed: 30
Special Abilities: Ability Boosts +1, Incribing Weapons +1, Tough Defense, Evasion, Vicious Strike (Magic), Damage Reduction 2/-, Fast Healing 1
Alignment: NG

Encounter: The Party is looking for an Ancient Magical Item that will save the town from a band of raging Earth Elementals. Unbeknownst to them, Aduin is also searching for the artifact to destroy it, as he believes that the Wizard he is attempting to find and kill wishes to use the item to amass an army of Elementals.

--Mua'dib 16:34, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

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gollark: Mostly.
gollark: In modern countries we mostly don't have it, happily.
gollark: More of a thing which happens a lot in some types of society, I guess.
gollark: I don't think slavery even is human nature particularly.
gollark: Basically your "grandmother"'s argument - it's natural so it's good, which is of course wrong.
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