Soul of the Lycanthrope (3.5e Class)

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A Soul of the Lycanthrope enjoying the moonlight...

Soul of the Lycanthrope

I am sick of being hunted for looking like a mindless werewolf, Now i will prove I'm better than that...
—A unknown werebear after being attacked by 5 werewolf hunters, Soul of the Lycanthrope

Many fear Lycanthropy and rightly so, but what they do is treat the person as a monster, killing them on sight regardless of the afflicted person's alignment and motive, to stay alive some run to the wilderness, some hide in plain sight, some even pretend to never have been bitten, but some train themself to control the affliction and make it a source of power

Adventure: Some choose to adventure to learn more about Lycanthropy and how to use it to make themselves better, some do it to keep moving so no one will learn about their affliction and try to kill them and some just adventure for reasons other than the affliction they carry and use...

Characteristics: Souls of the Lycanthrope are people who walk around trying to stay alive and learn how to control their affliction, good aligned Souls of the Lycanthrope go to prove that they aren't monsters or to protect their animal friends or the rare humanoid friend they may find while evil aligned Souls of the Lycanthrope go to take revenge on people or spread Lycanthropy to people to make an army or just to make them suffer what they suffered and neutral aligned Souls of the Lycanthrope just find it as a way of life.

Religion: Most Souls of the Lycanthrope have a quiet view over gods, those that worship gods aren't that willing to tell people about it keeping it to themselves unless asked by a person they trust, most Souls of the Lycanthrope that worship choose nature rather than gods finding that nature is more intune to themselves and their affliction...

Background: Most Souls of the Lycanthrope are people who were bitten when they were children and either run out of town and learned on their own or from another Soul of the Lycanthrope, or were hidden by their relatives or themselves and learned to control it in secret...

Making a Soul of the Lycanthrope

Souls of the Lycanthrope are simply fighters that use their affliction to their own advantage, they prefer to end things quickly though they are more than capable at surviving hits as long as their opponents don't use silver or magic...

Abilities: Strength and Constitution are important for Soul of the Lycanthrope's fighting skills and Wisdom will power the Soul of the Lycanthrope's Affliction Control and the Control Shape skill, Dexterity can replace Strength if you prefer fighting like a rogue as long as you get the feat: Weapon Finesse, Intelligence is good for those who prefer skills...

Races: Any Humanoid or Giant: Since any humanoid or giant race can be infected by Lycanthropy, all of those races have the potential to be Soul's of the Lycanthrope...

Alignment: Any: Since the affliction doesn't directly affect the person's alignment, anyone of any alignment can be a Soul of the Lycanthrope...

Starting Gold: 6d6*5gp+50gp

Starting Age: Moderate

Table: The Soul of the Lycanthrope

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throw Special
1st+1+2+2+0 Lycanthropy Control (Lesser), Mind and Soul, Lycanthrope Rage 1/day
4th+4+4+4+1 Animal Companion
5th+5+4+4+1 Lycanthrope Rage 2/day
7th+7/+2+5+5+2 Woodland Stride
8th+8/+3+6+6+2 Force Form
10th+10/+5+7+7+3 Lycanthropy Control (Greater), Affliction Control, Lycanthrope Rage 3/day
12th+12/+7/+2+8+8+4 Greater Rage
13th+13/+8/+3+8+8+4 Improved Force Form
15th+15/+10/+5+9+9+5 Lycanthrope Rage 4/day
16th+16/+11/+6/+1+10+10+5 Distorted Soul
17th+17/+12/+7/+2+10+10+5 Tireless Rage
18th+18/+13/+8/+3+11+11+6 Mastered Force Form
20th+20/+15/+10/+5+12+12+6 Scion of Lycanthropy, Mighty Rage, Lycanthrope Rage 5/day

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Control Shape (Wis), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Use Rope (Dex)...

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Soul of the Lycanthrope...

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Soul of the Lycanthrope is proficient with all Simple and Martial weapons and with Light armor but not Shields...

Rage(EX): Work exactly like Barbarian but only in Lycanthrope Form.

Lycanthropy Control (Lesser)(Su): The Character is now afflicted with Lycanthropy (type: Afflicted) of an animal of your choice, you will also be aware of this and therefore be able to attempt to change forms, control yourself in other forms and train in and use Control Shape, you will have also have the Level Adjustment of a Afflicted Lycanthrope... (refer to Lycanthrope)...

Mind and Soul: You are immune of any alignment changes that might occur from changing forms both voluntary and involuntarily...

Animal Companion: At 4th level, a Soul of the Lycanthrope gains an animal companion of the type of Lycanthrope you are, This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the Soul of the Lycanthrope on your adventures as appropriate for its kind...

This ability functions like the druid ability of the same name, except that the Soul of the Lycanthrope's effective druid level is 3x his Soul of the Lycanthrope level...

Woodland Stride(EX): Starting at 7th level, a Soul of the Lycanthrope may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment...

However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect him...

Force Form: You can change forms as a Move Action if you pass a 30 DC Control Shape check, if you fail the check it's a Standard Action...

Lycanthropy Control (Greater)(Su): The Character is now suffering from Lycanthropy (type: Natural) of the animal you chose, you are now under full control of your forms (you don't need to use Control Shape checks to change), your Level Adjustment is now one of a Natural Lycanthrope not a Afflicted... (refer to SRD:Lycanthrope)...

Affliction Control (Su): You can choose to prevent spreading Lycanthropy with your bite for one round per Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 round) by passing a 20 DC Control Shape check as a swift action, you can only use this once every 1d4 rounds...

Improved Force Form (Su): You can change forms as a Swift Action if you pass a 40 DC Control Shape check, if you fail the check it's a Move Action...

This replaces Force Form...

Distorted Soul (EX): Your base form now has two claw attacks and a bite attack as natural weapons if you don't have them already, these claws and fangs can be retracted from sight and back again as a Swift Action...

Mastered Force Form (Su): You can change forms as a Free Action if you pass a 40 DC Control Shape check, if you fail the check it's a Move Action...

This replaces Improved Force Form...

Scion of Lycanthropy (Su): You have become more powerful and in control of yourself than even the most powerful Natural Lycanthropes could ever dream of, you are now a mythical Supernatural Lycanthrope...

You are the same as a Natural Lycanthrope except for the following...

You have a +3 to Wisdom instead of +2...

You now have +3 Natural Armor bonus in all forms instead of +2...

Your Damage Reduction is now 15/silver in Animal and Hybrid Forms...

Your Base Form gains a Damage Reduction of 5/silver...

Your Hybrid Form's Bite and Claw attacks do damage as if they were one Size Category larger than normal...

Ex-Soul of the Lycanthrope

Since Soul's of the Lycanthrope rely on their affliction, if they cure their Lycanthropy they lose all abilities until they get afflicted again...

Epic Souls of the Lycanthrope

Table: The Epic

Hit Die: d

+ Int modifier skill points per level.



Bonus Feats: The epic gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic bonus feats) every levels after 20th.

Epic Bonus Feat List: .

Soul of the Lycanthrope Starting Package

Weapons: .

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.


Feat: .

Bonus Feats: .

Gear: .

Gold: .

Playing a Soul of the Lycanthrope

Religion: Soul's of the Lycanthrope that worship gods keep quiet about it, not telling anyone about it unless they have their full trust, the most common gods are those with nature or wereanimal Domains though any god can be worshiped...

Other Classes: Soul of the Lycanthrope usually are very distrustful of other people due to prejudice against Lycanthropy, but once friends are very protective and open with them, they get on fairly well with Barbarian's and some Fighter's due to similar fighting styles, they also relate well with Druid's and Hunter's due to respecting nature, they have a tense relationship with Cleric's and especially Paladin's due to them attacking them once finding out about their affliction but the more open minded ones can gain a loyal ally by befriending the Soul of the Lycanthrope, they tend to be neutral about spell casters realising the importance of magic but also it's weaknesses...

Combat: Soul's of the Lycanthrope usually are at the front lines dealing damage and taking hits instead of allies though this is harder when the opponent uses magic or silver weapons...

Advancement: While Soul's of the Lycanthrope are not good at multiclassing without losing power, they can use other melee classes to be less relient on their affliction, they can also train as a Rogue or Bard for some versatility as well...

Soul of the Lycanthrope in the World

Everyone stay back, you don't want to be a target...
—A Human Weretiger to his allies before changing form...

Most Soul's of the Lycanthrope stay in forests or rural areas to avoid being discovered and find other sufferers to help get them able to control themselves, some have been know to go on adventures with people usually to keep moving to area to area...

Daily Life: Soul's of the Lycanthrope rarely have anything in common except for their affliction and their attempts to control it, though some of the older ones usually look to find a sufferer and train them in what they learnt...

Notables: For obvious reasons they rarely let themselves be known to large amounts of people but their have been rumors of a unnaturaly powerful Lycanthrope wandering the forests at night...

Organizations: There are no large organizations but their are a few small packs and tribes of Lycanthrope being lead and trained by one or two Soul's of the Lycanthrope...

NPC Reactions: Like any Lycanthrope they try to kill them on sight but due to their training they are tough to kill, most Soul's of the Lycanthrope just run because if they stayed more well equipped people would come and declare a manhunt...

Soul of the Lycanthrope Lore

Characters with ranks in can research to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.


Souls of the Lycanthrope in the Game

Adaptation: .

Sample Encounter: .

EL whatever: .

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gollark: Phone software is incredibly and horribly accursed.
gollark: Anyway, physical keyboard better.
gollark: None are safe, yes.
gollark: The quick brown fox jumped over the laxh dot. The five boxing wizaesa jump quickly. Bees approach from the north. Dpgknx of black wuaftz ,jidhe NY bvow.
gollark: Wow, that first sentence came out weirdly well.
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