Social Savant (4e Paragon Path)

You can trust me, honest...
—Krios Dakarrian, Eladrin Rogue, just before he piecered the mad King's heart...

Cha 18, training in Bluff or Diplomacy

Many an empire has fallen with a well placed sword. They say the quill is mightier than the sword, but the voice that sows the seed of doubt in its enemies is far more powerful. Social Savants' have the ability to turn the tides of any encounter, whether it be sealing a lucrative deal with the Dwarves of the Golden mines of Northpeak, or to change the mind of a King ready to go to war with your allies - the voice is the most powerful weapon a Social Savant has to offer.

Social Savant Path Features

Social Shield (11th Level):Sticks and Stones may break my bones, and my words mean you'll never hurt me. You gain a bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier.
Social Gravitas (11th Level): Every time you spend an action point to make a standard action, you may make a bluff check against an enemies insight. If successful, you control the enemy until the end of their turn.
"Do me a Favour!" (16th Level): Any enemy you can see that has an ability, or attack, you may use it in their place.

' 4e Power Type::Attack 11
4e Power Usage::Encounter
4e Power Action Type:: '

' 4e Power Type::Utility 12
4e Power Usage::
4e Power Action Type:: '

' 4e Power Type::Attack 20
4e Power Usage::Daily
4e Power Action Type:: '

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