Slozalmi (3.5e Deity)

To act is to use energy and life. To not act is to save it. Do as little as is required. Be not afraid to work harder now for an easier tomorrow, but always do tomorrow what can safely be done tomorrow. Never do for yourself what others may do for you.

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Enter 'h', 'd', 'l', 'i', 'g', or 'o' for parameter 'hdligo'
Symbol: A goat's skull
Home Plane:
Alignment: NE
Portfolio: Sloth, slavery, domination
Clergy Alignments:
Domains: Moon, Sloth, Tyranny, Deathbound, Portal
Favored Weapon: Kukri


Clergy and Temples

Clerical training starts at about 10 but there is very little in the way of lessons. The apprentices live with the ample slaves and do slave tasks. All the time however they are being watched by the clergy. Those who avoid work are viewed well but those who work more now to do less in the future are truly regarded as successes. For example if a trainee spends four hours learning how to use the valves to empty and refill the drowning pit so that it is a two minute job for the rest of their life (as opposed to an hour one) they are rewarded. They wear pale blue.

Ceremonies are few and simple, conducted mainly by clerical direction of slaves than actual effort. The temples are large but plain affairs with little in the way of time consuming adornment.

Slozalmi takes all kinds of animals as sacrifices, tied up and throw in the drowsing pool by slaves.


Lands of Blamakar

{{3.5e <!-Type (Greater, Hero, Lesser, etc. When "Over" please use Overdeities and remove the next word)-> Deities Breadcrumb}} [[Category:<!-Type (Greater, Hero, Lesser, etc. When "Over" or "Demi" please use Overdeity or Demigod and remove the next word)-> Deity]]

gollark: What language? Javas-script or Pie-thon?
gollark: It looks like p but it's actually r.
gollark: We can assign ¼τ to ρ (rho).
gollark: Well, it's the letter before τ.
gollark: Oh wait, it's not.
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