Skeleton Fairy Subrace (5e Race)
Skeleton Fairy Subrace
The Skeleton Fairy is a subrace of fairy that has adapted to living inside the rib cages of animated skeletons. The skeleton fairy subrace is especially useful for non-flying tiny races, because the non-flying fairy can move at the same speed as the adventuring party. The Skeleton fairy is a subrace of any tiny fairy race. You may be a Bell Sprite, Butterfly Fairy, Buttery Spirte, Crom Sprite, Dragonfly Fairy, Faerie Folk Pixie, Faerie Folk Sprite, Faery Pixie, Faery Sprite, Faery Underfey, Moth Fairy, Pixie, Quickling, or a Wandering Sprite.
Physical Description
Standing 6 inches to 1 ft tall, the skeleton fairy animates a skeleton to live inside.
- You live inside the rib cage of the Skeleton Fairy Skeleton.
- You treat this as a penthouse apartment. You likely have a little couch with lots of fairy pillows, a bed, a desk, bookshelf, faerie lamp, oven, cook stove, and so on in there.
- Combat
- After a battle it takes ten minutes to fix your living space back up.
- The skeleton provides partial cover from ranged piercing attacks.
- The skeleton provides full protection against slashing attacks.
- The skeleton provides full protection against bludgeoning attacks. Unfortunately your skeleton is vulnerable to bludgeoning attacks.
- You can be hit by piercing weapons. Opponents roll two dice to hit for piercing because the skeleton has resistance. If both dice hit, the skeleton takes damage. If only one die hits, you take damage.
- You keep your treasure in its skull.
Skeleton fairies have existed ever since fairies have stolen animate dead spells from necromancers. That's like hundreds of years or something.
Not exactly a subrace, more like a movement among various fairy races to live inside animated things. Skeletons fairies see themselves as the hermit crabs of the fey world. Sometimes skeleton fairies wade into swamps and their skeletons just stand there for months in waist deep water.
Skeleton Fairy Names
Male: Bony Prince Charlie, Bone Jovial, Humorous, Incus, Malleus, Palatine, Scapula, Stapes.
Female: Bony Lass, Bony Rate, Fibula, Lunate, Patella, Tibia, Ulna.
Skeleton Fairy Traits
A subrace of one of the fairy races that has adapted to living inside the rib cages of animated skeletons.
Ability Score Increase. Your ASI bonuses are based on your race (Faerie Folk, Faery, or Fairy).
Age. Your age of maturity and maximum age is based on your race (Faerie Folk, Faery, Buttery Spirte, or Fairy).
Alignment. any alignment, irrespective of the common alignments of your race (Faerie Folk, Faery, Buttery Sprite, or Fairy).
Size. While inside the skeleton you animate, your size is considered medium or small depending on the size of the skeleton. When outside, your race (Faerie Folk, Faery, Buttery Spirte, or Fairy) size applies, usually tiny.
Speed. While inside the skeleton you animate, your base walking speed depends on the race of the skeleton, usually 25 or 30. When outside, your own race (Faerie Folk, Faery, Buttery Spirte, or Fairy) speed applies.
Your vision is based on your race's (Faerie Folk, Faery, Buttery Spirte, or Fairy) vision. See the vision stats for your race (Faerie Folk, Faery, Buttery Spirte, or Fairy).
Animate Humanoid Skeleton. you may animate one humanoid skeleton within 15 ft of you, in one round. When you are inside its rib cage, you control it. When you are not, it stands still. As long as you remain within 60 ft of the skeleton, it remains animated. If you travel more than 60 ft from it its animation fails and it falls to pieces, although you can reanimate it. You may only animate one skeleton.
Animate Animal Skeleton. Starting at 6th level, you may animate and control an animal skeleton the same way you animate a humanoid skeleton. It's speed is the walking speed it had in life. It may not fly, swim or burrow. You may only animate one skeleton.
Animate Monster Skeleton. Starting at 14th level, you may animate and control a monster skeleton the same way you animate a humanoid skeleton. It's speed is the walking speed it had in life. It may not fly, swim or burrow. You may only animate one skeleton.
Bonus Action Control. You control your skeleton with bonus actions. If you use your bonus action for something else, your skeleton just stands there, not moving, dodging or defending itself.
Undead Resistance. You are resistant to undead features and magic spells.
Race Features. The rest of your features are based on your race (Faerie Folk, Faery, Buttery Sprite, or Fairy).
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Elvish.
Subrace. You may be a Bell Sprite,
Butterfly Fairy,
Buttery Sprite,
Crom Sprite,
Dragonfly Fairy,
Faerie Folk Pixie,
Faerie Folk Sprite,
Faery Pixie,
Faery Sprite,
Faery Underfey,
Moth Fairy,
Quickling, or a
Wandering Sprite.
Random Height and Weight
Height and weight are based on your race (Faerie Folk, Faery, Buttery Spirte, or Fairy).
Suggested Characteristics
When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | Fun - I'm a skeleton fairy. I just want to have fun. |
2 | Monster Bash - hey lets get all the undead and lycanthropes together for a party. |
3 | Woooooooooooh! - Aren't you afraid of me. I'm a walking skeleton. Wooooo! Wooooooo! |
4 | |
5 | |
6 | |
7 | |
8 |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | Equal Rights - I believe in equal rights for skeleton riders, and skeletons. We should be able to go anyplace an elf can go. |
2 | Romance - Putting the romance in necromancy. |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 |
d6 | Bond |
1 | I love all fairies, especially ones that live inside things. |
2 | I love all necromancers, especially ones that can enhance my skeleton. |
3 | I love all the members of the race that my skeleton comes from. |
4 | I love all animated skeletons, and other undead of skeletal form. |
5 | I love my animated skeleton, and like to cover it with flowers and leaves. I even potted an orchid in its skull. |
6 | I love all unseelie, and drow because like me, they like the darker side of feydom. |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | Hey, you don't like me? Why don't you like me? its' the skeleton isn't it. yeah it's the skeleton. I thought so. |
2 | I don't like going into combat because it'll mess up my apartment, and I just got it arranged the way I like it. So there! |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
6 |
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