Silver Kitsune (3.5e Race)

Silver Kitsune


Kitsune are tricksters by nature and love to tease people that they consider as too serious or stuck up. They are driven by insatiable curiosity and may sometimes act foolishly to fulfil their whimsical desires. Despite their love of deception they are also very loyal companions. It is said that once you make friends with a kitsune, you and your descendants will have a friend that will last many generations.

Physical Description

Kitsune in their base form appear like slender and petite silver-haired humans with a few fox features like furry fox ears and tails.


Kitsune tend to get along with any other race, but some find their capricious nature to be an annoyance.


A kitsune's carefree nature means that most of them have a chaotic alignment.


Kitsune live amongst the dwellings of other races in various disguises though many fox sages live inside ancient and magical forests.


While not particularly religious, all kitsune venerate Inari as their guardian deity.


Kitsune speak common along with the language used by the inhabitants of the place they call home.

Racial Traits

  • 2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence/Charisma, 2 Wisdom. Kitsune are agile and hardy, but tend to be physically weak. They are also highly inquisitive, but lack common sense.
  • Humanoid (Kitsune, Shapeshifter)
  • Medium Humanoid; as Medium creatures Silver Kitsune's get no bonus due to size
  • Silver Kitsune's base land speed 30 feet, with a +10 feet bonus due to its Fast SQ
  • Change Shape (Su): Kitsune can assume the appearance of a small or medium humanoid as the Alter Self spell, save that it does not adjust its ability scores.
  • Fast (Ex): Kitsune have a +10 ft. bonus to all movement speeds.
  • Moon-Touched (Ex): A kitsune has damage reduction 5/silver.
  • Prehensile Tail (Ex): Kitsune have a long, flexible tail that can be used to carry objects. Their tails can also carry weapons, but not use them to attack. They need to transfer the weapon to their hand before they can attack with it. Retrieving an item, stowing an item, or retrieving then transferring an item to a free hand are all swift actions. Kitsune do not provoke an attack of opportunity when retrieving or stowing items using their tails. Please note that a kitsune can also use his tail to deliver touch attacks.
  • Spell Resistance (Ex): Kitsune have spell resistance 11 + their Hit Dice.
  • Hoshi no Tama (Ex): A kitsune can create a hoshi no tama which allows him to assume a large or bigger fox form. See the hoshi no tama entry for more information.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and the language used by the inhabitants of the place they call home. Bonus Languages: Any.
  • Favored Class: Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard, or Kitsune Paragon.
  • Level Adjustment: +2

Kitsune Racial Feats

A Fox's Tail [Racial Feat]

Prerequisite: This feat can be only be taken up by a kitsune.

Benefit: +1 dodge bonus to AC and can now qualify for the Deflect Arrows and Snatch Arrows feat as if you have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, using your tail to perform the action.

You also gain a new spell-like ability, usable once per day from an arcane spellcaster's list of spells of up to spell level 1. The spell selected must belong to the Enchantment or Illusion school of magic. Your caster level for this spell is equal to your Hit Dice. The DCs for these abilities are based on your highest mental ability score.

Special: This feat can be taken multiple times for a maximum of 8 more times after the first, getting a new tail and spell-like ability each additional time. The maximum spell level selected cannot exceed your number of tails. For example a 3-tailed kitsune can select a 3rd level Enchantment or Illusion arcane spell after taking this feat for the 3rd time. You also gain an added +1 dodge bonus to AC for every 3 tails, with a +4 bonus by the ninth tail.

When selecting a spell with an expensive material component or an XP cost, you must perform a ritual and expend 50 times that value before you gain access to your spell-like ability. You can choose to pay only part of the cost while doing the ritual, but you do not gain access to the spell-like ability until you've paid in full.

Note: The feat is very powerful, but also very costly. At 9 feats, it is almost impossible to become a 9-tailed fox unless if you take the Kitsune Paragon class. With that in mind, it's very rare to see any kitsune with more than 3 tails. Though many kitsune use their Change Shape power to pretend to have more tails than they actually have. Kitsune are tricksters by nature, so it is advised to be careful when dealing with them.

Improved Fox's Tail [Racial Feat]

Prerequisite: A Fox's Tail feat. This feat can be only be taken up by a kitsune.

Benefit: The kitsune gains a secondary natural attack tail slap for each of his tails, dealing 1d6 + 1/2 strength modifier bludgeoning damage. At 6th, level your tails are treated as magical weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 11th level, your tails gain an alignment based on one of your alignments for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 16th level, your tails are treated as chosen special material for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. By 21st level, your tails are considered epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

The kitsune qualifies for more feats as if it has the Improved Unarmed Strike feat using his tails to perform the action.

Special: All your natural attacks are treated as having the same alignment and special material for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Once chosen these cannot be changed.

Note: Secondary natural attacks suffer a -5 penalty to hit.

A Fox’s Long Tail [Racial Feat]

Prerequisite: Improved Fox's Tail feat. This feat can be only be taken up by a kitsune.

Benefit: Your tail can stretch to hit targets that are farther away. A kitsune’s tail slap gains reach 10 ft.

A Fox's Claws [Racial Feat]

Prerequisite: This feat can be only be taken up by a kitsune.

Benefit: As a free action, you can cause your nails to grow longer and sharper granting you two primary natural claw attacks, dealing 1d6 + strength modifier slashing damage. At 6th, level your claws are treated as magical weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 11th level, your claws gain an alignment based on one of your alignments for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 16th level, your claws are treated as chosen special material for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. By 21st level, your claws are considered epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

The kitsune qualifies for more feats as if it has the Improved Unarmed Strike feat using his claws to perform the action.

Special: All your natural attacks are treated as having the same alignment and special material for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Once chosen these cannot be changed.

A Venomous Fox [Racial Feat]

Prerequisite: Improved Fox's Tail feat or A Fox's Claws feat. This feat can be only be taken up by a kitsune.

Benefit: A kitsune's natural attack deals 1d4+1 poison damage DC 10 + 1/2 its Hit Dice + constitution modifier to a selected ability score. This special attack must be declared before attacking and can only deal ability damage for that attack. On a failed save, the target needs to make another saving throw one minute later or take another 1d4+1 poison damage. Once used the kitsune cannot activate this attack for another 1d4 rounds.

A Fox Loves Fire [Racial Feat]

Prerequisite: This feat can be only be taken up by a kitsune.

Benefit: When casting spells or using special attacks that cause fire damage you can add 1 damage per Hit Die to your attack.

Note: Attacking with a flaming weapon is NOT considered as a special attack. A special attack is a supernatural, extraordinary or spell-like ability.

A Foxy Fox [Racial Feat]

Prerequisite: This feat can be only be taken up by a kitsune.

Benefit: +2 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, and Sense Motive checks.

Fox Magic [Racial Feat]

Prerequisite: This feat can be only be taken up by a kitsune.

Benefit: You add +1 to the DC of any saving throws against enchantment or illusion spells or spell-like ability that you cast.

A Sly Fox [Racial Feat]

Prerequisite: This feat can be only be taken up by a kitsune.

Benefit: A kitsune relies on her intellect as much as her personality. You add your Intelligence modifier on Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, and Sense Motive checks.

Blessing of Inari [Racial Feat]

Prerequisite: A Fox's Tail feat x3. This feat can be only be taken up by a kitsune.

Benefit: A kitsune can use all of his racial spell-like abilities one more time per day.

Kyuubi no Kami [Racial Feat]

Prerequisite: Must possess a Hoshi no Tama. This feat can be only be taken up by a kitsune.

Benefit: Once per day per tail, you can assume the nine-tailed form even if you do not have the requisite amount of tails as long as you possess a nine-tails hoshi no tama. You can remain in that form for 1 round per Hit Dice.

If you already possess nine-tails you are considered a divine spirit and your type changes to outsider (native, kitsune, shapeshifter). You gain damage reduction 5/- and can replace any of his racial spell-like ability with any arcane or divine spell of the same level or lower. For example, you can choose to acquire level 1 to 9 cleric spells to replace your current selection.

Special: You still need to perform the ritual if the new spell selected has an expensive material component or XP cost. If you replace a spell-like ability which has these added cost, any gp or XP used with any previous ritual cannot be recovered.

For example, you can add the Wish/Miracle spell, but you need to perform a ritual and expend 250,000 XP before you can use this spell-like ability.

Vital Statistics

Table: Silver Kitsune Random Starting Ages
15 years+1d4+1d6+2d6
Table: Silver Kitsune Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
300 years600 years900 years900 + 10d% years
  1. At middle age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.

Silver Kitsune's grow to adulthood as fast as humans but slow in aging after reaching 21 years old and can live more than a thousand years of age. The oldest and most powerful kitsune sometimes even ascend to divinity as Inari's chosen.

Table: Silver Kitsune Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male4' 10"+2d8100 lbs.× 5 lbs.
Female4' 5"+2d885 lbs.× 5 lbs.

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