Shien (5e Subclass)


Fighter Subclass

Shien are a specific type of fighter, modelled after the Samurai of old. They seek out challenging fights and uphold a great sense of honor in and out of combat. Often found grouped with a party of trusted warriors, their history of fighting together gives them leave to advance and retreat as one. A Fighter who takes on the Shien subclass becomes adept at wielding most weaponry in both hands simultaneously.

Unfortunate Focus

Due to the the Shien's focus on martial prowess they cannot raise any stat aside from STR and CON above 17. And they may have a max of two taken feats.


A Shien is a warrior and a scholar. The art of Bushido improves them on and off the battle field. Starting at 3rd level, the character gains a +1 to AC, and +1 miscellaneous bonus to 2 skills of the players choice.

Níten Ichi

You may two weapon fight if you carry in one hand a light melee weapon and in your other hand a longsword or rapier. Also at 3rd level Whenever you wield a longsword or rapier and you draw a light melee weapon, your next attack the same turn with this light melee weapon adds your charisma modifier (minimum 1) on the damage and the attack roll. You can only use this once per encounter on an enemy with an intelligence score of at least 4, because the surprising effect is lost otherwise.

Deflect Projectiles

Starting at 5th Level a Shien can knock arrows and other projectiles off course, preventing them from hitting their mark. You must be wielding a sword or pole-arm to use this ability. Once per round when you would normally be hit with an attack from a ranged weapon, you may reduce the damage by 1d6+DEX+Proficiency.

Honourable Retreat

At 7th level You can use this as a bonus action up to the your CHA modifier times/day. Whenever you land at least one melee weapon attack, You and up to 6 allies of your choice may use the disengage action as a bonus action and enemies have disadvantage on ranged attack rolls targetting you or them. This lasts for one minute but ends early if you don't make a melee weapon attack on your turn.


At 11th level, when an opponent makes any moment away from a Shien, you may move up to the edge of the square the opponent has fled to, as an immediate action. Provided the square is a distance away the Samurai could reach in one move action. In addition, retreating from the Samurai provokes an attack of opportunity even if the action normally would not.

Sharpened Voice

At 13th level you gain proficiency in intimidation, if you already have this you add double your proficiency bonus to these checks. You can use your action to frighten enemies, one target of your choice must make a wisdom save against an intimidation check you make. On a failed save, the target is frightened until the end of your next turn. When you take this action, you can make one melee weapon attack with a weapon of your choice as a bonus action.

Calm Prescence

By 18th level, In fights you are a beacon of hope for your friends. 1/long rest, when you or one of your allies is below 1/2 HP but not unconscious yet, you can heal this target to 1/2 HP.

Last Stand

At level 20 a Shien can make a last stand once per day. While the Last Stand is in effect, all melee and ranged weapons deal the half damage to the Samurai, unless the attack scored is a critical hit. The Shien remains conscious while he is below 0 hit points. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Shien's CON modifier.

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gollark: When all my AP eggs hatch, I should do some sort of large ND experiment.
gollark: It's not hard, just do anything to make users' lives easier.
gollark: I mean, he hasn't complained about *it*, but has complained about basically every other thing I do!
gollark: It's some experimental thing I made ages ago which autorefreshes things faster than the PHP-based browser versions.
gollark: I can use my fast-AR, as long as TJ09 doesn't complain again.
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