Sharkfolk (3.5e Race)
Sharkfolk, Oceanic
While in their home turf, Sharkfolk of all kinds tend to react with hostility to intruders - including other Sharkfolk, should they intrude on reserved hunting grounds. A particularly intense hatred is held for humans, who they find have a habit of conquering lands. When traveling, however, most realize that they are now the intruders, and treat other races with merely strong disdain rather than outright hostility.
On the receiving end, due to their hostile temperaments and tendency to feast on the dead, Sharkfolk are looked upon by other races about as pleasantly as the Sharkfolk look upon them. There are some exceptions, however; a sort of kinship is felt between them and most other Beastfolk; similarly, other aquatic races, if not a cause of direct competition for food or territory, tend to at the least have a better chance of getting along with Sharkfolk.
Oceanic Sharkfolk are a simple, violent people driven primarily by primal survival instincts. They are sentient and able to communicate with one another as well as outsiders, but usually lack any form of organized society and instead generally live in small hunting groups ('shoals') in otherwise-uninhabited seaside areas. Other sentient races who would dare intrude upon Oceanic Sharkfolk territory often think better of it after their first encounter with the natives; they won't hesitate to tear apart anyone who threatens them or their territory. Although rare, some sharkfolk - especially half-breeds with one more civilized parent - possess somewhat gentler temperaments compared to their pureblood brethren; the keen hunting instincts remain, however.
Physical Description
Oceanic Sharkfolk are tall, humanoid creatures which in some ways resemble the fish they're named after. Their body is covered head to toe in powerful, lean muscles under a layer of serrated, bluish-gray scales which resemble microscopic teeth. The Sharkfolk body is also well-adapted to swimming; a long, powerful tail in conjunction with several fins on the head and forearms and webbed fingers allow them to cut through water with ease. They also have deadly implements for hunting - in addition to their keen sight and hearing, they come equipped with a mouthful of knife-like teeth, which they use to great effect while hunting and eating. Purebred Sharkfolk have extremely hydrodynamic bodies which do not grow hair, but in some situations a half-breed may wind up with a full head of hair. Half-breeds' sharklike features are also more subdued, but only aesthetically; their teeth and talons are shorter, for instance, but they're no less keen than those of a pureblood.
Oceanic Sharkfolk are amphibious; their musclebound builds combined with their webbed fingers allow them to live perfectly well in water, with many preferring life lived in or by the sea. There is one caveat, however: Oceanic Sharkfolk are accustomed to living in saltwater more often than not, and although they can drink fresh water, swimming in it for extended periods of time will cause irritation of the skin and eyes. As a result, Oceanic Sharkfolk most commonly live on seashores and other places where both the land and sea are accessible to them. Despite this preference, they'd suffer no ill effects from living on land as long as the environment isn't too dry.
Any, favoring chaotic alignments. Sharkfolk are born and raised in the wild and do not easily submit to anyone's rule, preferring to act according to their own needs. They tend to stay solo or grouped with several companions of their own choosing (such as a hunting shoal or adventuring party). A sharkfolk PC might be quick to call out another party member for being bossy or overly obedient as a result of these beliefs.
As expected, Sharkfolk prefer environments where a place to swim is easily accessible. Oceanic Sharkfolk specifically, as their name implies, live near oceans and other bodies of salt water, as prolonged external exposure to fresh water irritates their scales. The opposite is true for the Pygmy Sharkfolk subrace, who live in-land near bodies of fresh water. Although Sharkfolk are capable of living outside of land, they harbor an instinctual yearning for the sea and will be gripped by a feeling comparable to homesickness if away from the water too long.
Most Sharkfolk are finely in tune with nature, and thus tend to worship either Ehlonna or Obad-Hai, with a greater majority worshipping the former. However, due to the fragmented nature of Sharkfolk society and their disdain for living in large groups, it's possible for a Sharkfolk to develop their own beliefs influenced by their environment, companions, personal beliefs and et cetera.
By default, Sharkfolk are raised speaking Aquan, the language of aquatic creatures. However, due to the near-universality of the Common tongue in most settings, a vast majority of adolescent Sharkfolk will also be able to speak or at least understand it to some degree. However, Common is generally the second language they learn, unless they live in unusually close proximity to a Common-speaking race; especially young Sharkfolk may not have learned Common yet and thus are likely to shy away from strangers who don't speak their tongue.
Example Names
Oceanic Sharkfolk names are often harsh-sounding, with lots of sharp, hissing phonemes.
Male: Kalir, Shaka, Mako, Tare, Romi, Xar
Female: Kishi, Sala, Shiera, Lissa, Zalia
Racial Traits
- +4 Strength, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma; Oceanic Sharkfolk are a frightening race with powerful muscles and keen senses, but over-reliance on their instincts has dulled their intellect somewhat.
- Medium size.
- Oceanic Sharkfolk base land speed is 30 feet, and they also possess a swim speed of 40 feet.
- Natural Weapon: Oceanic Sharkfolk possess powerful jaws full of razor-sharp teeth in addition to the talons on their hands and feet. As part of a full attack, a Oceanic Sharkfolk may attack using its bite, dealing 1d8 piercing damage, or its tail, which deals 1d6 bludgeoning. Additionally, the tail can be used as a weapon with the trip attack capability, allowing the Sharkfolk to make a trip attempt as a standard action without provoking an attack of opportunity. Finally, the powerful muscles of the tail give Sharkfolk a +2 bonus on Strength checks made as part of a trip attack, and when failing a trip attack made with their tail, a Sharkfolk cannot be tripped in return.
- Weapon proficiency: In addition to their natural weapons, Sharkfolk often use nets and bolas to ensnare their prey, and thus are automatically proficient with them.
- Most races are afraid of Sharkfolk; as such, they gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks made on any creatures who are unable to breathe underwater.
- +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Survival checks. Oceanic Sharkfolk also gain +4 to Listen, Spot, Search and Hide checks made while submerged in water.
- Born Swimmer (Ex): An Oceanic Sharkfolk has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
- Freshwater Sensitivity (Ex): A Oceanic Sharkfolk fully immersed in fresh water must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or become fatigued. Even on a success, it must repeat the save attempt every 10 minutes it remains immersed.
- Keen Scent (Ex): A Oceanic Sharkfolk can detect any injured creature by the scent of its blood in a 150-foot radius underwater, or half that distance on land. This distance is doubled if the creature in question is heavily wounded such that the scent of its blood would be stronger. This ability does not work on creatures whose wounds are old enough to have closed, or which bleed some substance other than blood. Additionally, the Oceanic Sharkfolk can discern whether the blood they smell is fresh or not, but cannot otherwise discern what the blood belongs to unless the creature's blood would for some reason have an abnormal scent.
- Darkvision out to 60 feet.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Aquan. Bonus Languages: Gnoll, Halfling, Elvan, Sylvan, Undercommon.
- Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass Oceanic Sharkfolk's Barbarian class does not count when determining whether it takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing.
- Level Adjustment: +1.
Oceanic Sharkfolk Vital Statistics
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
16 years | +1d6 | +2d4 | +2d6 |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
30 years | 40 years | 65 years | +3d8 years | |
Random Height and Weight
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
5' 10" | +1d6 | 105 lbs. | x (1d6) lbs. |
Sharkfolk, Pygmy
Perhaps more akin to piranhas than sharks, Pygmy Sharkfolk are a smaller but equally fierce breed of their cousin race which are better adapted to live further in-land, near smaller bodies of fresh water.
Pygmy Sharkfolk Traits (Ex): These traits replace the indicated Oceanic Sharkfolk traits.
- Ability score adjustments: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma. Pygmy Sharkfolk are more agile than their big brothers, but lack the extreme physical prowess. They're feared just as much as the Oceanic Sharkfolk, however, coloring general perception of the race in a negative light.
- Small size. +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, –4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits 3/4 those of Medium characters.
- Pygmy Sharkfolk base speed is 20 ft.
- Fast Movement (Ex): As the Barbarian class skill: unless wearing heavy armor, Pygmy Sharkfolks' base land speed increases by 10 ft. This racial ability stacks with the Barbarian class ability of the same name, as well as with any other land speed-increasing effects.
- Low-Light Vision (Ex): A Pygmy Sharkfolk's Darkvision is replaced with Low-Light Vision due to their inhabitance of shallower bodies of water.
- Saltwater Sensitivity (Ex): A Oceanic Sharkfolk fully immersed in salt water must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or become fatigued. Even on a success, it must repeat the save attempt every 10 minutes it remains immersed. This trait replaces the Freshwater Sensitivity of Oceanic Sharkfolk.
- Due to its smaller teeth and weaker jaw, a Pygmy Sharkfolk's Bite attack does only 1d6 piercing damage. Their tails are also too light to deal any damage in battle, but they can still be used for tripping.
- Level Adjustment 0.
Pygmy Sharkfolk Vital Statistics
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
14 years | +1d4 | +2d4 | +2d6 |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
28 years | 40 years | 55 years | +1d10 years | |
Random Height and Weight
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
2' 10" | +1d6 | 80 lbs. | x (1d4) lbs. |
Sharkfolk, Megalodonic
A rare mutation of the Oceanic Sharkfolk, the Megalodons are an even horrifying, monstrous and powerful than their "base" form.
Megalodonic Sharkfolk Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the Oceanic Sharkfolk traits, except where noted.
- Ability score adjustments: +4 Strength, +4 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, -4 Charisma, -4 Intelligence. Megalodonic Sharkfolk are almost comically brutal, having evolved closer to actual sharks in both their natural ferocity and their limited intellect.
- Weapon proficiency: Bolas are next to useless underwater. Instead, Megalodonic Sharkfolk most often employ tridents and spears; all Megalodonic Sharkfolk are thus automatically proficient with these weapons in addition to nets.
- Megalodonic Sharkfolk have a prehensile, mermaid-like fish tail rather than the legs of their amphibious cousins. Although they have the same combination lung/gill breathing apparatus that allows them to breathe freely both underwater and on land (and thus have no dependency on water), they lack any efficient means of locomotion on land. A Megalodon's base land speed is 5 ft, and this speed cannot be increased through the use of feats or class abilities unless the Megalodon gains some alternate form of locomotion better-suited to land travel.
- Natural Weapons: A Megalodon's massive size enhances its natural weapons in turn. Bite attacks deal 3d4 piercing/bludgeoning damage, and its larger, more powerful tail deals 1d10 bludgeoning damage. However, due to Megalodons' clumsiness on land, they cannot use their tail to make trip attacks.
- As a result of their aquatic exclusivity, Megalodons are even better swimmers than other Sharkfolk. They gain no racial skill bonuses outside of water, but Megalodonic Sharkfolk gain +8 to Listen, Spot, Search and Hide checks made while underwater. Also, Megalodonic Sharkfolk are capable of using the Charge action while moving through water.
- Large size. -1 penalty to Armor Class, -1 penalty on attack rolls, -4 penalty on Hide checks, +4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits 2x those of Medium characters. Natural reach 10ft.
- Thick Hide (Ex): +2 natural armor bonus to AC and DR 2/-.
- Keen Scent (Ex): Megalodonic Sharkfolk have a stronger sense of smell than Oceanic ones. Keen Scent's range is increased to 300 ft, but outside of water that distance is cut to one-third of that (100ft).
- King of the Sea (Su): A Megalodon can communicate telepathically with any other sea creatures of HD two or more below his character level up to 200ft away. The communication is limited to fairly simple concepts such as “food,” “danger,” and “enemy,” but any creature with an Int score less than 3 may also be directed to attack or defend a specific person or location. Megalodons can use the Handle Animal skill to befriend and train these sea creatures to perform more complicated tasks.
- Ageless Terror (Ex): Finally, Megalodons live longer and age more gracefully than their relatives. They have reduced penalties to aging while reaping full benefits; they accrue no penalties to their stats at middle age and lose only 1 point in each physical stat for each step thereafter.
- Level Adjustment +2.
Megalodonic Sharkfolk Vital Statistics
Adulthood | Simple | Moderate | Complex |
20 years | +1d8 | +2d8 | +3d8 |
Middle Age1 | Old2 | Venerable3 | Maximum Age | |
50 years | 85 years | 120 years | +2d20 years | |
Random Height and Weight
Base Height | Height Modifier | Base Weight | Weight Modifier |
6' 10" | +3d4 | 180 lbs. | x (1d4) lbs. |
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