Shardbeasts (3.5e Creature)

Shardbeast, Green

Green Shardbeast

CR 1/6-2

N Diminutive-Medium Animal
Init/Senses +4/Listen +8, Spot +8
AC +5 base animal, touch see ac, flat-footed see ac
hp 3 times base animal, core 7 (NA HD)
Immune Shell all elements, core all fire.
Fort/Ref/Will +10/Base Animal/Base Animal
Speed Base animal (flying animals cannot fly as a shardbeast)
Melee base animal
Space/Reach 5 ft./NA
Base Atk/Grp base animal/base animal
Abilities Str base animal, Dex base animal, Con 2x base animals, Int base animal, Wis base animal, Cha base animal
SQ Green Shardbeasts are the Shardmind equivalent of animals, so they have two health pools, that of the shell (3x base animal of DM's choice), and 1d10 of the core which loses 1 per minute unless allowed to reform a shell [Usually rocks])
Feats base animal
Skills base animal
Possessions none
Reform if placed in a valid source of protection the core can reform a regain at max half health of the original shell in an encounter(loose stones, or the parts of its old shell)

Strategies and Tactics

Break the shell to reveal the core, and deal direct damage to it.

Sample Encounters

Party is out hunting or traveling through the woods, and just like any other wild animal it would attack or be noticed in the brush near the path.


Solo or in small groups Environment: Anywhere the base animal would live Typical Physical Characteristics: Loose or large stones in the shapes of the animals they are attempting to represent (rock wolf, stone bear, pebble squirrel, etc). Alignment: As Neutral as Animals can be


Shardbeasts to the naked eye seem to be simple monsters of stone, but upon further inspection of their cores, would reveal that the person is now holding the solid form of a soul. These solid souls seek a body, but because of their origin can not find a suitable flesh source and the cores have to resort to using the stones and natural materials around them.

Sample Lair

Forests and Caves

Typical Treasure

The small green crystal like core, if placed into a stone source, it can reform, and become no longer aggressive( players may attempt to make one a companion).

Advanced Creatures

The Blue and Black Shardbeasts

Shardbeast, Blue

Blue Shardbeast

CR 7

N Huge Abberation
Init/Senses +4/Listen -8, Spot -8
AC 10, touch 4, flat-footed 6
hp 75, core 15(2d8) (2d8+60 HD)
Immune Shell all elements, core all fire.
Fort/Ref/Will +10/0/+10
Speed 5 ft
Melee 1d10+9
Space/Reach 5 ft./10ft
Base Atk/Grp +5/NA
Abilities Str 26, Dex 4, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 2, Cha 2
SQ Blue Shardbeasts are Shardmind trapped within a shell too large for them to control much less see out of, if freed it would reform a shell suitable for their crystal size (becoming a normal Shardmind). The core loses 1 hp per day unless allowed to reform a shell [Usually rocks])
Feats NA
Skills Na
Possessions none
Reform if placed in a valid source of protection the core can reform a regain at max half health of the original shell in an encounter(loose stones, or the parts of its old shell)

Strategies and Tactics

Break the shell to reveal the core, and deal direct damage to it.

Sample Encounters

Party is out hunting or traveling through the woods, and this slow moving stone behemoth can be seen lumbering towards the party, if attack it would defend its core.


Solo or in small groups Environment: Caves or Mountains Typical Physical Characteristics: Huge Four legged rock golem like monsters, with the core not controlling the shell inside. Alignment: As Neutral good or evil


Shardbeasts to the naked eye seem to be simple monsters of stone, but upon further inspection of their cores, would reveal that the person is now holding the solid form of a soul. These solid souls seek a body, but because of their origin can not find a suitable flesh source and the cores have to resort to using the stones and natural materials around them.

Sample Lair

Forests and Caves

Typical Treasure

The football sized blue crystal like core, if placed into a stone source, it can reform, and become no longer aggressive( players may attempt to make one a companion).

Advanced Creatures

The Black Shardbeasts

Shardbeast, Black

Black Shardbeast

CR 8-9

NGE Gargantuan Outsider
Init/Senses +4/Listen +16, Spot +16
AC 5, touch 0, flat-footed 1
hp 200, core 50(25 per core) ( HD)
Immune Shell all elements, core all fire.
Fort/Ref/Will +10/0/+10
Speed 5 ft
Melee 1d20+10
Space/Reach 5 ft./30ft
Base Atk/Grp +5/NA
Abilities Str 30, Dex 4, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 2, Cha 2
SQ Black Shardbeasts are special in the regard that their shell contains two large halves of one boulder sized core. The two halves much work in tandem to proceed towards their goal (neutral good vs. neutral evil). The DM should roll at a disadvantage to form decisions ( roll 2 keep the lowest). The core loses 1 hp per month unless allowed to reform a shell [Usually small hills])
Feats NA
Skills Knowledge(planes)+18
Possessions none
Reform if placed in a valid source of protection the core can reform a regain at max half health of the original shell in an encounter(loose stones, or the parts of its old shell)

Strategies and Tactics

Break the shell to reveal the cores, and deal direct damage to it.

Sample Encounters

The party comes upon a crashed meteor site, and upon closer inspection the soon discover that the meteor is infact the black core shardbeast.


Solo or in small groups Environment: Caves or Mountains Typical Physical Characteristics: Gargantuan Four legged rock golem like monsters, with the cores controlling the body. Alignment: Conflicted


Shardbeasts to the naked eye seem to be simple monsters of stone, but upon further inspection of their cores, would reveal that the person is now holding the solid form of a soul. These solid souls seek a body, but because of their origin can not find a suitable flesh source and the cores have to resort to using the stones and natural materials around them.

Sample Lair

Space Debris crash sites

Typical Treasure

The obsidian black halves of the boulder sized core, if placed into a stone source, it can reform, and at which time it would be unpredictable. It is advised also to not let the two halves of the cores to fuse into one. (Subsequent beast would be considered colossal)

Advanced Creatures


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gollark: No they do not.
gollark: > hates power of individual players> wanted creative
gollark: Meh.
gollark: e.g. one person has a blaze XP farm and a bunch of enchanted books they can copy and sell
gollark: The way it tends to work is that the very rich players mostly got that way via real estate, good GPUs/getting in early (it runs on a proof of work currency), or being on the original version of the server, and they have large turtle swarms and stuff, but a few people have specialized infrastructure and end up depended upon for stuff.
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