Savage Seas (Endhaven Supplement)

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Mildly Water, Mildly Wild

Pirates run rampant across the Savage Seas. The Sea Elves seek to tame this watery place. Along the border, the necromancer Worm Eater and a mysterious tyrant called The Voice of Corruption gear for war, fueling a need for slaves. Those places that border the Savage Sea, such as the Border League, feel the brunt of this slave trade.


Name: Savage Seas
Planar Size: Colossal Cluster
Influences: None
Ruling Organization: Savage Sea Pirates
Government Type: None
Other Organizations:
Capital: None
Languages: Various
Religion: Various
Patron Deity: Dauphin
Resources: Sea Products, Pearls, Shells
Important Locations:



The Savage Seas have always been a place of stories. From the earliest times, heroes have braved its unknown reaches in harrowing and epic journeys. The taming of those seas came slow and hard, if those seas can be called tame. During the Age of Empires, many lands established colonies upon its shores. Many disappeared in time, but some established themselves, eventually forming their own kingdoms.


The seas were little effected by the War of Good and Evil. The great drama of these wars happened too far away. During this time, a group of elves fled the great wars, establishing the undersea kingdoms of Oceanus.


During the Charystan Empires, the Savage Seas were tamed. Wild people were pushed from its island. Pirates were executed. Commerce expanded. Soon, anyone could cross the expanse of this sea in relatively safety.


During the Wars of Law and Chaos, the Empires stopped patrolling the seas. They lost control of their far flung possessions. Into that vacuum, pirates arose to prey upon merchants and ports alike. The Feral Nation made forays into the sea as well, destroying Atlantis. All too soon, people recalled the name of that sea, and why it had that name.


The Savage Seas touches on all the great events that border it. War and strife touches many lands. Slavers ply her currents seeking captives to sell to strange and foreign lands. Along the coast, the necromancer Worm Eater and a mysterious tyrant called The Voice of Corruption gear for war, fueling a need for slaves. Those places that border the Savage Sea, such as the Border League, feel the brunt of this slave trade.

Planar Information

The Savage Seas are an extensive saltwater ocean.


There are landing points all throughout the seas. On well established islands, there are gates.


The sea is so large that it encompasses multiple clients. There are places where ice ships ply the stormy waters, and others tropical and calm.

Major Landmarks

  • The Great Whirlpool
  • The Great Ice Sea
  • The Sargasso Sea
  • The Boiling Sea
  • The Hidden Island of Eternal Delight

Adventure Hooks

  • Slavers are attacking the coasts.
  • There are pirates here that need to be fought.
  • Lost Island
  • Lost Treasures
  • Lost Expeditions

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gollark: Private homes in this analogy would be private emails and all that stuff.
gollark: There aren't cameras in private homes, for example.
gollark: Not really!
gollark: That is incredibly vague and meaningless and probably false.
gollark: There is something *very wrong* with organizations ignoring the laws and/or creatively misinterpreting them, collecting huge volumes of private data, and then refusing to say what they gather or use it for.
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