Sam (3.5e NPC)


CR 23

Male Rust Monster, Advanced, Paragon, Augmented
N Large Aberration
Init/Senses +3/Listen +7, Spot +7
Languages Common, Terran, Draconic, Infernal
AC +50, touch +45, flat-footed +37
(+10 Dex, +6 natural, +12 insight, +12 luck)
hp 835 (27d8+619 HD); DR 10/epic, fast healing 20
SR/Resist 48/Fire 10, Cold 10
Fort/Ref/Will +23/+25/+33
Speed 120 ft.
Melee Antennae touch +30 melee (rust) or
Melee Bite +30 melee (1d4+28)
Base Atk/Grp +42/+42
Special Actions Rust
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th):
Abilities Str 27, Dex 30, Con 32, Int 17, Wis 28, Cha 26
Feats Alertness, Track, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Improved Critical (natural weapon), Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Awesome Blow
Skills Listen +36, Spot +36, Climb +28, Hide +30, Move Silently +30, Swim +25, Jump +35


Rust (Ex): A rust monster that makes a successful touch attack with its antennae causes the target metal to corrode, falling to pieces and becoming useless immediately. The touch can destroy up to a 10-foot cube of metal instantly. Magic armor and weapons, and other magic items made of metal, must succeed on a DC 27 Reflex save or be dissolved. The save DC is Constitution-based and includes a +4 racial bonus.

A metal weapon that deals damage to a rust monster corrodes immediately. Wooden, stone, and other nonmetallic weapons are unaffected.


By Upper_Krust's calculations, the Paragon Template adds +28 ECL. So ECL for this creature is 55. CR sits at 23 right now. Pretty weak for ECL 55.

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gollark: ↑
gollark: They should simply have a better hash algorithm.
gollark: Machine learning is cool and good™, yes.
gollark: 70000? Oh BEE, heavserver has a long way to go.
gollark: But bridge good, however?
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