Sainted Fist (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Order of the Saintly Fist

<!- Introduction text.->

Becoming a member of the <-Order of the Saintly Fist->

<-The Holiest and most noble of monks who seek to become closer to their gods follow this path to spread the word of their faith, and combat those who run counter to their deity.->

Entry Requirements
Alignment: <-Lawful or Neutral Good->.
Base Attack Bonus: <-+4->.
Skills: <-Knowledge Religion (5 ranks), Tumble (5 ranks), Diplomacy (8 ranks)->.
Feats: <-Improved Unarmed Strike, 3 Exalted Feats, including Vow of Poverty ->.
Special: <-Cannot become a member of the Order of the Saintly Monks if you have ever lost the use of an exalted feat.->.
Table: The <-Order of the Saintly Fist->

Hit Die: d<-d8->

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spells per Day
FortRefWill 1st2nd3rd4th
1st+1+2+2+2 <-Natural Armor + 1, Touch of Unicorn's Blood, Ascetic Training-> 0
2nd+2+3+3+3 <-Wis +2, Fist of the Wise-> 1
3rd+3+3+3+3 <-Natural Armor +2, Touch of Consuming Passion-> 20
4th+4+4+4+4 <-Dex +2, Fist of the Nimble-> 31
5th+5+4+4+4 <-Natural Armor +3, Touch of Jade Water-> 420
6th+6+5+5+5 <-Con +2, Celestial Form-> 431
7th+7+5+5+5 <-Natural Armor +4, Touch of Raging Desire-> 4420
8th+8+6+6+6 <-Wis +2, Wisdom of the Ages-> 4431
9th+9+6+6+6 <-Natural Armor +5, Touch of Celestial Lightblood-> 4442
10th+10+7+7+7 <-Wis +2, Paragon of Faith-> 4443

Class Skills (<-4-> + Int modifier per level)
<-list of class skills->.

Class Features

Ascetic Training - Order of the Saintly Fist levels stack with monk levels for determining unarmed attack damage, unarmored AC bonus, and movement speed increases. For non monks entering the Order of the Saintly Fist, gain these class features as a level 1 monk.

Natural Armor - At 1st level, and every other level thereafter, an Order of the Saintly Fist gains a +1 natural armor bonus to AC. This natural armor stacks with all other forms of natural armor.

Touch of Unicorn's Blood - Through rigorous training, an Order of the Saintly Fist has learned to channel his body into a conduit of Sacred Energy. This energy manifests itself by turning the evil and corruption of those an Order of the Saintly Fist touches into a debilitating ravage. Each time an Order of the Saintly Fist touches an evil creature, that creature must make a Fort save (DC 10 + class level + wisdom modifier) or be ravaged as if by Unicorn's Blood. This ravage deals 1d3 STR damage initially, with a secondary damage of 1d4 STR 1 minute later.

Fist of the Wise - At 2nd level, an Order of the Saintly Fist gains the ability to focus better in combat, and becomes able to place his attacks where they deal greater damage. He applies her Wisdom bonus (if any) as a bonus on damage rolls (in addition to any Strength bonus he may have) when fighting Unarmed.

Wisdom Bonus - At 2nd, 8th, and 10th level, an Order of the Saintly Fist gains a +2 sacred wisdom bonus.

Touch of Consuming Passion - Through rigorous training, an Order of the Saintly Fist has learned to channel his body into a conduit of Sacred Energy. This energy manifests itself by turning the evil and corruption of those an Order of the Saintly Fist touches into a debilitating affliction. Each time an Order of the Saintly Fist touches an evil creature, that creature must make a Fort save (DC 10 + class level + wisdom modifier) or be afflicted as if by Consuming Passion. This affliction deals 1d4 INT damage after an incubation period of 1d3 days.

Dexterity Bonus - At 4th level, an Order of the Saintly Fist gains a +2 sacred dexterity bonus.

Fist of the Nimble - At 4nd level, an Order of the Saintly Fist gains the ability to move more quickly in combat, and becomes able to place his attacks where they deal greater damage. He applies her Dexterity bonus (if any) as a bonus on damage rolls (in addition to any Strength bonus he may have) when fighting Unarmed.

Touch of Jade Water - Through rigorous training, an Order of the Saintly Fist has learned to channel his body into a conduit of Sacred Energy. This energy manifests itself by turning the evil and corruption of those an Order of the Saintly Fist touches into a debilitating ravage. Each time an Order of the Saintly Fist touches an evil creature, that creature must make a Fort save (DC 10 + class level + wisdom modifier) or be ravaged as if by Jade Water. This ravage deals 1d4 WIS damage initially, with a secondary damage of 1d4 INT and 1d4 WIS 1 minute later.

Celestial Form - At 6th level, an Order of the Saintly Fist has evolved beyond simply being a man of faith, and has begun a transformation into a Paragon of his deity. As such, he gains the following features. He grows angelic wings, granting him a flight speed equal to his base movement, with Good mobility. He becomes able to Smite evil 1/day + Charisma modifier.

Constitution Bonus - At 6th level, an Order of the Saintly Fist gains a +2 sacred constitution bonus.

Touch of Raging Desire - Through rigorous training, an Order of the Saintly Fist has learned to channel his body into a conduit of Sacred Energy. This energy manifests itself by turning the evil and corruption of those an Order of the Saintly Fist touches into a debilitating affliction. Each time an Order of the Saintly Fist touches an evil creature, that creature must make a Fort save (DC 10 + class level + wisdom modifier) or be afflicted as if by Consuming Passion. This affliction deals 1d3 CON damage after an incubation period of 1 day.

Wisdom of the Ages - At 8th level, an Order of the Saintly Fist has become a fount of wisdom. This manifests itself in two ways. First, an Order of the Saintly Fist adds his wisdom bonus to his initiative (if any) as a sacred bonus (in addition to any dexterity bonus he may have) when unarmored. Second, He may reroll any one roll that uses his wisdom modifier 1/day + 1 per 2 class levels.

Touch of Celestial Lightblood - Through rigorous training, an Order of the Saintly Fist has learned to channel his body into a conduit of Sacred Energy. This energy manifests itself by turning the evil and corruption of those an Order of the Saintly Fist touches into a debilitating ravage. Each time an Order of the Saintly Fist touches an evil creature, that creature must make a Fort save (DC 10 + class level + wisdom modifier) or be ravaged as if by Celestial Lightblood. This ravage deals 1d4 DEX damage initially, with a secondary damage of 1d4 CON 1 minute later.

Paragon of Faith - At 10th level, an Order of the Saintly Fist is no longer a mere mortal man. His creature type becomes Outsider (native), he can use the following as spell-like abilities, at will: Dispel Evil, Detect Evil, Protection from Evil, and he no longer takes penalties to her ability scores for aging and cannot be magically aged. Any such penalties that he has already taken, however, remain in place. Bonuses still accrue for aging, as they normally would for his race. Furthermore, an Order of the Sacred Fist does not die of old age. Finally, an Order of the Sacred Fist may perform a Miracle (as spell) 1/year without losing any experience.

Spells: To cast a particular spell, you must have an <-Wis-> score of at least 10 + the spell's level. Your bonus spells are based on your <- Wis ->. Saves to avoid the effects of your spells have a DC of 10 + the spell's level + your <-Wis-> bonus (if any).

You cast spells as a <-Bard-> does. Table: <-Order of the Saintly Fist-> Spells Known, below, details how many spells you can learn at each level. An epic <-class name->’s number of spells per day does not increase after 10th level. Choose your spells from the following list:

1st<-Path of the Exalted->, <-Hammer of Righteousness->, <-Divine Insight->, <-Divine Protection->, <-Quick March->, <-Cure Moderate Wounds->, <-Bull’s Strength->, <-Inflict Moderate Wounds->.

2nd<-Flame of Faith->, <-Knight’s Move->, <-Visage of the Deity, Lesser-> <-Weapon of the Deity->, <-Cure Serious Wounds->, <-Inflict Serious Wounds->, <-Prayer->, <-Daylight->.

3rd<-Inquisition->, <-Holy Transformation, Lesser->, <-Panacea-> <-Cure Critical Wounds->, <-Inflict Critical Wounds->, <-Death Ward->, <-Restoration->, <-Tongues->.

4th<-Channel Celestial->, <-Righteous Wrath of the Faithful->, <-Visage of the Deity-> <-Commune->, <-True Seeing->, <-Heal->, <-Bull’s Strength, Mass->, <-Righteous Might->.

Ex-<-Order of the Saintly Fist->

<-Ex-Order of the Saintly Fists lose ALL class features if they perform an evil act, or break any of their Vows. These features can never be regained, and the character suffers Negative levels equal to his Order of the Sacred Fist class levels. In other words, he loses all levels he had that focused in this class. For example, a Level 5 Monk / Level 5 Order of the Saintly Fist breaks his vows, he immediately loses all 5 levels of Order of the Saintly Fist and becomes a level 5 Monk with any penalties that class may suffer as well.->

Playing an <-Order of the Saintly Fist->

Combat: <-Typical role in combat->

Advancement: <-Typical advancement options for characters with this class. Include desirable multiclass options->

Resources: <-What kind of assistance members of this class can expect from each other including possible organizations->

<-Order of the Saintly Fists-> in the World

<-Some quote from a character of this class->

<-Where characters of this class fit in a d20 world->

NPC Reactions: <-How NPCs react to characters of this class->

<-Order of the Saintly Fists-> Lore

Characters with ranks in <-Knowledge Religion-> can research <-Order of the Saintly Fists-> to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

<-the appropriate skills->
11<-Order of the Saintly Fists are monks who have taken sacred Vows that bring them closer in line with their gods->.
16<-Order of the Saintly Fists are Paragons of Good and deadly poison to creatures of evil alignments->.
21<-The more advanced Order of the Saintly Fists begin evolving into Celestial-like beings->.
26<-Those who have achieved the Pinnacle of the Order of the Saintly Fist are capable of preforming great miracles. These rare beings have transcended humanity, and become living embodiments of their god's power on earth.->.

<-Order of the Saintly Fists-> in the Game

<-How characters of this class fit in the game (PC and NPC) and what roles they play->

Adaptation: <-Fitting this class in your campaign->

Sample Encounter: <-DM placement for NPC of this class->

EL whatever: <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block. The CR of the NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter->

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