S'Lanter (Fallout Supplement)

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The S'Lanter are intelligent, FEV-mutated raccoons who escaped captivity and now live in a place known as the 'Burrows'. There are two groups, the 'Den-Dwellers' and the 'Top-Siders'.


The Den-Dwellers are animalistic hunters who are paranoid and easily frightened. To another Den-Dweller, they will be kind and peaceful. The Top-Dwellers are more sceptical than the Den-Dwellers, but also kind. though they treat the Den-Dwellers as their own, they sometimes act rudely and tend to argue with them about their beliefs.

Physical Description

S'Lanter are humanoid mammals with a dense grayish fur coat. They possess a distinctive facial mask and dexterous front paws. They also have long, bushy, stripped tails and upward point ears.


The Den-Dwellers hate anything besides themselves. They will kill and eat any non-S'Lanter they see. They hate Humans the most. The Top-Siders are more accepting of non-S'Lanter, though still hold a grudge against Humans over what they did to their ancestors.


The Den-Dwellers live in underground dens filled with traps around every corner. The Top-Siders live in homes made of branches, sticks, and leaves built around a great oak tree which acts as town hall. The area is know as the Burrows and is an oasis in the harsh wasteland. Barely touched by the bombs, its water and vegetation are not only cleaner than most, but also existent. The area is surrounded by traps around the perimeter.


During the great winter of 2130, many of S'Lanter died and had little to fall back on. Minishen, the new leader of the S'Lanter, devised a new religion, "the religion of the glow" to give them hope. He told everyone that the gods lived at the Glow and that these gods had created them. To prove it, he showed them the journals of the old ones talking about "masters" at the Glow and how these masters "made them".

When the winter ended, Minishen kept the religion as he knew there would be more hard times. His followers believed that the gods had helped them survive. But, in 2150 Minishen died without telling anyone that the religion was false. Nor could anyone disprove it, as all who went to the Glow died.

In 2161, a S'Lanter went to the Glow and managed to return. Dying from severe radiation poisoning, he said "There are No gods, only death". This divided the Burrows again, with the Den-dwellers being fanatical believers in the gods while the Top-dwellers are far more skeptical.


S'Lanter have learned to speak English.


Minishen and Neres-Ka are a few S'Lanter names.

Racial Traits

  • +2 Wisdom, +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength: S'Lanter are a race of clever, witty and quick humanoid Raccoon people, but their short stature as resulted in decreased strength.
  • Humanoid (Animal): S'Lanter are humanoid Raccoons.
  • Small: +1 size bonus to Defense and attacks. -4 size penalty to special attacks. +4 size bonus to Hide skill checks. ×3/4 carrying capacity.
  • S'Lanter base land speed is 30 ft.
  • Ancient-Ancestors (Ex): S'lanter must choose either Den-Dweller or Top-Sider as a racial trait. In addition, they gain a +2 racial bonus to Spot, Listen, and Search skill checks. They also have Darkvision 60 ft.
  • Den-Dweller (Ex): +2 racial bonus to Reflex saves. +2 racial bonus to Demolition, Hide, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, and Survival skill checks. Cannot take this racial trait with the Top-Sider racial trait.
  • Top-Sider (Ex): +2 racial bonus to Will saves. +2 racial bonus to Craft (Structural), Swim, Jump, Escape Artist, and Climb skill checks. Cannot take this racial trait with the Den-Dweller racial trait.
  • FEV-Mutated (Ex): All armor must be custom made and cost 50% more.
  • Native Language: English. Can learn more languages with a high enough Intelligence.
  • Level Adjustment: 0

Vital Statistics

Table: S'Lanter Random Starting Ages
2 years+1d2+1d4+1d6
Table: S'Lanter Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
10 years12 years14 years+1d4 years
  1. At middle age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: S'Lanter Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male2'10"+2d650 lb.× 3 lb.
Female2'5"+2d640 lb.× 3 lb.

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gollark: ```pythonimport sysprint(sys.argv[0])```
gollark: Now to figure out how to do quines.
gollark: Yay!
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