Rune Caster, Variant (3.5e Class)

Rune Caster

Armed with handheld runes, a Rune Caster can attack with many different options, or use them to inflict various status effects.

Making a Rune Caster

While highly diverse in their powers, a Rune Caster might have a hard time filling in for two or more missing classes.

Abilities: Intelligence is key, as it allows Rune Casters to hold more Runes to use. Strength and Dexterity are needed for their combat prowess: Strength for melee weapons, and Dexterity for their Runes. Constitution is needed simply for survival. Charisma and Wisdom are not needed, only there for flavor mainly.

Races: Rune caster are only found amongst races capable of literacy.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 3d6x10.

Starting Age: Complex.

Table: The Rune Caster

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+0+2+0+2 Glyph Study, Rune Casting, Runeology
5th+3+4+1+4 Paper Trigger
10th+7/+2+7+3+7 Rune Powering
13th+9/+4+8+4+8 Runic Upgrade
17th+12/+7/+2+10+5+10 Runic Upgrade II
20th+15/+10/+5+12+6+12 Rune Permanency

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Craft (Rune) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Forgery (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (All taken individually) (Int), Spellcraft (Int).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Rune Caster.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:A Rune Caster is proficient with all simple weapons, and light and medium armor, as well as all shields (except tower shields).

Glyph Study: The core of a Rune Caster's skill. A Rune Caster starts knowing a number of glyphs equaling their Intelligence Modifier (minimum 3). Rune Caster's gain access to a new style of glyph every level after the first plus an additional glyph every odd level (not counting first). A Rune Caster who knows a Glyph of a higher Tier is treated as knowing all lower Tier variants of that glyph but not vice verso. The Rune Caster can have more than one of the same glyph on a single rune, excluding ability glyphs.

Rune Casting: The way a Rune Caster uses his runes. The pocket sized runes are considered ranged touch attack weapons, as the rune only needs to touch the target to activate their effect, unless the rune has a different trigger. No modifiers are added to the damage. A Rune Casters rune consist of 2 glyphs(not counting the range glyph) however this number increases at higher levels.A Rune Caster must create his runes out of one of the list of runic materials. Each Material when inscribed upon by a Rune Caster, will grant a type of DR breaks. Throwing a Rune is a standard action.

Runology: If a Rune Caster is using Forgery or Decipher Script, and the language he is trying to replicate or understand have some form of relation to a language the rune caster already knows (and is literate in) then the Rune Caster adds his class level in addition to his Forgery or Decipher Script skill. examples include (common and under-common) or (dwarven and orcish).

Runes: A Rune Caster can maintain only a set number of rune at any time with extra runes becoming inactive and losing all magical propertys. A Rune Caster must create his runes at the start of each new day, yet the runes he did not use in the previous day do not deactivate. However, a Rune Caster may only have his Intelligence Modifier + His Class level + 2 number of runes at any given time, and any runes after that are deactivated in order of which he created them from oldest to newest. A Rune Caster may opt not to create his maximum number of runes , and only fill up his remaining slots. Each rune uses a different Save or Check. All runes that deal damage over an AOE allow for a reflex save for half the damage. The DC is 10 + the Rune Caster's Class Level + his Intelligence Modifier. For purpose of Damage Reduction or Resistances, All non-Bash, -Stab, -Rend or -Pain count to break through DR/Magic.

Primary glyphs:

Pyro: Fire. Runes with this marking deal 1d6 fire damage.

Cryo: Ice. Runes with this marking deal 1d6 cold damage.

Bolt: Shock. Runes with this marking deal 1d6 shock damage.

Bash: Blunt. Runes with this marking deal 1d6 blunt damage (as if the target was hit by a club).

Stab: Pierce. Runes with this marking deal 1d6 pierce damage (as if stabbed by a spear).

Rend: Slash. Runes with this marking deal 1d6 slash damage (as if cut by a sword).

Level 5 and up:

Pyro II: Fire. Runes with this marking deal 2d6 fire damage

Cryo II: Ice. Runes with this marking deal 2d6 cold damage.

Bolt II: Shock. Runes with this marking deal 2d6 shock damage.

Bash II: Blunt. Runes with this marking deal 2d6 blunt damage (as if the target was hit by a club).

Stab II: Pierce. Runes with this marking deal 2d6 pierce damage (as if stabbed by a spear).

Rend II: Slash. Runes with this marking deal 2d6 slash damage (as if cut by a sword).

Level 7 and up:

Acid: Corrosive. Runes with this marking deal 2d6 Acid damage.

Boom: Sonic. Runes with this marking deal 2d6 Sonic damage.

Pain: Prism. Runes with this marking deal 2d6 Force damage.

Level 10 and up:

Pyro III: Fire. Runes with this marking deal 3d6 fire damage

Cryo III: Ice. Runes with this marking deal 3d6 cold damage.

Bolt III: Shock. Runes with this marking deal 3d6 shock damage.

Bash III: Blunt. Runes with this marking deal 3d6 blunt damage (as if the target was hit by a club).

Stab III: Pierce. Runes with this marking deal 3d6 pierce damage (as if stabbed by a spear).

Rend III: Slash. Runes with this marking deal 3d6 slash damage (as if cut by a sword).

Level 12 and higher:

Acid II: Corrosive. Runes with this marking deal 3d6 Acid damage.

Boom II: Sonic. Runes with this marking deal 3d6 Sonic damage.

Pain II: Prism. Runes with this marking deal 3d6 Force damage. (damage counts as neither physical or magic)

Level 15 and higher:

'Pyro IV: Fire. Runes with this marking deal 4d6 fire damage

Cryo IV: Ice. Runes with this marking deal 4d6 cold damage.

Bolt IV: Shock. Runes with this marking deal 4d6 shock damage.

Bash IV: Blunt. Runes with this marking deal 4d6 blunt damage (as if the target was hit by a club).

Stab IV: Pierce. Runes with this marking deal 4d6 pierce damage (as if stabbed by a spear).

Rend IV: Slash. Runes with this marking deal 4d6 slash damage (as if cut by a sword).

Level 17 and higher:

Acid III: Corrosive. Runes with this marking deal 4d6 Acid damage.

Boom III: Sonic. Runes with this marking deal 4d6 Sonic damage.

Pain III: Prism. Runes with this marking deal 4d6 Force damage. (damage counts as neither physical or magic)

Ability glyphs: Ability glyphs have a DC of 10 + half the Rune Caster's level, + his Intelligence Modifier.

Toxin: Runes with this making deal 1d4 ability damage (ability chosen at creation) over time in the form of poison for 1d4 rounds. (Fort)

Flash: Runes with this marking daze the target for 1d3 rounds. (Fort)

Web: Runes with this marking bind the target to the floor for 2 rounds. (Reflex; Strength to break free)

Gravity: Runes with this marking force the target to drop all handheld objects. (Reflex)

Faerie: Runes with this marking create a very bright glow around the target, as if hit by the spell Faerie Fire. (Will)

Rip: Runes with this marking rip the skin of their target, dealing 1d4 bleed damage every turn for 4 turn. Must be used on a Stab or Rend glyph, and can only have a Touch radius. (Fort. DC 20 Heal check to stop bleeding)

Break: Runes with this marking break the held or worn objects of the target. Only runes with bash glyphs can use this glyph, and it can only have a range of Touch. (Reflex)

Level 8 or higher:

Reconcile: Runes with this marking heals the target for the damage it would normally inflict.

Infection: Runes with this marking double the remaining duration of any poisons, toxins, or the likes. (Fort. Add half the DC of the afflicted ailment into the new DC)

Binding: Runes with this marking have the target bound via steel chains for 4 rounds. (Reflex. Strength to break free)

Inertia: Runes with this marking have their target's handheld objects (any object up to 10lbs) to fly off in a distant direction of up to 1d6 squares. (reflex)

Murmur: Runes with this marking have their targets afflicted by the Confusion spell. (Will)

Shine: Runes with this marking daze the target for 1d4 rounds (Will)

Blowback: Runes with this marking knock the target down to the ground, rendering them prone for 1 round. (Reflex)

Level 14 or higher:

Parasite: Runes with this marking heal the Rune Caster for half the damage they dealt. (Fort)

Virus: Runes with this marking double the amount of damage for an ongoing poison, toxin, disease, ect. (Fort)

Chains: Runes with this marking have their target bound to the ground, rendering them prone for 3 turns. (Reflex. Strength to break free)

Lacerate: Runes with this marking double the damage taken from bleed effects. (Fort)

Amnesia: Runes with this marking immediately erase up to 10 minuets of the targets memory (will)

Runic Materials

Silver: Runes made with this material, for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction, count as Silver Weapons.

Cold Iron: Runes made with this material, for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction, count as Cold Iron.

Mithral: Runes made with this material, for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction, count as Mithral.

Adamantine: Runes made with this material, for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction, count as Adamantine.

Lawful: Runes made with this material, for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction, count as Lawful.

Evil: Runes made with this material, for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction, count as Evil.

Chaotic: Runes made with this material, for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction, count as Chaotic.

Good: Runes made with this material, for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction, count as Good.

Range Glyphs:Upon creation a rune the rune caster applies a range glyph chosen from the list below. Unlike other glyphs range glyphs do not count to the runes total glyph count.

Touch: Runes with this marking are thrown at close range(25ft+5ft per two Rune caster levels) damaging their target upon contact.

Line: Runes with this marking deal their damage in the form of a AOE line effect with a range of 10ft+5ft per three Rune Caster level.

Burst: Runes with this marking deal their damage in the form of an AOE burst radius around the Rune Caster of 5ft per three caster levels.

Paper Trigger: When a Rune Caster reaches 5th level, they may bind a rune to an object other than their runic material. When they create a rune on an object other than their material, they need to make a Craft (Rune) DC of 10 + Their Intelligence Modifier + The number of attachments they want to add to the rune. Runes made this way must have a mode of detonation, be it a key word, an action (such as opening the book the rune was made on), or a set amount of time to pass. The rune's trigger does NOT count towards the DC of creating the rune. Also, as long as the material the Rune Caster makes the rune on is thick enough and hard enough to withstand the creation process (which consists of carving, hammering, cutting, and/or so forth), and the motions of life and possibly battle, meaning some thing like tree bark is a highly unlikely rune material.

Rune Powering: When a Rune Caster reaches 10th level, they may bind a rune onto their armor or weapon. The rune is wasted, and the weapon gains the extra offensive power of the rune. Armor gains a Resistance to the element, or weapon type. Runes cannot have any other attachments other than the damage. These count as enchantments for the purpose of feats, pricing, spells, and the likes, and therefore are permanent upon binding. II class glyphs and higher cannot be used. Resistance to Energy is calculated by rolling the damage, as to which the number is the resistance (Cryo rune on armor is 1d6, damage rolled is a 4, so the armor gains Resistance to Cold 4). For this, the Pain rune cannot be used for either weapon or armor.

Runic Upgrade: When a Rune Caster reaches 13th level, they may now add three glyhs onto a rune.

Runic Upgrade II: When a Rune Caster reaches 17th level, they may now add four glyphs onto a rune.

Rune Permanency: When a Rune Caster reaches 20th level, they may now make up to three runes permanent, making those three runes reusable until the Rune Caster wishes to replace one with a different combination.

Epic Rune Caster

Table: The Epic Rune Caster

Hit Die: d8

21stRunic Upgrade III
25thRunic Upgrade IV

6 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Runic Upgrade III: When an Epic Rune Caster reaches 21th level, they may now add five glyphs onto a rune.

Runic Upgrade IV: When a Rune Caster reaches 25th level, they may now add six glyphs onto a rune.

Human Rune Caster Starting Package

Weapons: Dagger, Heavy Mace, Shortspear.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Craft (Rune)4Int""
Decipher Script4Int""
Knowledge (Arcana)4Int""

Feat: Toughness.

Bonus Feats: Dodge.

Gear: Breastplate, light steel shield, bedroll, flint&tinder, water skin, trail rationsx6, lantern, pint of oilx2.

Gold: 3d6x10.

Playing a Rune Caster

Religion: While most are not religious, Rune Casters who are worship gods and goddesses that reflect on their chosen Runic Powers.

Other Classes: As with their religion, Rune Casters vary on whom they ally with, and based on their rune selection, can work well with anyone.

Combat: With a selection of runes, Rune Casters can fill in for Clerics, as well as Arcane Casters.

Advancement: Rune Casters advance along the lines of which they seem fitting to their needs, or at times opposed to it. Afliction based Rune Casters could multiclass into a Cleric, or Arcane 'Casters' can advance into a Cleric to fill in for the Divine caster. Rune caster's advance in the spells of either divine or arcane classes.

Rune Casters in the World

It's very funny watching people try to figure out the mysteries of ancient writings, such as Hieroglyphs. Is it sad to say I laugh when they read them the wrong way and the tablet shoots out boiling acid in their face?
—Orochi, Quetzalcoatl Rune Caster

Daily Life: Living day by day as a multitude of jobs, the Rune Casters can live mixed in with people of any race, city, or occupation.

Notables: Orochi, Quetzalcoatl Rune Caster.

Organizations: Many, if not all guilds, are willing to hire Rune Casters due to their skills, yet some are more than reasonable to keep an eye on the Rune Casters, mainly due to the secretive nature of their runes.

NPC Reactions: The reactions to a Rune Caster are highly varied based on their rune selections.

Rune Caster Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Arcana) can research Rune Casters to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Arcana)
5Rune Casters use pocket sized runes to fight.
10With ample timing, Rune Casters can prepare a supply of runes to use for combat.
15Rune Casters can sometimes access more forbidden arts with their runes, yet it has not been proven.
20-Information on a specific Rune Caster-.

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gollark: $40? That is very mucho.
gollark: Even better idea: make it some sort of software-as-a-service platform.
gollark: And make a few hundred decoys.
gollark: Make sure to make the directory hidden just to annoy them.
gollark: Never underestimate the combined programming ability of copy-paste, stackoverflow and google.
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