Ronyo Fae (5e Race)

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Ronyo Fae

The world is ever-changing and the same. Nature lives her cycles, but the domains of man persist in the greatest illusion of all: that their cities will stand above all, and life continue prosperous. Nature teaches us better. The oak drowns others in its shade, and eventually rots and is toppled, clearing the grove for new growth. So as you venture forth, remember that you are the one who will veil their eyes...beware that man and his ilk, in their own way, will attempt the same."
—--Inari Celebrus, during full moon revelries near the summer solstice, to some adventuring kits departing the Winding Barrows

Physical Description

Without illusion or enchantment, juveniles appear to be mere foxes, no taller or longer than their mundane cousins. Typically they are colored as any mundane vulpine, including red, grey and marbled coats of fur. Rarer types of fur, such as silver or gold, are associated with more powerful kitsune. It is possible for their coat to change. Their eyes range from pale sky blue to a vivid purple.

However, ronyo fae are accomplished shapeshifters, and may shift into any creature they know about.

As a ronyo fae ages, little changes about them. However, as their wisdom and insight increases, they may sprout additional tails, up to nine. While most four-tailed kitsune gain the necessary wisdom to hone their magic after 600 years, and rarely is there a nine-tailed kitsune younger than a millennium, still, should one gain the necessary wisdom and experience, they may find themselves an exception.


Most mortals mistake ronyo fae for common foxes, and indeed, that is their origin. Sometimes by the act of a deity, or the whims and tides of fate or fortune, a fox will quicken in awareness and wisps of blue flame will dance above its tail. Their offspring with other ronyo fae are likewise self-aware, nor do they mingle intimately with their silent cousins. For them, there is all the time in the world, literally, to find the ideal mate.

Mostly they are solitary, lacking any form of society, though this can change, often through the effects of a deity that takes a liking to these trickster spirits as servants.

Beliefs and Attitudes

Ronyo Fae favor nature, including polymorphing other races to resemble it, especially in a world dominated by man.


As stated above, traditionally ronyo fae live singly, though at times they will dwell with kin if they have any. Most friends a ronyo fae develops will be in other races, usually ignorant of their friend's secrets.

At other times, a ronyo fae can be elevated to a local deity and enshrined. This both locks the creature within the territory associated with the shrine and its worshippers, but also increases the fae's power significantly. Still more rare is the partially enforced society when a god or goddess takes a liking to having such versatile servants and empowers them, binding them generally to their will and commands. In such cases, ronyo fae work largely in concert, with a hierarchy of convenience and magical strength quietly asserting one's position.

Rumors of something called the Winding Barrow has been heard but largely, by the efforts of elven scholars, debunked and quashed. It is currently unknown to the greater races if ronyo fae can work in concert for anything larger than an elaborate den.

Ronyo Fae Names

Many names are taken from the words of races around them. Traditionally, a ronyo fae who wakes from being a mundane fox loves best the speech it first learns, and takes its name from that tongue. In the Winding Barrows, ronyo fae speak their own language, devised to be understood by other races and separate from native vulpine body and vocal communication. It is almost certainly stolen from Elvish, but no fox will admit it.

Still, for all its intent to be learnable by other races, the fae nature of these foxes mean they hold it as a secret to be learned before divulged.

Male: Yoko, Ajin, Reme, Istandir, Peregrin

Female: Inari, Izuna, Kirara, Kuzai, Artemis

Ronyo Fae Traits

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your An ability score was not entered for this template! score increases by 1.
Size. Speed. Your base walking speed is <speed> feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.


Typically a ronyo fae will show signs of one archetype or another after a few centuries. You may or may not be the same, however, generally speaking: Upon gaining your fourth tail, you now choose an archetype of ronyo fae:

Tenko: Wisdom is the defining trait of a ronyo fae tenko. When in mortal realms...

Yokai: Cunning and charisma are the hallmarks of the troublesome ronyo fae yokai.

Random Height and Weight

0′ 14-20″+/- 1d4Males:7-20Lbs/Females:3-7Lbs lb.× (1d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

|length= 2 feet

Suggested Characteristics

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8Personality Trait
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gollark: ++magic py bee_concentration = float("inf")return bee_concentration
gollark: Well, I can run it again with a return.
gollark: Evaluated.
gollark: ++magic py bee_concentration = float("inf")
gollark: <@160279332454006795>
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