Rod of Chance (3.5e Equipment)

Rod of Chance: a more advanced version of the Rod of Wonder capable of far greater random feats of magic. Envisioned by a wizard who's name is long forgotten but never completed. When using the Rod of Chance roll 1d2 and 1d%, adding 100*(the d2's result-1) to the d%, and find the effect on the table below. This is an item I never got around to finishing so please feel free to add to the table fill in the blanks!

CL <!-Caster level for creation-->;

100(1d2-1)+d% Effect
2Target turns to stone
3Caster glows a bright pink
4Room or area is filled with a very bright light
51D20 Daggers fly from the wand towards target
6Heavy stone block appears above caster then falls 2d20 damage (ReflexDC20, strengthCheckDC15 to move)
7Wand shoots a fireball (as cast by 10th level caster)
8Wand teleports caster behind target
9Wielder becomes an automatic epic level character
10Random roll. One member of party grows branches for 1d10 rounds
11Caster multiplies. Creates one more exactly like himself
12Target multiplies. Creates one more exactly like himself
13All gold on caster doubles
14All gold on target doubles
15Something belonging to the caster appears in the target's hands (caster’s choice)
16Casters hair falls out (grows back normally)
17Target disappears
18Wand turns ground around caster to mud
19Party is teleported 30 feet in random direction
20Target ages 100 years
21Caster learns a new language
22Caster loses a language
23Target learns a new language
24Target loses a language
25Caster changes sex
26Target changes sex
27Everyone in 60 ft radius changes sex
28Absolutely nothing happens, go figure
29Target's size is halved
30Caster’s size is halved
31Target's size is doubled
32Caster’s size is doubled
33Caster gains X-ray vision for 1D10 rounds
34Caster becomes immortal (will not age but can be killed)
35Caster doubles his/her weight
36Target doubles his/her weight
37100-1000 lbs (1d10) of Manure buries Target Or Wand Wielder 50% chance
38Target gains additional d6 1=hand 2=leg 3=head 4=tail 5=arm 6=foot
39Caster gains additional d6 1=hand 2=leg 3=head 4=tail 5=arm 6=foot
40Wielder becomes in love with next monster he/she sees
41Target becomes in love with next monster he/she sees
42Caster becomes monster magnet (monster will attack caster every 1d4 hours increasing to 1d4 minutes after 3 days until caster is dead)
43Caster turns blue, green or purple permanently
44Target turns blue, green or purple permanently
45Heavy rain falls for 1d4 rounds in 60 ft radius centered on the wielder.
46Summon an animal – a rhino (01-25 on D%), elephant (26-50 on D%) or mouse (51-100 on D%)
47Lightning bolt (70 ft long 5 ft wide) 6d6 damage (Reflex DC15 half)
48Stream of 600 large butterflies pours forth and flutters around for 2 rounds, blinding everyone (including wielder) within 25 ft. (Reflex DC 14 negates)
49Darkness, 30-ft.-diameter, centered on wielder
50Grass grows in 160-sq.-ft. area before the rod, or grass existing there grows to ten times normal size
51Turn ethereal any nonliving object of up to 1,000 lb. mass and up to 30 cu. ft. in size
52Invisibility covers rod wielder
53All living creatures (humanoids, animals etc) are invisible to wielder for 1d4 rounds
54Leaves grow on target lasting 24 hours
5510-40 gems, value 1 gp each, shoot forth in a 30-ft.-long stream. Each gem deals 1 point of damage to any creature in its path: Roll 5d4 for the number of hits and divide them among the available targets
56Wielders hair grows 6 inches
57Targets hair grows 6 inches
58Wielders alignment changes to chaotic (any)
59Targets alignment changes to chaotic (any)
60Wielders race changes d6(Human, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-elf, Half-orc or Halfling, remove characters race)
61Targets race changes d6 (Human, Dwarf, Elf, Gnome, Half-elf, Half-orc or Halfling, remove characters race)
62Summon Monster V attacks caster
63Rains fish 60 ft radius centred at wielder
645 gold piece falls on wielders head
655 gold piece falls on targets head
66Rotten food falls on targets head
67Targets weapon becomes fish for 1d4 rounds
68Rod becomes fish for 1d4 rounds
69Wielder becomes penguin for 1d4 rounds
70Target becomes penguin for 1d4 rounds
71Closest house disappears leaving contents
72Targets tongue swells removing ability to speak
73Roll twice more
74Targets cloths turn to jesters outfit
75Targets cloths turn to royal outfit
76Target feels compelled to dance for 1d4 rounds
77Target turns into a whale for 1 round
78Deludes wielder for 1 round into believing the rod functions as indicated by a second die roll
79Target becomes child for 1d4 rounds
80Target finds self sitting on goat
81Wielder finds self sitting on goat
82Everyone in 60 ft radius finds self sitting on goats
83Target becomes art history buff
84Target becomes goat for 1d4 rounds
85Wielder becomes goat for 1d4 rounds
86Target worships own shoes
87Target is inflicted with OCD
88Target runs around in circles for 1d4 rounds
89Wielder is deluded into thinking they are a chicken for 1d4 rounds
90Target becomes obsessed with own reflection must find mirror within 5 rounds or become panicked, sickened, and confused
91Wielder becomes a chicken for 1d4 rounds
92Target glows green
93Fireworks erupt from rod
94Targets cloths disappear permanently
95Hole opens up under target, target falls, hole closes target falls from sky 5d6 damage (Reflex DC17)
96Target can only communicate through song permanently (Will Save DC 17)
97Target becomes magnet for 1d4 rounds
98Target falls asleep for 1d4 rounds (will save DC 17)
99Wielder falls asleep for 1d4 rounds (will save DC 17)
100Wielder runs around in circles for 1d4 rounds
101Target is deluded into thinking they are a chicken for 1d4 rounds
102House falls on wielder (no damage). Wielder has house
103Incorporeal annoying human follows caster (cannot effect anything)
104Incorporeal annoying human follows target (cannot effect anything)
105Target’s clothes switch with tuxedo
106Target's clothes switch with rags
107Wielder gains trained pet hippo
108Target gains indestructible chest with lock no key
109Target grows small useless horns. If target already had horns, the horns grow 1d3 sizes.
110Target’s mind is muddled and calls everyone Bruce for 1 day
111A Kangaroo jumps between the wielder and target and is gone with no trace
112Target's nose grows 1 foot per round for 1d4+1 rounds
113Target's eyes pop out and hang down 5 cm but still function
114Cow falls from sky in distance
115Target's shoes disappear
116Target's hair grows 1 foot a second for 1d4+1 rounds
117Target becomes a young evil golden dragon
118Target teleports to large room with piles of gold for 3 seconds then is teleported back to original location.
119Santa hat appears on targets head
120Target is thrown backward 30 feet landing face up
121Rod produces god like background lightning effects with no effect
122Target's nose hair grows 5 feet
123Wielder's nose hair grows 5 feet
124Flowers sprout from the end of the rod
125If inside, room fills to 3 feet with water; if outside, the ground is wet in a 180 foot area
126A giant vine springs from the rod entangles the target and smashes them on the ground before disappearing 3d10 damage (reflex 20)
127A mysterious peasant boy grabs your money pouch and runs off (30’) if you catch the boy he will return it then disappear if not caught in 1d6+1 rounds the money is gone forever
128A small rock falls on your head 1 damage
129A small rock falls on the targets head 1 damage
130A giant booming voice that seems to be all around you and can be heard for 1 mile says “1… 2… 6…
131Bright flowers grow everywhere in a 30 foot radius around the wielder
132Wielder receives a cursed teddy bear (turns children evil no effect to adults)
133Rains ale in a 60 foot area
134The ground shakes for 3 rounds. Each round, everyone must make a DC 15 Balance check to stay on their feet
135A flock of emus runs past before disappearing behind a corner
136A pink elephant walks past before disappearing behind a corner
137A pig shoots over head like it was shot from a cannon *oink*
138Wielders speed decreases by 10ft
139Wielders speed increases by 10ft
140Milk starts pouring out of your ears for 1d4 rounds
141Milk starts pouring out of the targets ears for 1d4 rounds
1425000 gold coins start falling from the sky in a 20ft diameter circle, for 1d6 + 1 rounds
143The next 5000 gold coins in your money bag disappear when placed there
144Every one in the street starts pelting you with eggs for 10d20 rounds
145A disc hits the wielder at high speeds, causing 2d20 points of damage.
146A "Deck of Many Things" appears, and the wielder is forced to draw at least once.
147All females in a 15 ft. radius have their chests grow 1d3 sizes.
148All males in a 15 ft. radius have their chests grow 1d3 sizes.
149The wielder becomes hungrier with each meal eaten for 1d3 days.
150The wielder is not hungry and needs no food or drink for 1d3 days.
151Every other living being disappears for 1D6 days.
152Everything in the world besides the wielder, and things such as spells,other movement etc. that are caused by the wielder happen in slow motion(To outsiders, the wielder is in fast motion) until the wielder wishes it to return to normal speed.(As with haste)
153A closet falls next to the wielder, first person to open closet gains two levels in bard and a cello worth 5000 gold.
154Wielder gains one object of their choice.
155Wielder gains flesh eating disease (1d8 damage/target's level per day, 1d4 points Con per month)
156Wielder gets common disease(random).
157Target gets common disease (random).
158A celestial lands next to the wielder.
159zone of truth cast on everyone in 100 ft, no save.
160Wielder turned into a polar bear for 1d4 days
161Target turned into a polar bear for 1d4 days
162Target or wielder (50% chance for either) becomes extremely obese, lowering his or her speed by 10 feet and their dex by 4 until they go on a diet for 1d6 weeks
163Target or wielder (50% chance for either) becomes extrmely thin, giving them -2 to charisma, but a +4 to all escape artist checks until they eat double the normal food for 1 week
164target dies (instant kill)
165wielder or target (decided by coin flip) gains +1 CHA permanently
166target starts to age in reverse (up to non-existence)
167roll again my friend!:)
168Wielder is attacked by 4d6 potatoes that explode within one round, each one does 1 point of force damage
169Another rod of chance is created for 2d4 turns
170Wielder gains 170 years if they are human, any longer living race gains 1700 years.
171Purple haze clouds the wielder's mind
172DM becomes a PC and the next random person walking by the table is the new DM.
173Wielder or target (1d2) is given a hammer, a bell, and a song.
174The wizard of the party turns into dire rat with a wand of Fireballs
175Automatically changes class to commoner
176everyone begins to talk about strange things like "Ike" and "The Ol' War Wound"
177Wielder or target is ran over by a merchant's cart, no matter where they are and when.
178you gain an adopted 7-year old!
179Wielder is compelled to put down the rod of wonder and slap target creature with no attack of opportunity from defender
180target goes through all the stages of pregnancy within d8+2 rounds
181a chipmunk makes its home in your hair (if you have no hair then in your inventory)
182your face looks literally like the back side of a barn (-3 to cha) for d8 days
183you gain a levitating hammock for 5d8 rounds
184you get d8+1 free skill ranks!
185Rod fires 2d10 high quality miniature figurines at target (no damage).
1862d20 incorporal Kobolds fall from the sky and revere the wielder as a God
187Ted the Mind Flayer appears nearby, plane shifts away next turn
188Target and wielder switch places.
189Wielder polymorphs into a Kobold
190Target polymorphs into a pixie
1912d8 Kobolds fall from the sky and attack wielder
1922d8 Kobolds fall from the sky and attack target
193Wielder picks new race for self or target
194Random small object on target are Animated and begin to relentlessly attack the target.
195Target is killed or becomes unconscious (wielders choice)
196DM Picks effect
197Wielder gets one wish or miracle (50% chance for either)
198Every player playing switches characters clockwise until the end of the session
199Any and all effects caused by the rod revert back to normal.
200You and all allies are planeshifted to a god's side

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