Ritualist (3.5e Class)

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Ritualists are capable of a number of different roles, from providing defensive support and protection to buffing allies to providing steady damage. They summon bound spirits to do their bidding, and channel the chaotic energy from the underworld into powerful attacks. A single Ritualist can defeat a formidable opponent with ease. however, they are very vulnerable to damage, and never fight on the front-lines. There are four basic types of Ritualists: Spirit Lords (Wrangler and Support), Channeler, and Empowerer. Wrangler Lords try to maintain as many offensive spirits as possible. The Support Lords provide DR and healing to allies. Chanellers harness the power of long dead Heroes and Kings to deal damage and enhance their power. Empowerers enhance allies and their own ability to deal damage and survive.A mixture of two or more forms is called a Hybrid.

Making a Ritualist

All of the Ritualist forms share one weakness: survivability. They have many powerful abilities, and tend to not do very much damage themselves, but their spirits can easily defeat opponents. Thus, they tend to be high priority targets. Their low hit die means that they require a lot of protection, and their spirits can only do so much for them. However, they more than make up for their vulnerability by increasing the parties damage output significantly.

Abilities: The most important attribute for a Ritualist is Wisdom, as it increases the power of their bound spirits. Also, Dexterity is needed to prevent their opponents from landing hits on you.

Alignment: Mostly Chaotic.

Starting Gold: 4d4->×10 gp (100 gp).

Starting Age: "Moderate"

Table: The Ritualist

Hit Die: d4

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+0+0+0+2 Bind Spirits, Channel, Empowerment, Spirit Power I
3rd+1+1+1+3 Spirit Strike 1d4 (3/day),
5th+2+1+1+4 Spirit Power II
6th+3+2+2+5 Spirit Strike 1d6 (4/day), Mentor Spirit
7th+3+2+2+5 Unfeeling Armour
8th+4+2+2+6 Pull Spirit
9th+4+3+3+6 Spirit Strike 1d8 (5/day)
10th+5+3+3+7 Spirit Power III
12th+6/+1+4+4+8 Spirit Strike 1d10 (6/day), Spirit Step
15th+7/+2+5+5+9 Spirit Power IV, Spirit Strike 2d6 (7/day)
18th+9/+4+6+6+11 Spirit Strike 2d8 (8/day)
20th+10/+5+6+6+12 Spirit Strike 3d6 (9/day), Spirit Power V,

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
<-class skills (and key abilities)->.

Class Features

<-fluff about class features->. All of the following are class features of the Ritualist.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ritualists are proficient with all simple weapons and no armour.

Bind Spirits (Su): You gain the ability to summon a Bound Spirit to assist you for an amount of rounds equal to 1/2 Wisdom score. They can be ordered to "Attack" (attack a random target), "Focus Fire" (all attack one target), "Defend" (attack only under given conditions), or "Hold Fire" (don't attack). Summoning a spirit is a full action, and it requires a DC 10 + (number of spirits × 2) Concentration check each round to maintain a spirit. Every time you summon a spirit, your maximum and current hit-points is reduced by ten for the duration of the spirit, and you provoke an attack of opportunity. The level of the spirits you summon are equal to you Wisdom mod ×2, but cannot exceed your class level or 16, whichever is lower. All spirits are mindless and incorporeal and cannot move. Their attacks have a range increment of 50ft. You cannot control more than one spirit with the same name. (See below for stats)

Channel (Su): You gain the ability to summon an Orb of energy containing part of the spirit of a long dead hero. While holding this Orb, you cannot attack or use your hands. After 1/2 Wisdom score rounds, you must release the spirit back to the underworld. You may also release the spirit any time before this. You may place multiple spirits inside one Orb, but you may only have one of and given spirit at a time, and you have -5 maximum and current health for each additional spirit.

Empowerment (Su): You gain the ability to provide your allies weapons with temporary enchantments known as Empowerments. Applying an Empowerment is a standard action, and it requires a DC 10 + (number of people with Empowerments × 2) Concentration check each round to maintain an Empowerment. Every time you apply an Empowerment, your maximum and current hit-points is reduced by ten for the duration of the Empowerment. There cannot be more than one Empowerment with the same name on one person.

Spirit Power I (Su): at level 1, you begin learning the most basic techniques of summoning and binding spirits. You gain these three abilities.

Spirit of Pain: You summon a bound "Spirit of Pain" that gets an additional +1 hit-points, and its attacks deal 1d6+1 at 1st lvl, 1d8+1 at 5th lvl, 2d4+1 at 8th lvl, and 1d10+2 at 14th lvl.

Spirit of Union: You summon a bound "Spirit of Union" that provides all allies within 40ft DR 1/- at first lvl, DR 3/- at 5th lvl, DR 5/- at 8th lvl, DR 8/- at 14th lvl.

Tsungrai: You summon an Orb containing Tsungrai the Generous. While you keep the Orb, you have +20 temporary hit points. When you release Tsungrai, you are healed for 1d8 at 1st lvl, 2d6 at 5th lvl, 2d8 at 8th lvl, and 3d6 at 14th lvl.

Vital Weapon: For 1/2 Wisdom score rounds, target ally within 20ft gets a +2 to damage rolls and +25 temporary hit-points at 1st lvl, and +5 damage and +50 at 14th lvl.

Spirit Strike (Su): At level 3, you gain the ability to release a ray of chaotic lightning at a foe up to 60ft away as a standard action, dealing the indicated amount of damage to the target. If you are holding an Orb, you deal an additional 1d6 of damage. A given number of times per day, all spirits and allies with Empowerments within 40 ft are also healed for an amount of hit-points equal to the damage dealt.

Spirit Power II (Su): at level 5, your mastery of summoning and binding spirits has advanced to a more advances state; you can maintain more than one effect at a time. You choose one of three abilities to gain.

{Wrangler} Spirit of Blood: You summon a bound "Spirit of Blood" that gains healing every time it deals damage equal to the amount of damage dealt, and its attacks deal 1d8 at 5th lvl, 2d4 at 8th lvl, and 1d10 at 14th lvl.

{Support} Spirit of Dispacement: You summon a bound "Spirit of Displacement" that provides all allies within 40ft a +5 deflection bonus(stacking) to AC.

{Channeler} Vorik: You summon an Orb containing Vorik the Mighty. While you keep the Orb, you have a +5 bonus to AC, damage, and to-hit at 5th lvl, +7 at 8th lvl, and +9 at 14th lvl

{Empowerer} Nightmare Weapon: The next 1/2 Wisdom score attacks target ally within 20ft makes heals them for 10 hit-points if they hit.

Mentor Spirit (Su): The spirit of a long dead ritualist is watching your life and assisting in you. You know nothing about who your Mentor Spirit was, except that they deem you worthy of their attention. You gain a +2 bonus to your Will saves and a +1 misc. bonus to AC.

Unfeeling Armour (Su): At level 7, you give your spirits a net of defensive magic to defend them. They gain DR 10/- and a +3 to AC.

Pull Spirit (Su): at level 8, you gain the ability to manipulate the bonds between you and your spirits. as a move action, you may teleport one of your spirits or willing person with one of your Empowerments within 20ft to a square adjacent to yours.

Spirit Power III (Su): at level 10, you have mastered advanced rituals, and your spirits all gain +5 to hit. You choose one of three abilities to gain.

{Wrangler} Spirit of Vampirism: You summon a bound "Spirit of Vampirism" that gives you healing every time it deals damage equal to 1/2 the amount of damage dealt, and its attacks deal 2d4 at 8th lvl and 1d10 at 14th lvl.

{Support} Spirit of Life: You summon a bound "Spirit of Life" that heals up to two allies within 40ft for 4d4 + spirit lvl hit-points each round.

{Channeler} Daoshen: You summon an Orb containing Daoshen the Cruel. While you keep the Orb, your attacks ignore all DR. When you release Daoshen, you deal 1d8 at 8th lvl and 1d10 at 14th lvl to everyone adjacent to you.

{Empowerer} Aggressive Weapon: For the next 1/2 Wisdom rounds, you may make one additional attack per round at your highest attack bonus +5

Spirit Step (Su): At level 12, you begin to be able to manipulate the bonds between your spirits and Empowerments. As a move action while standing adjacent to one of your spirits or someone with one of your Empowerments, you may teleport to the same place relative to another spirit or someone with one of your Empowerments within 20ft. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Spirit Power IV (Su): At level 15, you have mastered truly potent rituals. You choose one of three abilities to gain.

{Wrangler} Trinity of Sins: You summon three bound spirits: "Spirit of Anger/Hate/Wrath", whose level is one less than normal, and its attacks deal and 2d4+1.

{Support} Spirit of Shelter: You summon a bound "Spirit of Shelter" whose level is one less than normal, and makes attacks against all allies within 40ft deal a maximum of 15 damage.

{Channeler} Xinrea: You summon an Orb containing Xinrea the Defiant. While you keep the Orb, you can only take a maximum of 10 damage from any attack. When you release Xinrea, you deal 1d8+1 damage to everyone adjacent to you, and you are healed for the half the amount of damage dealt.

{Empowerer} Xinrea's Weapon: For 1/2 Wisdom score rounds, target ally within 20ft can only take a maximum of 15 damage from any attack.

Spirit Power V (Su): At level 20 choose to retrain, and learn alternate rituals from earlier areas. Choose one additional Spirit Power from level I, II, or III to learn.

Table: Bound Spirits

Hit Die: d6

Spirit Level BAB Saving Throws Armour
1st+1+2+2+2 1616
2nd+2+3+3+3 1616
3rd+3+3+3+3 1616
4th+4+4+4+4 1617
5th+5+4+4+4 2019
6th+6/+1+5+5+5 2019
7th+7/+2+5+5+5 2019
8th+8/+3+6+6+6 2020
9th+9/+4+6+6+6 2020
10th+10/+5+7+7+7 2422
11th+11/+6/+1+7+7+7 2422
12th+12/+7/+2+8+8+8 2423
13th+13/+8/+3+8+8+8 2423
14th+14/+9/+4+9+9+9 2423
15th+15/+10/+5+9+9+9 2825
16th+16/+11/+6/+1+10+10+10 2826

<-extraordinary class feature-> (Ex): <-class feature game rule information->

<-supernatural class feature-> (Su): <-class feature game rule information->

Epic Ritualist

Table: The Epic Ritualist

Hit Die: d4

21st<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
22nd<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
23rd<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
24th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
25th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
26th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
27th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
28th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
29th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
30th<-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->

<-number of skill points-> + Int modifier skill points per level.

<-existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-another existing class feature->: <-how this class feature increases or accumulates at epic levels->

<-Lather, rinse...->

<-... repeat.->

Bonus Feats: The epic <-class name-> gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic <-class name-> bonus feats) every <-number of feats per level-> levels after 20th.

Epic <-class name-> Bonus Feat List: <-list of bonus epic feats->.

<-Sample race of your choice-> <-class name-> Starting Package

Weapons: <-Weapon selection for starting at 1st level with this class.->.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

<-Skill name-><-4 for class skills and 2 for cross-class skills-><-Abbrieviated key ability-><-armor check penalty based on starting armor. If innapplicable put ""->
<-Skill name-><-4 for class skills and 2 for cross-class skills-><-Abbrieviated key ability-><-armor check penalty based on starting armor. If innapplicable put ""->

<-copy and paste the rows as necessary.->

Feat: <-1st-level feat selection->.

Bonus Feats: <-1st-level feat bonus feats due to class or sample race. remove this section if this sample doesn't get any bonus feats at 1st level. ->.

Gear: <-Starting armor and other equipment outside of weapons.->.

Gold: <-Starting gold using this package.->.

Playing a Ritualist

Religion: <-description of how this class typically (but no exclusively) approaches religion including likely portfolios it would worship->.

Other Classes: <-How this class typically interacts with other classes and how characters of this class interact with characters of other classes->.

Combat: A Wrangler will usually get into a position where their spirits can attack the entire battlefield, and then sit near them. A Support Lord will place their spirits just in range of all of their allies, and then move around to avoid attacks in the back-lines. Channelers and Empowerers will typically be a lot closer to the fighting, so they will usually multiclass for more combat ability.

Advancement: Spirit Lords tend not to multiclass very well, but if they do, it is almost always after level 15. Then, they will almost exclusively become a spellcaster or psion of some form. Empowerers will sometimes multiclass as a Paladin or other melee class for hit-points. They will usually take the class at first level, then at level 16 switch back to the melee class. Channelers have to be customized to their build

Ritualists in the World

<-Some quote from a character of this class->
—Koujs DremekIII, human ritualist

<-Where characters of this class fit in a d20 world.->

Daily Life: <-day in the life of a character of this class->.

Notables: Koujs, Xinrea, and Eindria Dremek were three sisters who founded the Ritualist Class. Koujs Dremek II harnessed the corrupt spirits of the world and bound them, creating the Wranglers. Eindria Dremek harnessed the pure and fleeting spirits and bound them, creating the Support Lords. Xinrea harnessed and bound the energy of violence and steel, of battle, creating the Empowerer. The Channeler was created to preserve Xinrea and her apprentice's souls when they were killed in a war between the Gods. Eindria died of her greif over her sister's death. Koujs Dremek II had a daughter, Koujs Dremek III, but died in childbirth.

Organizations: <-info on what, where, when, and how characters of this class congregate and assemble->.

NPC Reactions: <-How NPCs react to PCs of this class->.

Ritualist Lore

Characters with ranks in <-the appropriate skills-> can research <-pluralized class name-> to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

<-the appropriate skills->
5<-common knowledge->.
10<-not so common knowledge->.
15<-rare information->.
20<-very rare information->.

<-pluralized class name-> in the Game

<-How characters of this class fit in the game (PC and NPC) and what roles they play.->

Adaptation: <-Possible variant conceptions of this class.->.

Sample Encounter: <-DM placement for NPCs of this class.->.

EL : <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block. The CR of the NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter.->.

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