Ring Blade (3.5e Equipment)
The Ring Blade is a hula hoop like weapon which has an edge both on the inside and outside of the ring. The Ring Blade is as graceful as it is deadly, in the right hands one could even try to seduce someone before they attack while making a DC Perform (Dance) check vs. enemy Will save. With proficiency this weapon can be thrown with a range increment of 15'. Untrained Use: If someone without the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat they incur the usual -4 penalty for the weapon. Although there are handles on the inside to wield the Ring Blade if you were to use it like an actual hula hoop a DC 20 Reflex save is required, if the save is failed roll for self inflicted damage. You can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a Ring Blade sized for you, even though it isn't a light weapon.
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Size | Cost1 | Damage | Weight1 | hp | |||||||
Fine | * | 1d4 | * | 1 | |||||||
Diminutive | * | 1d6 | * | 1 | |||||||
Tiny | * | 1d8 | * | 2 | |||||||
Small | 300 gp | 1d10 | 15 lb. | 5 | |||||||
Medium | 300 gp | 2d6 | 20 lb. | 10 | |||||||
Large | 450 gp | 3d6 | 25 lb. | 20 | |||||||
Huge | * | 4d6 | * | 40 | |||||||
Gargantuan | * | 6d6 | * | 80 | |||||||
Colossal | * | 8d6 | * | 160 | |||||||
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