Reploid (D20 Modern Race)

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Reploids... created by human beings... yet possessing abilities far beyond our own.
—Dr. Cain, The Day of Σ

Evolution of Machines

Reploids are the result of next generation robotics technology, which blur the lines between man and machine with each new generation. Typically humanoid in shape and size, Reploids normally tend to posses visibly bulky mechanical parts composing most of their body, only markedly different from other machines by a human face and/or head in earlier generations, and in later generations can be practically indistinguishable from humans save for bionic plates in place of ears. Reploids are conventionally designed to appear human, and so will be completed as such, however they may willingly take on the appearance of other humanoid entities.

For the Future

Reploids were originally created by a scientist by the name of Dr. Thomas Light in 20XX in order to bring robotics technology into it's next evolutionary step to make robots the ultimate companion to humankind. This was done with the prototype machine named X, which was placed in hibernation, and was not rediscovered until years later by a scientist named Dr. Cain, who coined the term "Reploid", a portmanteau of the words "Replicant" and "Android". Following X's rediscovery Dr. Cain created the first generation of Reploids based on X's design specifications and blueprints. Reploids were designed with near human cognitive capability as well as the ability to feel emotions, but were made to maintain the laws of robotics.

At a later stage another prototype Reploid by the name of Zero was discovered by one of Dr. Cain's original Reploids, Sigma. This Zero was originally constructed by Dr. Albert Wily, Dr. Light's long time enemy and rival, and was infected with a special virus program called the Zero Virus, which went on to infect Sigma and mutate into the Sigma Virus. This Sigma Virus was known to infect Reploids, causing them to rebel against their human masters, and these rebelling Reploids would go on to be called Mavericks. Ultimately, following the Sigma Virus' destruction, Reploids would acquire and maintain the ability to freely defy the laws of robotics, and, as a result: Reploids, Maverick or not, would take center stage in all future wars.

Editor's Note: This section directly references the canon history of Reploids as displayed in the Mega Man X games. This history is distinctly similar to canon Warforged lore in the Eberron setting, and while this race and that will have differing features to make them functionally distinct, it is fully possible to use Warforged as a substitute. In addition, it would be relatively easy to change the terminology to match a setting such as Eberron, if you wish to use this race in such a setting.

Blurring the Line

Reploids typically live in urban areas, the same as humans. Similarly they also engage in many of the same activities and practices of the humans, but are usually capable of greater physical feats. Reploids, while capable of near-human cognitive ability, tend towards physical roles in their society(Such as construction workers, or combat units), and are rarely if ever scientists or researchers. However, Reploids have also been known to be great thinkers otherwise, and are also frequently seen in leadership roles in human society. Reproduction changes based on the generation of Reploid. Early model Reploids are constructed, while later generation Reploids, such as Bio Reploids, are capable of reproduction similar to humans.

Reploids possess DNA programs, which are relatively similar to the notion of a soul, and these DNA programs are referred to as DNA Soul. As Reploid generations continue to advance, these eventually become referred to as "Cyber-elves". These programs form the foundation of a particular Reploid, and they exist like souls in a metaphysical sense as well, allowing them to be revived similar to organic life. Because of this, though not necessarily typically, Reploids can and have been known to be spiritual in many ways. However, they have never known to practice any particular faith over any other.

Other Reploid abilities have changed over generations, such as senses of taste and the ability to shed tears. The original models X and Zero possessed these abilities, but later generations lacked them until Bio Reploids came to exist.

Companions to Humanity

The majority of Reploids are conventionally friendly and helpful in accordance with their intended role, but like Humans, their personalities can vary greatly. Unlike Humans, many Reploids tend to lack particularly outstanding ambition as many are happy with their place in the world, and their ambitions usually favor the collective over the individual, but it is infrequent to find a Reploid who desires to overwrite personal ambition, such as that seen with Humans. Many can find this impersonality off-putting, and might admonish a Reploid for it.

On the other side of Reploid personality, Mavericks possess an intense and, in some cases, irrational hatred of humanity. In many such cases Mavericks usually advocate for causes ranging Reploid rights to Reploid superiority. Mavericks don't shy away from harming humans and many actively seek Human subjugation or death. The term Maverick is common, and at it's origin refers to a Reploid who breaks the laws of robotics, though it gradually over time becomes synonymous with the word Criminal. In addition, Maverick has also been used as a political term for undesirable Reploids, which has helped weaken the terminology heavily over the years.

Reploid Names

Reploids get their names at their conceptual birth, and are named similarly to humans, so they possess few typical names. However, early Reploids have been known to be named after numbers or other mathematical reference, such as mathematical variables, and many Reploids have received additions to their name similar to titles.

Reploid Traits

Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score of your choice by 2, and another by 1.
Age. Reploids are machines and do not age. They are considered mature upon completion, and can live forever as long as they are maintained.
Alignment. Reploids tend towards the lawful side because of programming. Reploids can be any alignment, but only Mavericks are evil.
Size. Reploids can be as tall as a Goliath or as short as a Dwarf. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Mechanical Body. Despite being built to look like Humans, your body is all machine. This is represented by the following benefits: You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage. You don't need to breathe. In addition, you do not need to eat or drink, as long as you are gaining power from another source. You are immune to disease, but vulnerable to computer viruses. Magic can't put you to sleep.
Specialized Design. You gain one skill proficiency and one tool proficiency of your choice.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. Reploids have a number of subraces representing different points in their timeline.

gollark: Firecubez, **join APIONET**.
gollark: Join APIONET IRC?
gollark: Yes, you are.
gollark: no.


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