Religion (Aegenon Supplement)


True God Pantheons

The Cardinal Gods

The most revered, and only true gods, the Cardinal pantheon each take part in maintaining the stability of the world. These gods are bound by an oath to each other to not overly meddle with the lives of mortals. Should one break this rule, they earn the punishment of the remaining five, the severity of which is determined in council.


The Ordinator of Death, The Mistress of the Afterlife, Queen of the Cosmos
Lawful Neutral
Death, Grave
Portfolio: Death, The Afterlife
Temples: Temples of Tzuna are constructed amongst graveyards, blessed buildings which ensure the surrounding graves cannot be desecrated or the bodies reincarnated. A true temple of Tzuna holds a small bed of roses before its altar, half of which will be in a state of decay, and the other made perfectly healthy, without any maintenance by the resident minister.

The head of the cardinal gods, Tzuna is the most worshipped of her kin. She teaches respect in death, and that one who artificially reverses death acts against the natural cycle of life. While she teaches respect in death, she does encourage prolonging life through healing and medicine. She does not meddle with mortals, instead acting to keep her father and children in check. Tzuna was born out of Gihros will to gain power. He spawned her with his power and intended to use her to produce children to assist in his war with Olbris. To create her, he supplanted the portions of his will he considered unnecessary, thus creating her out of his lawful desires. Instead of submitting to her father’s demands, she instead joined Olbris to assist him in his fight to defeat the god of death. With her partial control over the dominions of death, they managed to overpower Gihros, and cast him into the abyss to contain his evil. After this, she and Olbris had their four children, thus creating the cardinal pantheon, and bringing peace to the material plane.


The God of light, The Protector, The Bulwark of the Beaten, The Grand Adjudicator
Lawful Good
Light, Protection
Portfolio: Light, Law, Justice
Temples: Seen as blessings of protection, temples to Olbris are often found in castles or forts, but are common both alone and within temples of Tzuna, often either next to, or nearby his wife’s altars. Worship of Olbris is done through prayer to a tower shield upon which a sun is drawn. While this is the most official method of worship, anything that can provide defence can supplement the shield.

As Tzuna’s husband, Olbris holds strong worship amongst the faithful, but is not as popular as his wife. Many see worship to Tzuna as worship to both heads of the Pantheon. The tenants of his faith are simple, to protect those without protection, and to bring justice to those who threaten the lives and ways of the innocent. Many judges are worshippers of Olbris, as well as law keepers and guardsmen. Due to the vagueness of his tenants, some can use his name in vain to act against those they perceive as unlawful despite potential innocence. Due to this, he rarely blesses his power to mortals, keeping his blessings for those he deems truly worthy as delivering judgement. Due to his selfless defence of the material plane, he is intensely respected as a god, and those who bear his name in battle are seen to be selfless heroes, who would die were it to save a single life. For a great period of time, Olbris stood alone against Gihros, defending the material plane from his genocidal desires. He was weaker than Gihros, who commanded the power of death itself, but still stood against the evil god. He would eventually overpower Gihros due to his hubris, his desire to destroy Olbris so definitely he could never pose a future threat, which came in the form of the daughter of Gihros and his future wife Tzuna.


The Curator Knowledge, The Authority of the Arcane, The Thread Master, The Keeper of Time
Chaotic Good
Knowledge, Arcana
Portfolio: Magic, Knowledge, Curiosity, Study, Time
Temples: Temples of Orros are rare in the magic fearing nations, but are often connected to libraries and arcane establishments. Whether this is as a small shrine or a dedicated clergy, they are often found close to affluence of knowledge. Shrines to Orros have no required form, but are often lecterns or sundials, etched with arcane runes. Due to the ambiguous nature of Orros’ shrines, praying to a book containing knowledge is considered appropriate.

The firstborn of Tzuna and Olbris, Orros took upon the hardest to maintain domains from his parents, taking control of knowledge, time and magic itself. It is through Orros’ actions that magic is channelled by mages, and that time passes without fail. Orros’ curiosity knows no bounds, and he uses his power to perform experiments from which he can glean knowledge. Through this, with the help of his future siblings, Orros created the Feywild and the Archfey, and led the charge in the creation of demi-gods amongst his siblings. Due to his control over magic in its entirety, Orros is feared by mortals, and is believed to be colluding with Gihros. Due to this fear, open worship of Orros is uncommon. Orros is considered the most responsible of the children of Tzuna, and, despite his diminished worship, is the strongest of the Cardinal gods. This strength comes with an intense pride, which has been used by his sibling to spurn him into actions over simple disagreements. As the god of both time and knowledge, he is aware of all that ever has and ever will happen, these visions of the future often leave him sickened, but he knows he can do nothing about it.


Lady of life
Neutral Good
Life, Nature, Tempest
Portfolio: Life and Nature
Temples: Often built amongst gardens and other places of wildlife, churches to Eone are regarded as places of peace and relaxation. Natural springs and maintained gardens are common places of worship. Prayer to Eone requires only that her worshippers praise living itself, this is often interpreted to be that sex and life bringing are worshipping the Lady of Life.

The second child of Tzuna, Eone decided to take up the mantles that she believed neglected by her family. These included life and nature. She felt that her mothers opinion on death was far too rigid, and that life should be encouraged and prolonged no matter what, should it not take life in the process. She teaches care for life in all forms, the maintenance of nature and the beauty in any being. Eone is the most interested in mortal affairs of the children of Tzuna. She has the most children, and often joins mortals in celebration, and takes the form of a matronly woman, mature and nurturing to any she meets. She is the most lenient with her blessings, as her power cannot promote harm. Eone’s tenants are often regarded by the more conservative as inappropriate, and encouraging debauchery and other like behaviours.


The Marching God
Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: War, Combat and Battle
Temples: Temples of Ildur are rare in civil society, but are often constructed at places of great battle. Many are not structures, instead shrines constructed in respect of those who fell in battle.

The third child of Tzuna, Ildur is completely devoted to his mother. As the youngest at the time of his birth, he felt that he did not get the attention he wanted. As a result, in an attempt to get his mothers eyes on him, he took domain over war, and encouraged combat amongst his followers, to create death in an attempt to impress his mother. He teaches that no method is invalid in war, and that battle is battle. To give mercy to ones enemies is to disrespect him and his mother, and that would incur his wrath. Due to his encouragement of death, Ildur often found strife with his father. Their fights quickly grew in intensity, and eventually led to Ildur attempting to take his father’s life. In lieu of his actions, he was exiled to reflect on his actions and choices, and was only promised return should he realise his mistakes and make amends, since then he has wandered the material plane, but no one is sure of his location. It is said he will be wherever battle is, and has been sighted fighting in mortal wars.


The Whispering Wind
Chaotic Good
Trickery, Tempest
Portfolio: Thieves, Lies and Wind
Temples: As god of the wind, temples to Viotz are often found near the ocean, for prayer to good weather in sea travel. Other than this, worship of her less desirable domains is regarded as criminal intent, and personal shrines are often seen as admissions of guilt.

The youngest of Tzuna’s children, Viotz was the black sheep. Due to Ildur’s actions during her youth, attention on her was less than she needed in her formative years. With this freedom, she gained mischievous tendencies, using her original domain over wind to whisper white lies into the ears of mortals for her entertainment. As she grew, however, she realised that her actions were wrong, but by that time she had become branded as the god of thieves and lies, much to her dismay. In light of this, she began teaching tenants of morality to her followers. To steal only from those who wont suffer with small loss, and that lies for the sake of someone are the only lies to be said. After witnessing what people would do during her meddling with mortals, she found he father to resolute in his ways, and felt that unlike the protection he demanded, some didn’t deserve protection. This realisation led her to be at odds with her father, never being able to agree completely in arguments. After Ildur’s exile, Viotz would often visit him on the material plane, and spend long periods of time with her sibling. This angered Olbris, but he wasn’t prepared to outcast his daughter just for caring for family, also seeing it as an opportunity for Viotz to change her brother’s ways.


The Lord of the Dead, The Master of Demons
Chaotic Evil
Grave, Death, Madness, War
Portfolio: Undeath, Demons, Madness and Evil
Temples: With outlawed worship in most of the world, Temples to Gihros are often hidden, cast in shadow. A proper church to Gihros contains a humanoid skull atop its altar, and a basin of humanoid blood resting in front of it. Due to his decreased reach to the mortal plane, clergymen of his faith interpret ripples in the blood during prayer as his will.

The first of the True Gods, Gihros commanded reality with unprecedented power. This was until Olbris’ creation from the desire of safety by mortals. This angered Gihros immensely; that the will of those he considered his playthings could create something to fight against him. In his hubris, to overpower the wills of all mortals, he created his daughter Tzuna, who betrayed him, and cast him into an infinite chasm beyond reality known simply as the abyss. After his betrayal, Gihros was swallowed with rage. His powers limited by his daughter and their future children, he quickly set about creating demons to do his bidding. He would venture onto the material plane rarely, tearing free of his bonds for moments to spread his seed into mortals and create demigods of his design. Since being cast away, Gihros has been patiently plotting to rise once again and destroy his child, her husband and his grandchildren. He waits, amassing power patiently for the moment he can escape the abyss and wreak havoc upon all who rejected him ages ago.

The Grand Malevolence

The legions of demon lords under Gihros' influence go by this title. The Grand Melevolence are harbingers of death, all evil beings enslaved by their desire for destruction and misfortune.

Kerziroth the Conflagration

Chaotic Evil

Born from Gihros hate of Tzuna and Olbris, Kerziroth is a writhing mass of flames, with only a desire to destroy. He is driven by an eternal hunger and desire to consume, to grow with the destruction he brings. He seeks out likeminded beings, beings with a desire to destroy, and gifts them fragments of his power. Kerziroth's greed is his biggest weakness, however, and has led him into many cages, like the one that currently holds him. The Dwarven city of Zirothenheim is his current home, where he is kept as fuel for the great forges of the city. The people who captured him claim he will never escape his bonds, but Kerziroth fears no cage, and promises the Dwarves will regret trying to enslabe a member of the Grand Melevolence.




The Shimmering Scales, The Duke of Riches, The Platinum Dragon
Lawful Evil
Arcana, Forge, Light, Tempest, War
Portfolio: Metallic Dragons
Temples: Temples to Illimet are adorned in wealth and precious metals. A devotion to Illimet is defined by the purity and rarity of the metals in the altar, with platinum being the most important metal in these circumstance. Non Draconic worshippers of Illimet are often those who hold incredible wealth, and desire to flaunt it to those below them.

The only Platinum dragon, Illimet was a rarity alongside his sister. During their young years, they were sought after by other dragons, to keep as trophies and symbols of their strength, due to this, they were stolen and fought over, eventually being considered the greatest of treasures a dragon could attain. Wealth was traded for statues of their visage, and they were treated poorly. Eventually, the siblings grew strong, and over threw the dragons that stood over them. Their rare colourations led them into great power, being able to attain the abilities of all dragons of their kind. Using great magic stolen from several of the ancient dragons of the time, the siblings ascended, gaining godly powers and dominion over all dragons.


The Glittering Queen, The Duchess of Rainbows, The Rainbow Dragon
Chaotic Good
Arcana, Knowledge, Protection, Light
Portfolio: Chromatic Dragons
Temples: Chorimet’s temples are built upon locations of great magical energy, where, they in turn, empower the magic that surrounds them, for Chorimet to later come and claim. Altars to Chorimet are adorned with arcane objects, Foci, wands, staves and other arcane treasures please her, and are said to bring her favour. Non Draconic worshippers of Chorimet are often wizards or sorcerers, those seeking great arcane power beyond their current capabilities.

As the only rainbow dragon, Chorimet was a rarity alongside her brother. After ascending, the magic that gave them their powers affected their minds in drastic ways, Illimet was tainted with insatiable greed, and Chorimet with a desire for ultimate magic. The two, having spent their entire 3000 year lives up to this point together, were inseparable, and developed a relation that went beyond that of siblings. This quickly resulted in the birth of their prince, the first of the crystal dragons Darimet.


The Mad Prince, The Crystal Lord, The Diamond Dragon
Chaotic Evil
Arcana, Death, Grave, Madness, Trickery
Portfolio: Crystalline Dragons
Temples: Mortal temples to Darimet are made only by those equally insane. Praise comes in bringing destruction, and to be consumed by a crystal dragon is said to be the ultimate blessing of one’s faith.

The firstborn of his kind, and then result of incest, Darimet was immediately gripped with an intense madness that dominated his will. His creation spurned on the birth of several other crystal dragons, the result of chromatic and metallic dragons who, before this point, could not reproduce together creating children. Like the first of their kind, all crystalline dragons are insane, and gripped with an insatiable lust for destruction in all forms. He roams any plane he comes across, spreading fear and chaos as he pleases.

The Giant Kings

The Giant Kings are a clan of brothers, who each created a race in their image, when these races began to war, this created turmoil amongst the brothers, sending them into battle amongst themselves. The chaos this clash brought upon the material plane took the attention of Orros, who, for the sake of his father’s ideals and the safety of all beings on the material plane, created several demi-planes to house each of these Kings. This took the form of the Range of War, an enormous, extra-planar mountain range that surrounded the material plane. Each King holds a Dominion of a mountain of this range, and they fight here, leaving the material plane safe from their strife.


Chaotic Evil
Rage and hate

The youngest of the giant kings, Gyrigg was the first to initiate combat though his followers, encouraging them to fight indiscriminately, and without care for chivalry or fairness. Through this, the Hill Giants began to rampage, attacking all other giants they came across, and trampling small villages. These actions were interpreted differently by each of the other kings, some following in his footsteps, while others found his actions despicable. Hill Giants are the most common of the Giants, and Gyrigg uses these numbers to overwhelm his brethren, flooding their larger opponents with little tactical care. The rage given by Gyrigg allows Hill giants to ignore pain and fear, fighting until death with little care for the fact.


Chaotic Neutral
Mountains and Earthquakes

The second youngest of the giant kings, Armodohr is a goliath of stone, who walked the material plane with his followers. He was the most targeted by Gyrigg’s initial attacks, and suffered large losses amongst the giants of his followers. The stone giants took an extremely defensive stance, turning their mountain into an enormous, impenetrable fortress. Beyond the castle’s enormous walls, deadly traps act as a second line of defence, stopping any threats to those who would make their way past the external walls, deadly to anyone who doesn’t know the safe paths. Finally, is a central wall, which is built by living stone giants. These giants sleep until called upon, meaning that on command, the defensive bastion of the Stone giants can become a marching wall of destruction, crushing anything in their path.


Chaotic Evil
Blizzards and Ice

Through a desire to claim the entirety of the Range of War, Lesvyn ordinates chaos across the dominions of his siblings. Casting freezing gales upon the base of his mountain, he sends his kin to disrupt order wherever they can. His kin travel the mortal plane, spreading chaos and inviting combat and retaliation, which are followed by further destruction. Lesvyn sees no shame in slaughtering the innocent, salting grounds and freezing children to death His immorality has earned him the title of the Frozen Hearted, a symbol of his complete lack of empathy in any form. He thanks his brother for sending his siblings into conflict, as it gives him more of an excuse to seek the death of those he despises. His kin share this cold heart, and feel no remorse for their despicable actions.


Chaotic Good
Cyclones and Tornados

The third eldest of the Giant Kings, Hurthrum detests the conflict of his brothers, using his dominion atop the clouds to create a safe haven for giants who wish to not fight in the petty conflicts of his family. Castles litter the sky around his domain, and can only be accessed by those who are given the right to by Hurthrum himself. Many attempts have been made to siege his realm, and few have succeeded, often from the inside. Due to this, Hurthrum has turned to sending his sky castles into the material plane, where they float far above the realm, free from most danger. Only cloud giants are allowed this passage, and many take the opportunity. Through a self discovered ritual, Hurthrum has managed to transform other giants into his own kin, allowing them too to make the passage to safety.


Lawful Evil
The Sun and Fire

The second eldest of the Giant Kings, Mordram has taken advantage of the profits to be made from the war he fuels with his siblings. He meddles the most amongst mortals, sending weapons of magical nature, forged by the arcane fires that fuel his and his kin’s souls. His domain of the sun itself allows Mordram to cast flames as hot as his dominion, conflagrations of such intensity that they immediately incinerate anything they touch. His plane is a realm of flowing magma and marching soldiers. Enormous shields the size of their carriers, and blades taller than those who wield them, crafted from the most perfect metal. These weapons are empowered by their users, cast in flames hotter than lava by their wielders. His kin travel from his mountain to the deep caves of the material plane, looking for metals with which to build great castles near the core of the plane, and forge weapons of indiscriminate destruction.


Lawful Neutral
Conquest, Thunder and Storms

The oldest and strongest of his siblings, Tysdil acts to keep the siblings he despises in check, sending his legions of powerful storm giants to maintain balance amongst the conflicts. A god of conquest, it was Tysdil’s indisputable over his siblings as a collective, putting them in line before they once again began to fight, that led him into his position of great power. He cares little about his kin’s actions, only demanding that they heed his call should he need them. Tysdil sits atop his throne, watching and waiting. Debating with himself whether he should step in at any given moment. Due to the history of his siblings’ squabbles, however, he has begun to feel that maybe he should let the herd thin naturally, keeping himself free from danger and maintaining the title of the strongest of the giant kings once the threat to him and his ilk has lessened.

Primordial Paragons

As reality itself was shaped, a single being existed, moulding reality with his will. This was Animos, the great Primordial of life itself. To create the world, he took pieces of himself, breaking them into the clay with which he fashioned the world as it is. Weakened by this process, with all he created simple shells, without life to bring mortality to the world, he gave up the remainder of his existence, entrusting reality itself to the Primordials of Fire, Water, Earth and Air, and life into the hand of his last creation, the first god Gihros. With control out of his hand, he watched with horror as he died, as Gihros used his gifted dominion over life to torture and ruin the lives of all he created. In a last display of strength, he gifted mortals with a protector, and hoped he could save reality from the evil he mistakenly cast upon it. Millennia would pass before his four children would manifest into power, and become the forces of nature he created them to be. Of the true gods, only Orros knows his existence, and for the pride of his family, he keeps this secret close to his chest


The Heart of the Breeze
True Neutral

Volaris is artful, she weaves the wind into songs of her design. Breezes sing a calm ballad of rest and relaxation, while tempests crescendo into brilliant pieces of power and force. The Conductor of these melodies, she lives for the reaction to her creations, and is only overcome in her love of music by Viotz, whom she reveres with intense love, so much so she gives her command of the sky itself to Viotz at her request, only to hear the beautiful lullabies of her unrequited love.


The Blazing Soul
Chaotic Neutral

By the destructive design of his domain, Ignaris is quick to fight, and often comes in strife with his sister Aqualis. He is intense and passionate, what he cares for he cares for dearly, and that he despises deserves nothing less than complete destruction. His anger manifests in wild clashes of nature, volcanic eruptions follow his rage, and thunderstorms scatter the sky in his design. His spontaneity led him to be confined by Terranis and kept in check by Aqualis, while Volaris desired to push him further, as nothing accompanies a concerto better than synthesia itself.


The Body of Earth
True Neutral

The first Primordial, and the strongest, Terranis simply rests, never acting beyond necessity. He finds the squabbling of his siblings annoying, and will often act to remind him of their position beneath him should they sufficiently disturb him. Should such a desire come to him, however, Terrains will build and destroy mountains at a whim, sink continents only to make others rise in their place. He is power penultimate, but power is least of his cares.


The Flow of the Mind
Lawful Neutral

As the core of all life, and the youngest of the Primordials, Aqualis feels a deep responsibility for maintaining the lives her father died to create. While the youngest, she wields the most destructive, and struggles to keep it under complete control. To her dismay, in moments of weakness, enormous waves will crash upon peaceful shores. She is grateful to Terranis, as his calm helps her stay the same, and mitigate the destruction her carelessness could cause.

Demigod Pantheons


The Green Father, The Humble Lord
Lawful Good
Life, Light, Nature, Protection
Portfolio: Agriculture
Temples: Shrines to Paciran are often constructed in the centre of farms, enshrined with pieces of good harvest and gold to the humble god. Common belief is that proper worship will protect a crop from blight, and ensure a bountiful harvest.

Born of his copper elven mother, Paciran didn’t desire the extravagant life that beholds many demi-gods, instead wishing to simply help his ailing mother, and work the farms of his family. This he did, and he found that, when he worked, the plants he cared for grew quickly, and the fruits of his labours were plentiful. Understanding this to be a result of his godly heritage, he underwent ascension once his mother passed away. He promised to provide good harvest for those who paid him worship, to which he taught the morals of simple hard work and care for ones work. It is said he appears in the homes of sickly farmers, tending to their crops while they recover, only to disappear once they can work again.


The Matron of Love, The Loving Sister
The Matron of Love, The Loving Sister
Life, Nature, Protection
Portfolio: Love, Marriage and Beauty
Temples: Temples to Kelre are large, extravagant affairs, adorned with roses and other flowers. Her temples are popular for weddings, as her followers believe she blesses those who wed in her presence to have a good marriage.

One of two twin daughters, both stunningly beautiful, Kelre was regarded as the good child. She was always caring, and seen as a matchmaker amongst her young friends. When she suggested a pairing to some of the adults of her town, and it proved to be a loving relationship neither had considered, she became a love guru, people travelling from far to have her grade their relationship. All of them she encouraged and all found comfort and solace in each other. She herself eventually married, and, upon outliving her husband due to her heritage, she ascended, becoming a goddess of love itself, and blessing all those in love who sought her guidance.


The Mistress of Mischief, The Loved Sister
Chaotic Good
Life, Trickery, Nature
Portfolio: Prostitution
Temples: Praise to Lalsira is rare outside of brothels. Often near the entrance, shrines to Lalsira are adorned with various symbols of prostitution. Lace is common, as well as a coffer through which people can offer coin in exchange for a better experience. Prostitutes often receive blessings that stop them from falling pregnant unless they desire it.

One of two twin daughters, both stunningly beautiful, Lalsira was the naughty child. While her sister befriended all, Lalsira sought comfort in other means. When she came of age, she quickly began working as a prostitute, saying that some didn’t want love, only satisfaction. As she grew older, she had many partners, but never fell pregnant or ill from her work. Still stunningly beautiful, she ascended when her popularity grew to unreasonable levels. She came to embody the desirable partner, one who would provide satisfaction to her partner no matter what. Still in her godhood, she acts upon her old profession, sometimes appearing in brothels to spend some lust filled nights reliving her past.


The Friend of All Children, The Forever Youthful
Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Children
Temples: Shrines to Bonkinder are common in orphanages and schools, where toys are offered to the youthful god in exchange for the children finding joy in their lives. As a child at heart, Bonkinder indiscriminately hands out blessings to children, allowing them to find comfort no matter what their situation.

Bonkinder never knew his parents, instead falling into an orphanage early in his life. As time passed, he never seemed to grow, in mental or physical maturity. He became a staple at his orphanage, being a rock for all those who would pass through, a constant that provided joy for children in such dire situations. Eventually, when asked why he never grew, he realised the fact that he remained a child while others were born, grew and died. As a result, he ascended, becoming the god of children. He can still be found in orphanages across the material plane, providing joy to those who are in places where joy should be absent.


The Grand Scoundrel, The Liquor Fiend
Chaotic Neutral
Life, Trickery
Portfolio: Debauchery and Wine
Temples: Shrines of Torkharion are found wherever you can get a drink. Simple in structure, simply a flagon filled with alcohol is needed. The alcohol is an offering, and is consumed by Torkharion, so it must be replaced daily. Torkharion’s blessing is the most frivolous, being immunity to hangovers, and the option to completely negate drunkenness.

A half-elf in a city of Elves, Torkharion found himself the object of mockery wherever he went. Irrelevant was the fact his father was a great lord, only that he was of impure blood for an elf. After the mockery grew too much, Torkharion threw caution to the wind, deciding, should he be the centre of attention wherever he went, it would be on his terms. He became a rabblerouser, drinking and singing and acting the fool. His name became synonymous with casual disregard of others, and enjoying oneself. Eventually, he found those who mocked him seeking his guidance on his carefree nature. Finally in a position of power, he challenged them all to a drinking contest, whoever drank the most, him or those who wanted his guidance, would pay the other a pocketful of coin and do whatever one task asked by the other. By the end of the night, Torkharion was one hundred gold richer and was owed many favours, and, in this moment, he ascended. Still the outgoing party animal, even in godhood Torkharion will head to any nearby tavern to gamble and drink the night away.


He of Glory, The Face of Victory
Chaotic Neutral
Forge, Protection, War
Portfolio: Glory and Fame
Temples: A consecrated temple to Tormyl must be built upon a place of remembrance. They are often built against statues and monoliths, and bring further fame to those who are carved into stone. Should the land be consecrated, an ethereal crown will appear above the head of the statues that the shrine gives blessing to.

One of the demi-gods of war’s trinity, Tormyl was born into a clan at war with a pair of rival clans, being Gnomish and Human. Tormyl was the son of his clans’ chief, and was taught that a battle won is won in vain if glory does not come alongside it. Tormyl learnt to fight from a young age, and saw battle, and the glory that came with victory nearly every day. He was a seeker of glory, one who would symbolise a great soldier, with skill in battle that would lead to his name being known amongst all clans. Despite the long running feud, none of the clans would find true victory in battle, instead each time needing to retreat and regroup.


The Lord of Chivalry, Justiciar of War
Lawful Good
Portfolio: Chivalry
Temples: A shrine to Dracrath built upon the ground of war will bring blessings to those who fought with chivalry. Whether they live or have since fallen, those souls who are respected by Dracrath will always find peace in death, so long as they continued to respect his values. All a shrine of Dracrath requires is the carving of his symbol into the soil by a cleric of his faith, even if eventually destroyed, his blessing will still remain.

One of the demi-gods of war’s trinity, Dracrath was born into a clan at war with a pair of rival clans, being Dwarven and Human. Dracrath was the son of a clan general, and was taught by his mother that honourable battle was the most important feature of a soldier. He saw the fighting methods of his rival clans, and despised them for their ways of combat, sometimes protecting his enemies if it meant it would make combat fair. He became well known amongst the clans as a symbol of civility in battle, and someone who will always fight fairly. Eventually the three clans met in a great, final battle, where they brought with them all they could muster, all who could wield a weapon did, and in that it was the battle to end all battles, by the end of the day, one clan would remain.


The Godly Victor, The Lord of Triumph
Lawful Neutral
Protection, War
Portfolio: Triumph
Temples: Dayemorn’s holy grounds are created when a war has ended, and one side holds a definitive victory. To show true worship, the head of the one who leads the losing side must be thrust upon a stake, and the flag of the victors be hung from the pike.

One of the demi-gods of war’s trinity, Dayemorn was born into a clan at war with a pair of rival clans, being Dwarven and Gnomish. An orphan in his clan, Dayemorn felt he was better than all those who stood above him, and that were he to lead his clan, he could destroy any opponent they faced. He slowly made a name for himself in battle, leading greater and greater charges upon his rivals, and eventually rose to lead his clan. During this final battle, Dayemorn tricked his rival clans, pretending they had fallen in battle and watched as the other clans all but wiped each other out. His clan then stood, almost none injured and charged the weakened forces of his opponents. The Gnomes and Dwarves fought valiantly, but fell to the overwhelming numbers. Despite their defeat, Tormyl and Dracrath remained, and rose, challenging Dayemorn to a final battle. The three fought, and all fell together, dying on the battlefield in unison. A flash of lightning struck where they fell, and the three ascended, each now brothers and gods, representing the aspects of war they strove to define in combat. This battle led to the human victory, and the resulting creation of the Kingdom of Dayemorn.


The Mistress of Widows, The Hunter of the Wilds
Chaotic Neutral
Nature, Life, Tempest
Portfolio: Hunting and Survival
Temples: Worship to Loralana is often done by widows and families of those murdered, pleading for the Mistress of Widows to bring justice to those who wronged them. An altar requires a bow, arrows for the number responsible, and a symbol that represented the love for the dead. Should these be taken in the night, Loralana has blessed her worshipper, and will avenge their lost loved one.

Loralana, from the moment of her birth was alone. She came into existence as a teenager, with an understanding of the world around her, but knowing she would never find any other. She learnt quick, discovering ways to fight the wilderness that seemed so resolute on giving her death. She survived for several years, with no interaction with any other being until she was found by a young human man. He took her to the civilization that had evaded her, and provided her with all she would need. The two quickly fell in love, and were preparing for children when he was killed. He was stabbed to death by thugs, simply because he didn’t have any coin on him when mugged. In rage, Loralana used what she learnt in the wild to hunt and torture those who took her lover from her. Knowing she would no longer be welcome in society, she took her husband’s bow, and left back into the wilderness. This was the last time she was seen as a mortal, only returning to civilization once she had ascended to godhood. People believe she was pregnant when she fled, but no one knows the fate of her and her husband’s child.


True Neutral
Arcana, Knowledge, Trickery
Portfolio: Poetry, Writing, Stories


The Unfortunate One, The Dreamweaver
True Neutral
Arcana, Knowledge, Life, Madness, Trickery
Portfolio: Dreams, Fate
Temples: Chapels to Adjeon are clean, well constructed, and filled with comfortable beds of all size. Followers are encouraged to come and rest in Adjeon’s temples, as it is believed that dreams in these places will show ones fate, much like Adjeon’s. Adjeon does bless those who rest in his domain peaceful sleep, but should he see greatness in the fate of a dreamer, he will show them a glimpse of their fates.

A young copper elf born into a noble family, Adjeon was encouraged from a very young age to become a symbol of elven society, and come to represent the elves as a god. His status left him isolated, he could never leave his home due to the danger being a demigod could bring, he couldn’t make friends, due to fear of their possible corruption. Instead, he was locked away, visited only by those who his family felt represented what a true elf should be. Adjeon despised Orros, his father, and the godly heritage he held within. He wished only to live like a normal elven boy, and dreamed of life without the restrictions. His desire to be normal led him into a great sleep. In his rest, he dreamt up normal lives for himself, from being a farmer, to a mage, to a simple soldier in the elven armies. No matter what, however, even in his dreams he could not escape his godhood, each fantastical or normal life he created in his mind ended with him ascending and reaching godhood. After a century he awoke, and found that all of his family, all who forced his misfortunate life upon him had died. He believed he was finally free, only to find that the descendants of his captors held his captors beliefs, forcing him to resign to his fate. In this moment, when he truly felt he could never escape his fate, he ascended, reaching the godly form he despised for so long. To his joy, he found that he didn’t represent elves, instead the dreams he loved so much and fate itself. He understood that the torment he faced was necessary, and came to understand Orros’ methods.


Lawful Neutral
Arcana, Forge, Knowledge
Portfolio: Craftsmanship


Chaotic Neutral
Death, Grave, Light, Nature, Tempest, Trickery
Portfolio: Moon and The Night


Lawful Good
Arcana, Life, Light, Protection
Portfolio: Charity













Ghar Lugroll





Chaotic Evil
Arcana, Knowledge, Madness, Trickery
Portfolio: Torture







The Archfey

The Archfey were created when the 4 children of Tzuna and Olbris, supplanted a portion of their wills as a form in the Feywild, a then empty plane created by Orros for study. Each separated themselves completely from these wills, sacrificing all control and agreeing to not intervene, as it would disrupt Orros' study. As the Archfey have no mortal connection, they cannot be killed outright, instead resetting the Archfey into a younger and weaker form. They can also be replaced, should a being with such a will ascend to equivalent power to then take it from the Archfey, this has not yet happened however. As direct creations of the will of the gods, the Archfey are caricatures of their domains, defined entirely by their concepts. The Feywild became the whimsical place due to the influx of godly magic that was used to create the Archfey. Orros found that both his sisters came to represent the cardinal seasons of summer and winter, while he and his brother represented the transitionary periods between them, and the beings under their creation instead would align randomly with either of the cardinal houses, while also representing their own Archfey, who were often neutral in conflicts of the Feywild. He also found that, despite their differences, the Archfey were close companions to one another, often meeting regularly without any political obligation. Out of these meetings, the Archfey naturally partnered up, Arrion and Ritora wedding, and Koradiel and Iraxis wedding. Despite this, the wild and whimsy houses would not verbally align with their partners, instead maintaining their neutrality. Orros eventually intervened, revealing the circumstances of their creation to the fey, despite his expectations; they cared little, asking Orros to continue to not intervene, to which he agreed. The Fey began to change after learning of their creation; they began to be more manipulative, more distrusting, and more malevolent. Conflicts began between the Fey, betrayal and malice began to spread between the houses, each taking on more aspects of their seasonal allegiance. This event came to be known as the Altering in the Feywild.

gollark: I may be able to use this robotics thing as an excuse to harvest part of the school's endless ability to buy significant quantities of hardware nobody will ever actually use much.
gollark: (I don't really do much electronics, despite vaguely wanting to)
gollark: I was once mildly hurt by the spiky pins on an IC.
gollark: Oh yes, FEAR this.
gollark: The worst I've seen happen to a TV was when someone shot it with a toy archery set and cracked the screen.


The Frigid Gale, The Mistress of Misfortune
Lawful Evil
Court and Followers: As the Queen of the Winter Court, Koradiel commands the respect of the Winter Eladrin, alongside various pixies and hags she has called into servitude. Notable is that survivors of encounters with the rare race of the Ice Banshee, who are not native to the Feywild, have spoken of Koradiel.

Once kind and caring despite her elemental affinity, after the altering, Koradiel’s vibrant spirit twisted, slipping slowly towards madness. While prior she could appreciate the beauty of life, she became obsessed with its preservation. She felt the beauty of life should stay as it is, never changing in fear of its’ beauty diminishing. To this end, she sent her leagues of followers across the Feywild, spreading seeds of her power to places she considered of great beauty. After some time, she enacted her plan, activating these motes of power and encasing large portions of the Feywild in ice. Now that she had secured that which she deemed most important, she began to act aggressively, casting those who questioned her rule into frozen coffins, cursed to live their lives sustained with magic within these tombs, and manipulating the beings of the Feywild through their pure fear of her power. With the first stage of her plan complete, Koradiel is preparing to move forward, giving motes of power to beings on the material plane to start her expansion, while also preparing for war within the Feywild.


The Ardent Warmth, The Bright Matron
Chaotic Good
Court and Followers: Queen of the Summer Court, Ritora leads the Summer Eladrin, while also providing a comfortable and safe home for Satyr’s, Pixies, and other weaker Fae who feel the need for protection. She created pseudodragons to guide those she deems champions, also acting as her eyes in places beyond her sight.

Ritora’s personality changed the least after the altering. While beforehand she was more accepting of the idiosyncrasies of her Archfey companions, believing that there was good intent behind their ways. After seeing the seeds of Koradiel’s frost spring to life, witnessing the first hunt of Iraxis, and Arrion, who she loved the most dearly out of her companions, begin to lure mortals into the dangerous Feywild for entertainment, she declared their actions despicable, and vowed to punish the other three Archfey, and bring them to justice. Ritora has also acted in a manner similar to Koradiel, charming followers of the Winter Lady into betraying her, and providing information on her actions. This knowledge has allowed Ritora to stay one step ahead of Koradiel, while also forcing Koradiel to thin her own numbers out of paranoia She currently seeks champions, people to act on her behalf in the material plane to protect mortals from the dangers the Archfey present


The Wildfather
Chaotic Evil
Court and Followers: The Wildfather guides any who wish to join his hunt. Alongside the Wild Eladrin, Blink Dogs and Meenlock will stampede with their master, aided by his captured trophies.

Once a slave to civility, Iraxis felt himself liberated by the altering, those petty inhibitions about his carnal desires had gone, and what remained was what he considered his true self. He taught his followers of the Wild Court, who he now calls his pride, to give in to their nature like he had, and to join him in the ecstasy of the hunt. The Hunt is the title for his invasion of the material plane, where he summons himself and his followers to ravage whoever they come across for a full night. He leads his hunts four times a year, each time capturing a beast he considers powerful, which he empowers with magic and brings them to hunt. In this, he has a retinue of beasts of great power, of which he is extremely proud. Those who hunt with him, should they truly cast away all civility, he grants them the opportunity to transform, from which he created the Meenlock Iraxis seeks folk who are like him, and have cast away the shackles of civility. He finds these of his ilk, and takes them into his Pride, allowing them on The Hunt.


The Archivist, The Grand Illusionist, The Passage Bearer.
Chaotic Neutral
Court and Followers: Whimsy calls to all beings fantastical and strange. Arrion channels powerful magic through his followers, calling to beings of similar nature. Alongside Eladrin of Whimsy, Dryads and Will o’ Wisps call this court home.

Much like Iraxis, Arrion let go of his inhibitions, giving into the immense power of the Feywild, giving his mind away to the will of the chaotic plane. His heritage gave him ordination of time, which he used to create pockets of twisted time, some moving slower or faster than the world around them. His sacrifice of sanity led him into his own revelations, giving him, in his own words, an individual understanding of the world. Whatever his epiphany revealed to him, it led him into luring beings into the Feywild. At first, he drew nature spirits to his home, instilling Fae energy into them and creating the first Dryad. He also summoned Fae spirits, in their purest form, creating the Will o’ Wisp, as another tool for luring mortals into the Feywild. To further mortals wandering into the Feywild, Arrion has been known to randomly create portals to the Fae realm, in mischievous manners. Arrion seeks the “Awoken”, those who also share his greater understanding of reality. He ultimately wishes to bring all those who could into sharing his understanding.


Court and Followers:


Court and Followers:

Jand Nac Ennen

The First of the Mer, The Mer King
True Neutral
Court and Followers: The King of the High Seas, Jand commands his legions of Merfolk and their sealife companions without opposition, slowly expanding to hold dominion of the seas themselves. His command extends beyond Mer, often into legions of sea bound dragons, krakons and dragon turtles alike.

Known as the first of the Mer, Jan Nac Ennen is an outsider in the Feywild. His life started as a storm giant, enforcing Tysdil's word throughout Adrea, but he grew tired of simply taking commands. He envied the power Tysdil had, and decided he would leave his King's command and go elsewhere, to try and stake his own claim into the world. To this end, he wandered, eventually finding his way through one of Arrion's many portals and into the Feywild. He found himself changed by the realm he now inhabited, the magic it contained drastically different to that he was used to. He was also larger, his giant frame almost doubled. This gathered the attention of the many residents of the plane, leading him to hide in the enormous ocean that surrouned the lands. He found the oceans without rule, and decided that this is where he would stake his claim on reality, and become a veritible king of the Feywild's seas. He faced opposition, but he always bested them, including his new pet, a Megaladon he named Kerzitoth. He invited Eladrin from the surface, changing them with magic so they could surive without air and fresh water. These folk became the first Mer, who he guided in creating many cities carved into fantastical coral reefs. Eventually, he created his own portals to Adrea, and sent his people into the seas to further his dominion.

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