Reanimator (3.5e Class)

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The reanimator is one who invests his time in the research of awakening the bodies of the dead to serve him. A reanimator is usually a very evil person, but few use their power in the name of justice. A reanimator can not only raise normal undead to serve him, but he can also create an undead that serves as a kind of familiar, and he can turn the corpses of his victims into more minor undead with specific functions.

Making a reanimator

Reanimators are potent and usually evil beings. Through reviving the bodies of the fallen, the reanimator creates the best allies of all - those who have no will of their own. However, with this being said, the reanimator is very frail and vulnerable to the attacks of his enemies. He can fill the role of a fighter in the group, having his minions lead the group and take lots of damage, or he may protect himself and his allies with them in much the same way.

Abilities: Charisma is important for a reanimator's main skills. Wisdom is good for his secondary abilities. Constitution helps the reanimator live longer.

Races: Humans most generally walk the path of the reanimator, though elves and especially drow will sometimes choose this class.

Alignment: A reanimator can not be good nor chaotic.

Starting Gold: 3d8 &10 (gp).

Starting Age: moderate

Table: The Reanimator

Hit Die: d4

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+0+0+0+2 Reanimate the Dead, Aura of the undead.
2nd+1+0+0+3 Gift of Shadows
3rd+1+1+1+3 Minor Creation 1/day
4th+2+1+1+4 Ebon Armor I
5th+2+1+1+4 Infernal Name, Lesser Raising, Minor Creation 3/day
7th+3+2+2+5 Improved Gift of Shadows
8th+4+2+2+6 Ebon Armor II
9th+4+3+3+6 Minor Creation 4/day, Ebon Armor III
10th+5+3+3+7 Major Raising
11th+5+3+3+7 Vengeful Spirit, Greater Gift of Shadows
12th+6/+1+4+4+8 Minor Creation 5/day,
15th+7/+2+5+5+9 Greater Raising, Minor Creation 6/day
16th+8/+3+5+5+10 Ebon Armor IV
17th+8/+3+5+5+10 Above Death, Ebon Armor V
18th+9/+4+6+6+11 Minor Creation 7/day
20th+10/+5+6+6+12 ,legendary raising

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)

Class Features

Reanimators can't cast spells and have no physical prowess themselves. A reanimator's true power lies in his ability to raise and bolster his minions in a way that they may effectively serve him. All of the following are class features of the reanimator.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Reanimators are proficient with all weapons, and are not proficient with any type of armor or shields.

Reanimate the Dead (Ex): At will, a reanimator may revive one fallen enemy through a necromantic ritual similar to the Animate Dead spell. This costs no gold, requires five uninterrupted minutes to prepare the body, and the HD limit is equal to the user's reanimator levels. The undead creature may be raised with equal or less HD than it had in life, at the reanimator's descression, but never more. The type of undead to be created is chosen from those available based on the tier of Raising the reanimator has access to, based on level (ghouls and ghasts at level 5, mummies and shadows at level 10, etc.) with the restrictions noted in the ability descriptions. This may not be used on the corpses of plants, oozes, constructs, elementals, or undead. The undead you create do not retain the shape or size of the corpse used (skeletons and zombies are always human-based), but do use up the corpse as fuel, leaving only tainted ash.

The undead created by this ability are linked to the reanimator in such a way that he must command them to attack or use abilities telepathically, requiring a full round of concentration as if he were casting a spell with verbal and somatic componants; otherwise, they follow the reanimator around and carry out simple, non-combat commands. If the reanimator would be subject to anything that would normally cause him to make a concentration check as if he were casting a spell, he must do so as if it were a spell in level equal to half the HD of undead controlled, rounded down. If this check is failed, he must either give up control of his undead that turn, or take one point of damage per HD of undead he controls to have them carry out the combat order. If the reanimator is ever rendered unconcious or for whatever reason, his undead wait in place for their next command, but will defend themselves if attacked. The reanimator may intentionally destroy any undead under his control as a standard action. If the reanimator is killed, his undead return to death with him.

These undead may be turned or rebuked, but never destroyed or controlled. A reanimator may make a check as a free action, adding his reanimator levels and charisma bonus, DC 15 + total hit dice of all turned/rebuked undead, in order to free all of them from this effect, repeatable once per round.

A zombie raised by this ability does not gain the double HD noted in the template description. Raising a creature that causes the total HD of the undead under control to become greater than the user has reanimator levels is not possible. Wearing any type of armor or shield interferes with the control of the reanimator's minions resulting in this HD limit being halved.

Aura of Undeath (Ex): The reanimator constantly emits an aura of negative energies only detectable to other reanimators, the reanimator's own undead, and those using a detect evil spell, where the reanimator has an aura as an evil cleric of the same level.

The range of this aura is 5 ft. for every point of charisma bonus the reanimator has. For example, Kyle, the Elven reanimator, has a charisma of 17 giving him a bonus of +3, meaning his aura's range would be 15 ft. Even if the reanimator has no charisma bonus or a penalty, the range of this ability is still 5 ft. Any of the reanimator's undead within range of this aura gain a special ability as noted on the table below.

This aura has a very negative effect on the subconcious of strangers, and any charisma based check carried out by a reanimator when interacting with a non-evil NPC within range takes a -8 penalty; the aura cannot be suppressed.

Creature's bonus when within aura
TypeAbility Bonus|
Skeleton+1 to attack and damage roll per HD of the skeleton.
Ghoul+1 to attack roll for each similarly controlled undead within 5 ft (max of +4).
GhastAble to eat one corpse per day (rendering it useless for other purposes), healing Xd4 where X is the HD of the ghoul.
WraithNegates daylight powerlessness of the wraith
MorhgIncreases the DC of the fortitude save cuased by Paralyzing Touch by one fourth of the morhg's HD, rounded down.
BodakNegates vulnerability to sunlight of the bodak.
DevourerDevourers may only use their spell-like abilities while inside the aura.
Zombie1 bonus AC per HD of the zombie.

Gift of Shadows (Ex): At the second level, the reanimator has become accustumed to peering into and using shadows to his advantage. He and all of his undead gain a bonus on all move silently, hide, spot and search checks made in dark or shadowy areas equal to his wisdom bonus.

At seveth level, a reanimator gains darkvision up to 60 ft. regardless of wheather he had normal or low-light vision prior. If he already has darkvision, its range becomes 120 ft. instead. He also gains a dodge bonus to armor class equal to half of his wisdom bonus (rounded down).

At Fourteenth level, a reanimator has mastered the shadows, and can warp between them as if using the dimension door spell. He must warp alone, however, and he is restricted to moving only 10 ft. per wisdom bonus point per day. This limit can be split up per day; for example, Joe the level 14 drow reanimator has a wisdom bonus of +5. He can warp up to 50 ft. in one go, but could also warp 25 ft. two different times, etc.

Lesser Raising (Ex): A Reanimator of fifth level or higher can use the Reanimate the Dead ability to create Ghouls and Ghasts. A Ghast can only be created from a base creature with at least 5 HD. The reanimator may specify as many living creatures (including himself) as he wishes within range of his ghoul's stench ability to not be affected by it.

Major Raising (Ex): At tenth level and above, the reanimator may use the Reanimate the Dead ability to create mummies and shadows. A mummie can only be created from a base creature with at least 9 HD. A shadow can only be created from a base creature with 5 or more HD.

Greater Raising (Ex): At fifteenth level and higher, a reanimator may use the Reanimate the Dead ability to raise a Wraith or Morhg. A wraith may only be created from a base creature with 5 or more HD. A Morhg can only be created from a base creature with at least 15 HD.

Legendary Raising (Ex): At level 20 or higher, the reanimator can use the reanimate the dead ability to raise Bodaks or Devourers. A Badok must be created from a base creature with at least 10 HD. A Devourer may only be created from a base creature with 20 or more HD.

Ebon Armor (Sp): Starting at level four, once per day, as a standard action a reanimator may create a barrior of shadow around himself or anyone within 30 ft. This barrior gives the target damage resistance(-) equal to the reanimator's charisma bonus, and a dodge bonus to AC equal to 2, increasing by 2 every four levels, 4 at level 8, 6 at level 12, etc. Lasts a number of rounds equal to the reanimator's wisdom bonus.

Minor Creation (Sp): Starting at level 3 a reanimator may, as a free action, use a fresh corpse (no longer than one hour deceased) withing range of his Unholy Aura in order to instantly spawn a small, helpful creature that does his bidding and is controllable on the reanimator's turn, not requiring the reanimator's focus. These creatures can be targeted and destroyed, but have an armor class equal to 15 + the caster's reanimator levels, and 2 HP per charisma bonus of the reanimator. The length of time each type remains is noted in their descriptions. Every 3 levels after third, he gains an additional use of this ability per day.

-Concussive Beast-
This football-sized, insectoid creature detonates if allowed to attach to a target. The first turn after being summoned, it immediatly scurries up to any target at the reanimator's choice, with a movement speed of 30ft. per round, and makes a touch attack against the target at an attack bonus of half of the caster's levels in reanimator, rounded down. If this attack is successful, it latches to the target. A full-round action is required for the target attempt to pull it off, requiring a strength check DC 20 + the caster's level in reanimator. After one round on a target, it sends a shockwave to the target's head that incapacitates it for 1 round per charisma bonus of the reanimator. This stun is mind-effecting. The beast lasts for 1 minute or until it successfully explodes.
A small sprite rises from the corpse, serving as a guide. The wisp itself may cast one spell per every four reanimator levels of the creator, up to five at level 20, before dissipating in a shower of ash. Otherwise, it fades in one hour. The spells it may cast are: Detect Magic, Light, Know Direction, Detect Secret Doors, and Locate Object. These are cast at a caster level equal to the reanimator's charisma bonus.
Tiny, spined, beetle-like creatures swarm from the corpse, covering the equivalent of three 5-ft. squares, rearrangable as the reanimator wills, and able to move 10 ft. per round, though they must remain in adjacent squares. These beetles act like caltrops as described in the player's handbook, except they have a base attack bonus equal to that of the reanimator's charisma bonus.


A reanimator that has become good may never raise or control undead until he becomes neutral or evil once more; one who is truly good may never believe in the use of the restless dead to do his bidding. If the reanimator becomes good due to a spell or similar effect, any undead under his command turn on him and his allies.

Epic Reanimator

Table: The Epic

Hit Die: d

+ Int modifier skill points per level.



Bonus Feats: The epic Reanimator gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic bonus feats) every levels after 20th.

Epic Bonus Feat List: .

Reanimator Starting Package

Weapons: .

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.


Feat: .

Bonus Feats: .

Gear: .

Gold: .

Playing a Reanimator

Necessary information for playing a Reanimator.

Religion: Normally Reanimators worship Wee Jas being associated with death and magic.

Other Classes: Reanimators tend to be used to the company of undead and therefore are not very sociable.

Combat: back line or maybe near he front to utilize some of his combat raising.

Advancement: Suggested, Dread Necromancer.

Reanimators in the World

Reactions from the world around Reanimators and what happens in daily life of a Reanimator.

corpses are people in need of a little... fixing.
—Henretic, Human Reanimator

Reanimators tend to be unsociable and hostile so they tend to have not to many people like them.

Daily Life: Raise dead from graveyard in the night but stay close to party during the day and keeping his undead hidden.

Notables: Alenterok Elven Reanimator.

Organizations:they tend to meet in cemetery's and talk bout their undead to more or less brag but they can plan takeovers of city's by keeping undead posted all around the graveyard.

NPC Reactions: Dislike for no other reason than the smell of death and the undeath aura.

Reanimator Lore

Characters with ranks in knowledge religion can research Reanimators to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

5These types of necromancers specialize in raising the dead.
10Reanimators have no casting ability.
15They can raise powerful undead and some minor at will.
20Reanimators meet in cemetery's and can easily help any party destroy a village or an opponent of any kind.

Reanimators in the Game

Adaptation: .

Sample Encounter: .

EL whatever: .

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gollark: Macron idea: `let` is short for `__globals.insert`.
gollark: And yet.
gollark: The official heavserver server.
gollark: No, it's heavserver.
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