Raskas (3.5e Race)



Raskas are naturally curious and driven by wonderlust to explore. Raska's curiousness often leads them to amassing a collection of things they find interesting, what others may see as a pile of junk, Raskas see as fascinating kni and oftenck knacks and artful collections. These collections usually consists of anything old or broken with moving parts. They will often tinker with these trinkets until they are fixed or completely destroyed, with a suprising majority actually succeeding in the venture. Raskas have a strong sense of family, which is usually made up of two parents with between five and fifteen children at a time. These families congregate into groups called Nests, made up of five and possibly up to hundreds of families. These are lead by one called a Eldrin, who is usually the eldest Raska among them and is responsible for maintaining order and safety within the Nest. The position is a lifelong responsibility is chosen by the previous Eldrin before their passing, or by a majority rule vote of all adult Nest members. raskas are at best wary of strangers, but once trust is established Raskas are among the most kind and welcoming of races, and are quite fun-loving and joyful. Raskas love to display their acrobatic abilities in contests piting two against each other in tests of balance, or acrobatic grace.

Physical Description

Raskas stand between 5 1/2 and 6 1/2 feet tall with a slight hunch and weigh around 70 to 90 lbs. They have rat like heads and are covered in coarse fur that is brown, black, red, gray, or white in color. They have beady black eyes, two protruding front teeth, and the ears of a mouse or rat. Raskas have fleshy pink tails that are 2 to 3 feet in length. They have four fingers (including thumbs) with small claws. They also have the hind legs of a rodent. They have slender or athletic builds with males being slightly larger than females. They grow hair on their heads as humans do and males have manes starting from the back of the neck, trailing down the spine and back of the tail and ending in a triangular puff of fur at the end of the tail. Males tend to have longer, thinner muzzles, and larger ears. Females have rounder faces, and more curves in their body. Raska couples have 2 to 4 children at a time, once a year.


Raskas do not typically interact with larger races becuase they fear that the larger races do not see a difference between them and common house rats, even though this is usually not the case. This makes them come off as secretive or snooty to the other races. Raskas get along with halflings and gnomes very well though, Halfling for also being talented acrobats and Gnomes for their affinity for nature, and both for generally being fun-loving and friendly. they will typically get along with any race their size or smaller that is not openly hostile. Raskas are terribly frightened of Orcs, and will more often than not refuse to associate with Half-Orcs, on the basis that Orcs don't recognize the difference between Raskas, and rats and have been known to eat them if caught.


Raskas tend to be Neutral, favoring good over evil and having no bias towards lawful or chaotic.


Raskas have no formal country, but typically live in burrows throughout temperate plains and forests. Many Raskas live in large human cities as well, and these are the only places they are found in large numbers.


Raskas are not generally religous, but many will pray to their ancestors or to spirits of the wild.


Raskas speak their own language, Rodese, which is largely made up of squeaks, growls, pants, purrs, and snorts as well as facial and hand gestures to indicate meaning and emotion, and Common. Rodese is near imposible to teach to non-Raskas as the frequecies reached are above human hearing, though ironically enough Catfolk seem to be able to pick it up with ease.


Raska children are named at birth in Rodese and then they choose a name when they are five years old, their first names are usually a two or three word descriptive quality followed by son or daughter of. Most Raska will add a human name after their original first name to make them more individual, than state their father's chosen name to shorten the length. Examples include Iron Hide John son of Robin or Rossa Dagger Claw daughter of Mandel. Raska may also simply go by their chosen human name or a nickname suggested by a close friend. If a Raska doesn't wish to reveal his real name most will simply go by the alias of Ras.

Racial Traits

  • +4 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, 2 Strength, 2 Charisma: Raskas are very nimble and suprisingly though, but are rather weak, and their frightened nature makes them distant.
  • Humanoid (Vermin): Raskas are in the general shape of a human, but they have rodent qualities.
  • Medium: Raskas get no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Raska base land speed is 30 feet: However when carrying nothing in their hands they may run on all fours increasing speed to 40 feet.
  • Low light vision: Raskas can see twice as far as humans in conditions of poor light.
  • +4 racial bonus to Balance, Jump, Tumble, and Move Silently checks
  • -2 Saving Throws vs fear effects.
  • +2to Listen to listen checks.
  • Automatic Languages: Rodese and Common. Bonus Languages: Any non-secret languages.
  • Favored Class: Rogue.
  • Level Adjustment:0

Vital Statistics

Table: Raskas Random Starting Ages
15 years+1d4+1d8+1d12
Table: Raskas Aging Effects
Middle Age1Old2Venerable3Maximum Age
35 years60 years85 years+3d10 years
  1. At middle age, 1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  2. At old age, 2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
  3. At venerable age, 3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
Table: Rasaka Random Height and Weight
GenderBase HeightHeight ModifierBase WeightWeight Modifier
Male5' 2"+3d675 lb.× 2 lb.
Female5' 0"+3d465 lb.× 2 lb.

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gollark: Is there much of a reason to not do so, though?
gollark: Interesting.
gollark: I don't care about that, I just mean that running something in an emulator is not actually what porting means.
gollark: Emulators aren't technically the same thing.
gollark: Also, they probably make money off console sales.
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