Rascal (5e Subclass)

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Rogue Subclass

Disclaimer: the Rascal is supposed to be a rogue who can play a more support based role. This rogue subclass may appears more “slapstick” than others but I think that’s just part of the theme of disruption the subclass has.

Some rogues spend time preparing tricks to use when a plan goes south. These kinds of rogues have many tricks with numerous applications. If you ever catch one of these rogues and they haven't tried anything cunning yet, they're just waiting for your guard to go down.

Rogue LevelTricks KnownTrick Uses

Dirty Tricks

When you reach 3rd level, you learn some tricks to use in and out of combat. The amount of tricks that can be used and known are listed in the Rascal Tricks table. The following are tricks to use with this subclass

Pocket Sand

Requirements: None

When you use this trick as an action you make a melee weapon attack with proficiency based on Dexterity. If you hit your target, they have disadvantage on all attacks made until the end of their next turn. If this trick is used to initiate combat, the target will be surprised for the first round when hit by this trick. (Your DM can allow the use of other objects such as ball bearings to be used instead of sand)

Thrown Noise

Requirements: None

When you use this trick as an action you can throw a device on the ground up to 30 feet away from you. This device causes every enemy within a 10 feet radius of it to have disadvantage on their first attack on their next turn. If an enemy is within five feet of you when you use this trick they remain unaffected by the disadvantage. Enemies casting a spell that uses concentration will have to make a DC 11 Constitution Saving throw to not break concentration.

Leg Sweep

Requirements: None

When you use this trick as an bonus action you can make an unarmed strike to knock a bipedal creature that is medium or smaller prone, you may choose to make another attack against a second enemy who is both adjacent to you and the first target. You can attack a maximum of 3 creatures with this trick.

Smoke Bomb

Requirements: None

When you use this trick as a part of your movement you cannot be hit by opportunity attacks until your turn ends.

Cheap Blow

Requirements: None

When you use this trick as one of your attacks you make an attack that, in addition to its damage, causes the next person to target the creature hit by this trick to have advantage on the attack.

False Death

Requirements: None

When you use this trick as an action you become prone on the ground and become indistinguishable from a corpse via non-magic means. This can last until you need to eat or drink.

Pressure Point

Requirements: Level 7 Rogue

When you use this trick as an action you grapple a target with the option of using Dexterity(Sleight of Hand) instead of Strength(Athletics). After you grapple the target you can make a Charisma(Intimidation) check against the targets Wisdom(Insight) to convince the target that you will preform something that will cause a lot of pain. If you convince the target you will cause them serious harm if they move, the target will be incapable of contesting the grapple until you take damage. At any point after you have the target grappled (whether you fail to convince the target or not) you can choose to go through with an attack at advantage, ending this trick.


Requirements: Level 7 Rogue

When you use this trick as an attack you make an unarmed strike that stuns the target until their next turn ends on hit.

Signature Trick

When you reach 3rd level in this class, you can pick any trick you meet the requirements for (regardless of whether or not you know it) and make it your signature trick. You can use your signature trick a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. All uses of your signature trick are regained on a long rest. You can change what trick is your signature trick at a long rest.

Reckless Foolery

When you reach 9th level in this class, you are able to recklessly overwhelm an opponent with swift blows and minor tricks before they can tell what happened. You can use this feature whenever you land a sneak attack to deal an extra d6 of damage as well as allowing the next person to attack the creature to have advantage on the attack. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Dexterity Modifier + Proficiency.

Crafty Trickster

When you reach 13th level in this class, you learn how to set up your tricks while going a long time without proper planning time. Upon entering combat with 0 trick uses, you regain 1 trick use. Upon entering combat with 0 signature trick uses, you regain 1 signature trick use.

Redirected Rage

When you reach 17th level in this class, you gain the ability to get enemies to hit eachother instead of you. When you use this feature as an action, you choose up to 4 creatures within 10 feet of you, you then taunt these 4 creatures. All of the creatures will move towards you on their turn and make attacks to eachother randomly. This feature can be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regains all uses over a long rest.

gollark: UNBANNINATE the testbot swarms, "Gib"son.
gollark: Testbot4, servers.
gollark: Testbot2, servers.
gollark: Testbot1, servers.
gollark: Testbot3, servers.
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