Random Supernatural Being Generator (DnD Other)

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1Tiny ( less than 1')
2Tiny (1' - 2')
3-4Small (2' - 3')
5-6Small (3' - 4')
7-9Medium (4' - 6')
10-12Medium (6' - 8')
13-15Large (8' - 12')
16-18Large (12' - 16')
19-20Huge (16' - 24')
21-22Huge (24' - 32')
23Gargantuan (32' - 48')
24Gargantuan (48' - 64')



1The creature is the classical "perfect specimen": Extremely masculine (if male) or extremely feminine (if female) with ideal humanoid features.
2The creature has a divine, angelic sort of beauty.
3The creature looks extremely cute and innocent.
4The creature is an ugly sort of cute; even if it looks gross, you can't help but feel pity for it.
5The creature radiates a magnetic aura of attraction that inspires love in others regardless of its physical appearance.


1The creature has a completely skeletal body, with no flesh.
2The creature has one or more skeletal limbs.
3The creature has the head and face of a skeleton.
4The creature looks and smells like a rotting corpse.
5The creature has one or more rotten limbs.
6The creature has the head and face of a rotting corpse.
7The creature is constantly oozing blood from its eyes or skin, even if it has no visible wounds.
8The creature looks badly maimed and torn apart, as if was recently and violently murdered.
9The creature is deathly pale white or yellow, like a corpse.
10The creature is filthy, and constantly caked with blood, dirt, and filth.


1The creature is perpetually on fire.
2The creature is made of fire or lava.
3The creature is made of ice.
4The creature is a living, three-dimensional shadow.
5The creature radiates an aura of seering heat or freezing cold.
6The creature is made of light or some other energy.
7The creature is made of clay or stone.
8The creature is a walking tree or some other sort of plant.
9The creature is made of mist, fog, or smoke.
10The creature is constantly cloaked in darkness, making it hard to discern its features.
11The creature is constantly radiating blindingly bright light, making it hard to discern its features.
12The creature's lower body is made of energy; it hovers or flies around.

Freakish Proportions

1The creature has an oversized head.
2The creature has a huge jaw and a ridiculously thick neck.
3The creature has a tiny head that is too small for its body.
4The creature has oversized ears.
5The creature has oversized eyes.
6The creature has an oversized nose.
7The creature has oversized hands.
8The creature has oversized feet.
9The creature has one or more huge, muscular arms.
10The creature has one or more huge, muscular legs.
11The creature has disproportionately long, slender arms.
12The creature has disproportionately long, slender legs.
13The creature has a hulking, massively muscular torso.
14The creature is extremely slender.
15The creature is extremely fat.


1The creature has metal armor grafted to its body.
2The creature is completely covered with a metal exoskeleton. It may look like a robot, a golem, or an animated suit of armor.
3The creature is mechanical on the inside. It may have a clockwork brain, or bleed oil instead of blood.
4The creature has a mechanical head.
5The creature has one or more metal, artificial limbs.
6The creature has wheels or treads for a lower body.
7The creature's limbs end in manufactured weapons (e.g. swords or guns), have built-in weapons, or can transform into weapons.
8The creature has a metal skeleton on the inside.
9The creature has metal teeth and claws.
10The creature is split vertically into a mechanical half and a biological half.

gollark: For a thing I'm working on I need mathy blocks and wikilinks, and yet markdown does not support these without having to bodge some horrible custom parsing on top.
gollark: CommonMark is well-supported but also nightmarishly complex to implement and it doesn't support stuff like mathy blocks.
gollark: The main issue with Markdown is that the standards for it are basically useless.
gollark: I mostly write content as markdown, which renders somewhat consistently.
gollark: Idea: Esolang based on text formatting.
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